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What are characters that you never use and why?


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Because his personality annoys me to no end. As he is only trying to copy his brother Roy. "If we don't save the world, who will?" See. Annoying. I mean seriously...shaddap.


Because he sucks in Micaiah's army and probably fails in this game too. Plus he pisses people off by saying "What do you want?" upon the summoning/spotpass shop screen.


Because he sucks in his game.


Never was fond of the Tangeel.


Because I never liked rabbits...erm Tangeel.


Because her personality annoys me and she just wants me to kick her butt, throw up, kick her butt, and throw up again.



God. Seriously. If your shy, WHY DO YOU WEAR SEE THROUGH CLOTHING? You slut. .____.

Edited by 綾波
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Boah: I just dislike characters like that in general. I've disliked him to the point of now always killing him off before I unlock the other prisoners.

Hardin: I've never had a reason to use him, as by the time he's recruited, I've got three horsemen already.

Vyland: Same as above^

Sedgar: Ditto^

Meg: Because she's Meg :P

Fiona: Because she's hardly there in Part 1, and useless afterwards.

Renning, Giffca, Caineghis, Gareth: Becuase they join too late in the game.

Miriel: She's annoying.

Laurent: He's another mage, join semi-late & is Miriels son.

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I tend to make a team and stick with them after a while sometimes switching some out for the peeps I don't really use for a change.

I use everyone but I just prefer my main team.

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Because his personality annoys me to no end. As he is only trying to copy his brother Roy. "If we don't save the world, who will?" See. Annoying. I mean seriously...shaddap.

Actually all he wants to do is protect Roy, not emulate him. Three of his supports are about him wanting to become stronger, one is about riding horseback and the last is with Roy himself and it's about Roy telling Wolt not to worry so much about him.


Because her personality annoys me and she just wants me to kick her butt, throw up, kick her butt, and throw up again.




God. Seriously. If your shy, WHY DO YOU WEAR SEE THROUGH CLOTHING? You slut. .____.

And no mention of any dark mages? They have see through clothing too.

The only units that really irk me are Tomas, Amelia and Mist... mostly because I've never had any luck with them. -8 speed Mist hurts.

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. And no mention of any dark mages? They have see through clothing.

The dark mages' characters arent directly contradicted by their design, unlike olivia

Ive never used tomas or midia (fe11-12), and after using him in a playthrough once, will never use ronan again.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Tons of them

Half of FE11 need a special mention because beside like..... Minerva, Wendell, The early game Cavalier, Hardin, and some shit the other characters are not worth using IMO

Also most underlevelled characters

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Kellam (Never realied he was there)

Ricken (Tell me how you could possibly use him? It's almost illegal...)

Vaike: (His stupidity bothers me)

Sumia: (I know she has the potential to be awesome and she's super OTP with Chrom but I always preferred Cordelia and Severa.)

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75% the cast of Shadow Dragon, Fiora, Wil, Neimi, Legault, a load of pre premotes, Makalov, Danved, Meg, Lucia, most fighters who are not named Nolan, Heather, Vika and Tormod.

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Kellam (Never realied he was there)

Ricken (Tell me how you could possibly use him? It's almost illegal...)

Vaike: (His stupidity bothers me)

Sumia: (I know she has the potential to be awesome and she's super OTP with Chrom but I always preferred Cordelia and Severa.)

In my current pair-upless run, my Ricken is matching Chrom's speed point for point. :<

So yeah, currently doing an awakening run where I use the characters I don't normally.

4: Only played once.

5: Not played yet.

6: Never really used the pegs, nor Cath/Asthol. Don't think I've used Hugh either despite massive love for Caney.

7: Actually didn't use Raven for the longest time. Never use Erk, Wil, Rath, Wallace...

8: Aside from Duessel/Seth/Lords/Moulder, there aren't many characters I can admit to using much. I've played more romhacks than vanilla fe8 though.

9: Mia/Neph (SORRY), Devdan (this time I'm actually sorry, I love you Devdan), Tanith (clearly I should though!)

10: Dawn brigade units that aren't Zihark/Nolan/Tauroneo/Ilyana/Aran. Might've tried using Mia before ditching her.

11: Not played.

12: Pretty sure I've only used Marth, MU, Palla/Catria/Caeda, Barst, Draug, Xane and Feena. Oh, and the mages. The mages are cool. Especially Etzel.

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FE1/FE11: why would I use Dolph or Macellan

FE2: Well, I'll always use Dyute.

FE3/12: Over half the cast, geez. I'll never use chumps like Bord, Cord, Belf, etc.

FE4 Gen I: Ardan lolol

FE4 Gen II: I don't use Arthur or Tinny much because Julia's way better.

FE5: Still playing but I don't think I'd use chumps like Trewd or Shanam.

FE6: why would I use Bors, Barth, or Wendy

FE7: Dorcas, Bartre/Karla, and Renault, but even then they see some use. I like using everyone in this game.

FE8: Same case as FE7, but Amelia, Knoll, and Ewan RARELY get used.

FE9: Ulki.

FE10: I don't have this, but I probably wouldn't use more than half the cast, haha.

FE13: I never use the extra paralogue characters (Priam, Emmeryn, Yen'fay, Aversa, Gangrel).

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4. Lester. He's useful but nothing he does stands out. Thus he warms the bench.

7. Not a fan of Lowen as a unit. Too slow, low skill. Tanky-ness is nice but....meh.

6. Opposite with Thany, who is just too freaking fragile for me to try to use and this games rather high axe-user count. It looks like a still breeze could blow her away. That and 4 con >.<

8. Larachel. level 3 healer when most of your people will be like leve l15? No thanks. That and GBA healers are a pain to train.


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Because he sucks in Micaiah's army and probably fails in this game too. Plus he pisses people off by saying "What do you want?" upon the summoning/spotpass shop screen.


Because he sucks in his game.


God. Seriously. If your shy, WHY DO YOU WEAR SEE THROUGH CLOTHING? You slut. .____.

Leonardo and Edwardare actually very good units to use, they just need time and patience. I fail to see how wearing see-through clothes makes Olivia a slut.


Ricken (Tell me how you could possibly use him? It's almost illegal...)

I think Ricken is closer to 17 or something, because in his profile, it says he acts like a kid, and in one of his endings, it says he starts acting his age, if you were referring to age.

I never use Jeigans, since they end up being completely worthless soon after the beginning.

I hate Shinon's personality, there's nothing really positive about it, except that he took the time to train Rolf, though he made him keep it secret for some reason.

I hate Boah because he's so worthless, and even comes late in the game!

I find Ike to be a very, very poorly done lord. He's boring and nothing makes him stand out.

I don't like Soren because his personality is annoying as well.

Edited by GabrielKnight
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I never use Tiki (Awakening) in my runs. It's not that her paralouge is hard, (Just bring Galeforce Units) it's that she arrives pretty late in the game and I never feel like raising another Manakete. Even if I use EXPentional Growth.

Then again, I might choose her as my wife in one of my later playthroughs. But I would rather Nowi, tbh.

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Oh boy, so many to chose from

FE6: Any of the Knights (theyre all so boring, like a majority of the FE6 cast), Treck, Garrett

FE7: Raven (What a jerk)

FE8: Syrene (Comes too late, too much competition with the other fliers), Duessel (Same thing as Syrene essentially)

FE9 & FE10: All Laguz (never been a big fan), Makalov, Heather, Fiona, Meg, Calil

FE11& FE12: Tomas (although I really want to try him), Dolph/The other knight guy, Darros, Maria, RICKARD (why so terrible?), Beck, Xane

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....wait actually?

I did not remember that...it's been too long since I've played FE10. I thought Rolf was good.

> Archer

> Good

Thats like mostly a paradox bro, considering this is Intellgent "Lets make Archers Slow, Squishy, and deal little damage" Systems we're talking about

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For ALL Fire Emblem game I've played.

If you're Journeyman, Fighter, Warrior. Berserker, or Reaver who's name is not Ross or Boyd, I won't even bother with you.

If you're not a Knight/General then I might use you. (Pretty much already have a 'set' team)

Same as FE6.



Makalov: lolnope

Denved: Shutup

Shinon: Must keep the three brothers on my main team.

Any of the Peg. Knights: As much as I LOVE Peg. Knights, I just can't find myself using any of them in this game. Elincia I can stand only for her special weapon.

Cat Laguz: I tend to avoid using Laguz but I'll use them for the kicks and giggles every now and then. I avoid cat laguz at all cost though. Never had a laguz on my endgame team, who weren't required, and never will.

Does that make me racist?


If you're a Knight/General: noooooooooope

Wrys: I don't mind male healers but... But...

Wendell: lol

Anyone in the Wolfgaurd: None of them interest me.

There are a lot more for this game but I'm not going to bother listing every single unit I don't use because I don't like them/they don't interest me.


Yarne: nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopnope man the fuck up

Everyone else is fair game.

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> Archer> Good Thats like mostly a paradox bro, considering this is Intellgent "Lets make Archers Slow, Squishy, and deal little damage" Systems we're talking about

I meant Good in terms of how good archers can be.

Then again, I've always been a pretty big fan of archerers, even the crappy ones.

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Archers aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be, sure you might as well use a mage, but it's not the end of the world if you use one. But they do need an EXP boost as well as base stats up.

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Archer vs Mage comparison kinda does not work

I mean, if you can say... defend the Mage, you get a unit who does good damage

If you manage to protect the Archer, you get a unit who does low damage

They are both squishy, and as an extra, Archers are usually pretty damn slow, which is another strike against them

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