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So a future FE confirms who had children with who.

The Void

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However, the game pulls a Thracia 776 where a third option is taken when it comes to one pairing or more.

For those who don't know, in Genealogy of the Holy War one of the women, known as Raquesis, had among her suitors Finn and Beowulf. In the game, you can only pair Raquesis with one of the men.

Thracia 776 has Raquesis not only be with Beowulf, but also Finn. What with how Delmud can use the Beo Sword but Nanna can't.

How do you see that happening if a game tied to Awakening took a third option?

Edited by The Void
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let's be honest given the game's track record we all know it's going to end up that the avatar banged everyone

well except morgan

but otherwise everyone's canon non-main parent is the avatar and there is a metric fuckton of morgans running around

morgan emblem

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let's be honest given the game's track record we all know it's going to end up that the avatar banged everyone

well except morgan

but otherwise everyone's canon non-main parent is the avatar and there is a metric fuckton of morgans running around

morgan emblem

yo avatar is a pimp man props to him

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Considering the fanbase? Utter pandemonium.

oh, wait, you were talking about how a game would execute that? Considering the vast number of possibilities, I think that attempting to try to do any sort of option would... not work out.

The only ones where I could see them even trying to establish a canon would be with Sumia and Chrom, as that's sort of what they (tried) to imply in game. Even that would result in... er... well, I think the very vocal and rabid fangirls are proof enough... unfortunately.

short version - I don't think that would work unless they do some way to transfer your save data and have all those different scenarios written down.

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I admit I would liked it if they create a complex situation such as what they did in FE5 with Finn and Raquesis. They actually get with each other in a relationship, but its not a simple "you love me, me love you, we are happy family who have daughter and son". Its IMO one of the better executed love story in FE, up there with Igrene x Astohl

However not only fe13 nature of "everyone get with everything with characterization split as small as possible to fit everyone" make this does not work, the fact that fe4 caused an uproar even when Finn x Lachesis is the most popular pairing of 2 very popular character should tell enough >_>

P.S. I can see this sort of things happened with Frederick x Cordelia. Just saiyan

P.S.S. I need to remind that Leif x Nanna is canon. Clearly princess Nanna want to ride his Prince in White Armor Master Steed, and wield his Rescue Staff. Too bad Nanna can't wield them in FE4 because her staff wielding rank is not good enough

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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*Looks at title* >.>


Man, I can't imagine what that'd do to all the "shipping wars" and claims about "canon pairings" that I keep hearing about.

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They could go for a Mass Effect style save import feature. That would likely mean that the fathers would have minimum screen time and there would only me minimalist references to the fathers as well.

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Thracia 776 has Raquesis not only be with Beowulf, but also Finn. What with how Delmud can use the Beo Sword but Nanna can't.

What with how the official site stated Beowulf being Nanna's father despite being unable to use the beosword? funny thing is she is the only one having been ever confirmed being Fergus's sibling yet is never considered his half-sister by the fans. To be honest, I think (and it seems to me that was IS's plan) that Finn is only her adoptive father.

In fact the whole relationship between Finn and Lachesis seems kinda contradictory (aren't they just "comrades" in the fall of thracia? with the only quirk being Lachesis living as a war refugee in Finn's house)

Edited by Sartek
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What with how the official site stated Beowulf being Nanna's father despite being unable to use the beosword? funny thing is she is the only one having been ever confirmed being Fergus's sibling yet is never considered his half-sister by the fans. To be honest, I think (and it seems to me that was IS's plan) that Finn is only her adoptive father.

She is also the only one who is called Finn's daughter, somewhat made to resemble FInn in 5, and the one who is doing the callout(and to be honest, the callout that Nanna does in FE4 makes total sense). Granted this can be related on how Delmud is underdeveloped compared to Nanna, but its..... something

On an unrelated note, if we are going by appearance, Sigurd is Sharlow's father, Lex is Lester's father, and Finn is Sety's father

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Well some character and possible parents, sometimes even both from Blazing Sword are not mentioned in person in Binding Blade, so it could work(I know, I know the order is reversed, but they surely started some working on the first while developing the later).

A prominent example would be Lyn, who is not mentioned although she is the potential mother of both Roy and Lilina aswell as Sue. oO

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I'm not sure if the additional "but they did it like 776!" was supposed to make me more likely to say, "yeah, sounds cool"... But... It make me less likely to do it. That sounds horrible.

Granted, I wouldn't be too keen on canon-ing in general... "Oh, wait? I'm now a man? O-Okay... My name's Robin? Sure. I married Tharja? Well, she was in love with me anyway. White hair? Why now? Two daughters? Well... My daughter is married to -- "

Yeah, you get the picture. I'm a woman who's named Mark who married Gangrel with blue hair and one son. And I like that.

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She is also the only one who is called Finn's daughter, somewhat made to resemble FInn in 5, and the one who is doing the callout(and to be honest, the callout that Nanna does in FE4 makes total sense). Granted this can be related on how Delmud is underdeveloped compared to Nanna, but its..... something

Just as Mareeta's the only one who has been called Eyvel's daughter. And if it was that obvious, why is only LevinxFury made official by the 20th anniversary book?

Going to the main subject I think I have been a bit too much out of topic, trying to impose official pairing is complete madness.

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unless they do some way to transfer your save data and have all those different scenarios written down.

And screw coding that crap.

A nice twist would be to actually have Chrom be with Cordelia. Especially given Lucina's striking resemblance to the latter.

You're taking that troll image from 4chan a little too seriously.

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And screw coding that crap.

That would be a lot of flags and a LOT of extra dialogue. A lot. That's dedicated insanity and few have that (I certainly don't).

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Just as Mareeta's the only one who has been called Eyvel's daughter.

Mareeta has his own father out there in the same game. Eyvel also has her own daughter and son who is mentioned in Thracia 776.

Nanna does not

And we are comparing Nanna and Delmud. Nanna have 2 conversation with Finn(one being exclusively written at that) that at least shows his relationship with Finn(hint: Its terrible). Delmud does not have any conversation with Finn. Thanks to this, it is MUCH easier to perceive Delmud as the one that is not Finn's offspring instead of Nanna

Also the less said about Nanna's birthdate and the such, the better(because Leif acting like 3 years old while being a 1 years old at most is already a madness).

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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That would be a lot of flags and a LOT of extra dialogue. A lot. That's dedicated insanity and few have that (I certainly don't).

I dunno, if they actually make a sequel to this game (or a mid-quel like Thracia set on the bad future) I'm pretty sure they'll recycle the engine while doing small improvements like they did with the GBA games and if that's the case then they have a lot of work done for them that can be spent precisely coding little details to enhance the experience (and actually balancing the game of course).

I just don't like developers using "nope, too hard to code" as an excuse when it's just a bunch of flags. Also I would like to be spared the fandom crapstorm that canonized parents for this game would mean.

Edited by Jackos
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You're taking that troll image from 4chan a little too seriously.

Huh? What image? I wasn't thinking of any images. I really do think Lucina looks more like Cordelia than any of the other first gen girls, including any of Female Avatar's possible appearances.

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I personally wouldn't care if they decided to make some couples canon in order to make a sequel game. They could just slap the artwork hair colors on the kids and never mention who their parents were (Lucina being the exception because Chrom's a given) and send them on their merry ways.

However, in order to avoid transferring stats over, I wouldn't be surprised at a midquel branching off of one of the Xenologues, or a big time-gap sequel where the twelve heroes were only remembered as legend.

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Opening movie shows Chrom x Sumia as "canon" couple although I always felt game wanted your playthrough to be canon based upon your own decisions.

Also I remember some media chat about Awakening being last ever game if sales did not perform (luckily not the case) so sequel was never planned.

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Huh? What image? I wasn't thinking of any images. I really do think Lucina looks more like Cordelia than any of the other first gen girls, including any of Female Avatar's possible appearances.


That might not be a coincedence.

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I always thought it'd be like a Mass Effect style thing if they ever did something like that. I doubt that they would. A lot. That'd be hard to do, in the first place. I mean...hell. I don't know. I'm not even a part of the dev team and it sounds like a pain in the ass. But who knows what they're gonna do...to me it just seems more likely they'd make another Fire Emblem in a different setting, or at least a long ways from where we left off.

I do know for sure though...it's going to be a year or more before we see another one. (I wouldn't mind an Advance Wars 3DS title in the meantime)

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