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So I need some advice for APO Secret route..

Auro Astum

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Hi, i'm new here. I've been kind've forum lurking every time I've played a Fire Emblem and I thought i'd finally make an account. Nice to meet everyone.

Alright, so this is was my first playthrough of Fire Emblem Awakening, and while im pretty sure alot of my decisions and whatnot have been sub-optimal at best, i'd still like to give the Apotheosis Secret Route a try. I have the majority of the dlcs so i'm hoping it will make it doable.

(I do intend to LB everyone but I just haven't really gotten around to it yet)

My currently best units consist of

Dread Fighter MaMU. +SKl -LUCK (Armsthrift, Ignis, Lifetaker, LB, Agressor)

Great Lord Chrom (LB, Dual Strike+, Rightful King, Aether, Aegis)

Great Lord Sumia!Lucina (Aether, Dual Strike +, Defender, Rightful King, Charm) -Still needs Limit Breaker

Swordmaster Lucina!Morgan (Veteran, Swordfaire, Aether, Lifetaker, Ignis) -Still needs Limit Breaker

Manakete Tank Nowi (LB, All stats +2, Lifetaker, Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane)-Paired with Gregor typically

Swordmaster Gregor (Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker, All Stats +2) -Still needs Limit Breaker

Manakete Tank Mk2. Tiki (LB, All Stats +2, Wyrmsbane, Odd Rhythm, Open Slot) -usually paired with Gregor!Nah

Those are my current best units. I do have a Sorcerer squad consisting of Tharja, Henry, and Henry!Noire, and while I haven't developed them as much as I should have I have a Chrom!Cynthia with Aether and Galeforce a Libra!Inigo with Galeforce and a Gaius!Severa with Galeforce.

Soo...any tips or suggestions or am I kinda hopeless for Apotheosis secret route? I know it allows 20 units and I plan or Street/Spot passing a rally bot or two and trying to bring everyone up to par with my better units.

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brave weapons and Luna, all day every day

oh and Galeforce

This is right, but even then it'll probably need some severe editing. Like zerker Gregs, and lifetaker and deliverer on Tiki. Veteran will be a pointless skill for Apo, so get rid of that. SM!Morgan does NOT want Ignis; she wants luna. If Libra!Inigo is not a magical class or a mixed attacker, that's what he should be (e.g. Sage with Vantage, Vengeance, AT, Sol, LB).

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This is right, but even then it'll probably need some severe editing. Like zerker Gregs, and lifetaker and deliverer on Tiki. Veteran will be a pointless skill for Apo, so get rid of that. SM!Morgan does NOT want Ignis; she wants luna. If Libra!Inigo is not a magical class or a mixed attacker, that's what he should be (e.g. Sage with Vantage, Vengeance, AT, Sol, LB).

um, no

what Tiki needs is to get out of Manakate ASAP (also Nowi)

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Rescue Staff is basically a 5 Use of Galeforce. Except you only need to pay 1k to use it

Also Dancer!Olivia, because if theres one thing that many don't realize, its the fact that Dancer utility is broken, and in fact even more so after you have maximized characters especially with Galeforce

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Rescue Staff is basically a 5 Use of Galeforce. Except you only need to pay 1k to use it

Also Dancer!Olivia, because if theres one thing that many don't realize, its the fact that Dancer utility is broken, and in fact even more so after you have maximized characters especially with Galeforce

no it isn't, gotta use up a unit's turn on rescue :Kappa:

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It's been proven that you can do Apotheosis without DLC. However, here's the way most people have done it:

Step 1: Rally

Step 2: Pair Up

Step 3: A combination of Dual+'s, Armsthrift, Weaponfaire, Luna/Ignis, Galeforce, Agressor, All Stats +2, and Limit Break

Step 4: Rescue Staff/Dance

Step 5: CR@ZY B0T $3X

Step 6: Rinse and repeat

Step 7: No profit, b/c at the end of the day, the friggin emblem ain't gonna cover jack for all the excess spending on Apotheosis (Armsthrift says hi, but that skill is not enough, I say!).

You should use spotpass/DLC characters as rally/staff bots because you can exploit the Avatar Logbook to cap their stats (all you have to do is use stat boosting items on them, update their data in the Logbook, DON'T SAVE, reset, recruit, and rinse and repeat until they're maxed out) for easy access. This will require you to have a good amount of cash and won't set you with all the skills you need, but you'll have powerful units you can decorate with skills straight from the book. Just make sure you put Veteran and Paragon on these units, so that you can train them super fast in Lost Bloodlines 3 (if you have access to DLC). I can't remember which spotpass/DLC characters required minimal grinding (because they already have access to a few rallies), but off the top of my head I know DLC Palla and DLC Katarina are a few said rally bots. Staff bots should always be sages to maximize the potential of using Rescue Stalves.

As for tanks...Yeah they won't fare so well here unless they're sorcerers with Armsthrift, Limit Break, and Aversa's Night. This map requires so much speed and aggression if you want to pass with relative ease. Otherwise, you're gonna have to do some serious calculations before being able to complete the map.

Edited by kDog214
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The best Tank for Apotheosis is actually Vantage Sage with Cellica Fart

But can they tank Counter? D: lol just kidding

Well, those guys are so few in number. And if they get anywhere near your tanks, I suppose you can have Galeforce units pick at them. The only ones I know that have Counter on them are Warriors, Snipers, Berserkers, and Anna herself...other than that, they probably won't pose any threat to your tanks...so long as you either stay within the edge of their range, or have them taken care of. xD

Me? I just don't prefer to use tanks on this map. Too risky and requires dual strikes to trigger 100% of the time.

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Hm...This wouldn't happen to be Maribelle!Lucina paired with Ricken!Laurent!Morgan? Because I've seen how efficient and deadly this pairing can be, especially on Apotheosis. Makes me sad that this trivializes other children from tanking role. :(

But hey man, if anyone's looking for an efficient tank, this is the pair. :')

EDIT: Why we talking about tanks anywho? OP's got everything at his disposal and can do pretty much everything we've discussed, especially since he's got access to most DLC...Derp.

And this ain't a party for elephants on tanks!!! It's a party for eagles on motorcycles!!! xD

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(and Gregor!Nah)

I'm not going to comment on the other two, as I wouldn't and don't use them...

But I did use Gregor!Nah in my no DLC clear (Secret)

SAGE. No, I'm not even remotely kidding. Vantage is Gregor!Nah's strength (Note, Gregor!Nah is my grand mistake in my "final" set up, I should've ran Stahl!Nah, Gregor!Laurent), so you'd want to abuse that with Celica's Gale, so you can have her husband (*cough*Yarne*cough*) come swinging.

DK if you're rocking Limit Breaker though, because then you can actually use that +STR Mod occasionally.

GregNah's slow as dirt though, and gets doubled by the 70+ Damage Helswath 'zerks.

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What should I class Tiki and Nowi (and Gregor!Nah) into since Manakete isnt good? (I'm assuming thats due to the lack of Brave Weaponry)

I made my Nowi a Dark Knight. That way, she can switch between tomes and swords whenever an enemy with Aegis+ or Pavise+ comes up. Remember to switch Wyrmsbane with something else since Wyrmsbane only works in Manakete form.

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