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Favorite/Ugliest/Cutest/Most Annoying Female/Male Child Awards!


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How come that doesn't explain how I love Cynthia and completely neglect the other one.

Well in my canon, Cynthia's my wife and Morgan's our little girl. In your canon where Cynthia and Morgan are siblings, Morgan's the unfavorite while Cynthia gets all your love. Uh...it's kinda complicated to think about, father-in-law.

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I like pretty much all the children equally except Yarne and Severa.

I guess I like Severa less, I hate stuck up characters who treat others poorly. I think Cynthia's support with her because she actually does something about.

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That seems to be her implied age. Well, pre-teen, at least. Her dad says she at 'that age' when she wants cute dresses, and she's always younger than her dad (i.e. younger than Ricken whose like 13). Not to mention she acts like she's probably the youngest of the kids as well. She also looks like she's young, but it's hard to tell with this art style. Honestly I'd be surprised if she's meant to be 15 or older.

In one of the Xenologues, if Severa initiates a battle against Ephraim, they get a conversation that implies that she's older than him (I'm too lazy to find it). I doubt that Ephraim is a pre-teen. :X

EDIT: Here it is:


YOU...want to fight ME? Aren't you a little young to be throwing your life away?


...Aren't you a little old to be talking like some lackwit's brat?

Edited by Kinumi
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Nah is best child. Shes so cute im gonna die.

Severa is worst child. Shes a brat.

lies, you still use her all the time

Just imagine if Severa won for worst and best.

that'd be hilarious

fits her personality at least

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Fav goes to Laurent probably because I'm certain I have a "serious-attraction-to-glasses" problem.

But other than that, he's probably one of those characters I can relate to personality wise.

Least fav goes to Severa because hoooooly crap, I cannot put up with her nagging all the time.

I love all the kids but in terms of "if I was a babysitter and all the 2nd Gen units were kids I had to take care of", Severa is the first to be thrown in the ocean without delay because sometimes I am sooooo done with her bratty teenage endeavors.

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My favorite is by far Lucina.

Least is Gerome.

I love Lucina- she's an extremely strong female character who isn't sexualized, but deep down, she's a soft woman who -needs- others, and despite that outer strength, she's not a Tsundere-esque character at all. Yes, she's serious, but she needs to be: she understands the weight of her task. She also has the most development out of all of the characters to boot, really-- especially if you get that MaMU's support with her is a lead up to their alternate Ch 21 scene (well, hey, a support that actually shows the characters' development thru it in the main game...) She's actually quite complex and is rather endearing.

Gerome... ugh. No, no defeatists allowed. You're only good as a unit. Or being with Severa. (I really don't like Gerome. The fact that he literally doesn't care that the world is doomed, and expects everyone to fail "because fate" just drives me insane. Sure, he's not a coward, but he's still.... ugh.) (And a special case of hate: the Gerome/Lucina pairing. I'd willingly take Arvis/Deirdre over that garbage any day of the week.)

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Favorite is Severa, because I have a weakness for tsunderes.

Least favorite... I think I chose Nah (though Female Morgan was rather close) just because Nah's... her supports didn't endear me to her (similar to Female Morgan, but I found Female Morgan had more likeable supports than Nah.)

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My favorite is probably Inigo, even though I haven't recruited him yet (I will soon). He just seems like my kind of character and he's hot. :D I adore male Morgan too though. And Gerome is cool. I think Severa is pretty alright too from what I've seen.

Least favorite right now is Lucina. She is just boring and ugly as hell, imo. And she has no sense of humor because she doesn't get jokes. I don't like people who can't get jokes.

Edited by Anacybele
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Don't search anymore.

Like a boss, Owain just says :

"Owain needs no aid !"

And it's perfectly true, in this poll. :Joshua:

BUT, the least is obviously my honey of Morgan (F).

My little cheated girl... :D

Edited by Godot
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Owain. I like how he just does his own thing. It's weird to other people but it all makes sense to him. In a way...

Severa is right after Owain though. Her crit quotes always make me laugh a bit. Yeah she's a brat but I don't know... I feel like I can't blame her for being that way.




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Lucina's in another ballpark then the rest of them for me with a distant second being Brady or Nah.

Owain is my least favorite character in the game he just seems so incredibly pathetic.

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Severa is awesome and has a fun attitude, as well as being a good female mercernary. Brady as a mage with galeforce is deadly, so that bumps him up.

I never really cared for Laurent. Too similar to his mom in too many way to be a useful or likeable unit.

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Who wouldn't like her personality and characteristics? <333


Silly wabbit. Trix are for chumps.


Never was fond of wabbits.

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Favorites would have to be Lucina, Brady, Cynthia and Owain. Actually, I like most all the kids except Kjelle, Gerome, Severa and Nah.

Least favorites...I guess Kjelle. I want to like her, I really do, but she just irks me with how she treats everyone she thinks is weak like trash. Heck, in her supports with Lucina she outright states that she hates the weak. And the worst part is that she never let's go of that mentality, instead forcing people to train to be on her level instead of accepting them for who they are. The fact that her character can pretty much be described as "I MUST GET STRONGER" doesn't help.

Gerome is okay, I just find his character type overused. Severa I have mixed feelings about, because on one hand I'm sick to death of tsunderes and she's a brat but on the other hand she's probably one of the most fleshed out kids in that she actually has a psychological reason for her behavior instead of getting a quirk just to be quirky. Nah is cute and I love her supports with MaMorgan, but the issue is that in every other romatic support she has she is AWFUL. Threatening Inigo into marriage, basically calling Laurent a creeper, and guilting Brady into marriage (sure her feelings became mutual at the end of the support but that doesn't change the way she was acting before that). On the bright side, she is utterly OP with the right dad and she's got good friendship supports,

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