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Wii U still being sold at a loss


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prepare to be disappointed then

and Wind Waker was good, but it's definitely NOT what the Wii U needs

Wonderful 101 has the feel of Viewtiful Joe and Pikimin mashed together, I don't see "disappointment" really it looks like a lot of fun.

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its sales will go nowhere, which is what we're talking about here

We'll see, I have a feeling about something with the Nintendo Direct tomorrow.

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I love ww art style. Its actually the only good thing about this game. I dislike it because of the bad dungeons, the sailing and the nail in the coffin: the triforce quest. So dont try to lump me with the art style haters, because graphics are literally the last thing i care on a video game.

Btw my opnion about it doesnt matters. Its a fact it wont sell wii us

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We'll see, I have a feeling about something with the Nintendo Direct tomorrow.

new IP with zero marketing on a struggling console=sales flop

if you're expecting the next The Last of Us or anything remotely close, don't hold your breath

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Yes, The wonderful 10 wont do anythig for the wii u sales either. It might be an awesome game, but its quite niche and isnt getting marketing. Also, platinum games have never made a blockbuster game. Not even bayonetta which is really well receved and quite famous sold well despite being on consoles with big userbases.

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A lot of people said the 3DS would bomb because of a small game library and a "gimmcky" feature. -shrug- Look at where the 3DS is now. I'm fairly optimistic for the Wii U. I have no doubt it will pull a 3DS and leap out ahead of everyone again.

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A lot of people said the 3DS would bomb because of a small game library and a "gimmcky" feature. -shrug- Look at where the 3DS is now. I'm fairly optimistic for the Wii U. I have no doubt it will pull a 3DS and leap out ahead of everyone again.


you'd best pray it matches the Gamecube first

remember: they can't even price drop right now (unlike the hilariously overpriced 3DS)

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It's 200 bucks in Canada. I'd say that's a pretty good price drop. :P

it's not official

also I bet it still struggles to sell even at that price

(at least it's not getting dropped from retail there.....yet)

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The price hasn't changed where I lived, but I haven't visited every retailer. Honestly, the 2 biggest reason the Wii U is failing, is that Nintendo lost the hardcore market with the Wii, and that gamers are gullible consumers. All you need to do is show how much money you spent on your big powerful hardware or engine and you'll have hypnotized the masses. Unfortunately with Nintendo, they can't commercially proclaim the power of their console against the PS4 or Xbox One. If they had developed a console with power on par with its rivals, even at a higher price, it might have been a different story. Although I like the Gamepad, the gaming consumer is smart, well, not really, but their minds see past gimmicks.

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And this thread shows the absolute ignorance of Nintendo supporters.

Face it. The company's done for. If the best thing they have going for them with regards to games are remakes of old games or just more of the same (just to point it out, play one SMG game, you've played them all), the company can't go anywhere. They refuse to innovate when it comes to actual game libraries, leaving them in the dust to Sony and Microsoft.

There is a reason why people still buy Xbox 360 games for a console that is over 5 years old. It's better than the trash that Nintendo puts out yearly. The PS3 only has an even better argument going for itself.

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This reminds me of that picture...


Oh wait, this probably delivers better the message:


Now granted, it's not a guaranteed that the Status Quo will continue endlessly, but at the same time there is no evidence that it may, at any given time, since at some points this becomes the norm.

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Face it. The company's done for. If the best thing they have going for them with regards to games are remakes of old games or just more of the same (just to point it out, play one SMG game, you've played them all), the company can't go anywhere. They refuse to innovate when it comes to actual game libraries, leaving them in the dust to Sony and Microsoft.

There is a reason why people still buy Xbox 360 games for a console that is over 5 years old. It's better than the trash that Nintendo puts out yearly. The PS3 only has an even better argument going for itself.

While I don't like Nintendo's policies or the Wii U (I have no love for Nintendo, and have no plans to ever get a 3DS or Wii U), even if the Wii U fails hard, Nintendo are most certainly not "done for". They have enough money to afford several failed consoles, honestly.

Edited by Kelsper
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And this thread shows the absolute ignorance of Nintendo supporters.

Face it. The company's done for. If the best thing they have going for them with regards to games are remakes of old games or just more of the same (just to point it out, play one SMG game, you've played them all), the company can't go anywhere. They refuse to innovate when it comes to actual game libraries, leaving them in the dust to Sony and Microsoft.

There is a reason why people still buy Xbox 360 games for a console that is over 5 years old. It's better than the trash that Nintendo puts out yearly. The PS3 only has an even better argument going for itself.

I love to point how some nintendo fanboys are crazy and don't see that the company has some problems, but now you're being crazier than them all lol.

Do you really believe they are done for, even though they released several sucessful software this year alone?

And they still make some great games FE being the alive proof of that.

The 3ds is also the best selling hardware this year, BTW and the last time I checked they had 10 billions in reserve. They're in a tough time, that's for certain, but they'd need at least 4 consoles like the wii u to "be done for"

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When you look at other companies such as Activision, EA, Bethesda, Capcom, Square, they pretty much all do the same thing, reuse the same IP's until they're dry. EA makes a couple new IP's every year or so, but they're all based upon already existing IP's they own, usually with all the same assets. I don't get why people complain when Nintendo does it, because of all gaming companies, no one has such a diverse set of IP's as Nintendo, and at least each new game attempts at breaking new ground (except several entries of the Mario series.) And they still put out new IP's every so often, not many are that successful however. No video game company is without these faults.

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Nothing will save the wii u from being a failed console, that's a fact. The wii u alone won't make nintendo go bankrupt, that's another fact.

And for many people, including me, they still make the best games, so I don't understand that "they're creatively bankrupt" nonsense.

And yes, the wii u is a terrible console, but it will still have great games.

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no one has such a diverse set of IP's as Nintendo

I think it's disingenuous to claim this.

Where is Star Fox, F-Zero and Metroid, anyway?

There's no way they are going to pricedrop it, anyway.

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Face it. The company's done for. If the best thing they have going for them with regards to games are remakes of old games or just more of the same (just to point it out, play one SMG game, you've played them all), the company can't go anywhere. They refuse to innovate when it comes to actual game libraries, leaving them in the dust to Sony and Microsoft.

Soooooo, play one Super Mario Galaxy game and you've played all...2?
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To be fair, that's still a lot of ammo left.

might as well cross out Wonderful 101 right now

price drop is gonna have to wait, Wii Fit/Party crowd has moved on, Mega Man in Smash isn't really a megaton for sales (admittedly "fire Iwata" is a joke")

that's.....3D mario by the holidays and Mario Kart by spring 2014?

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