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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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But wouldn't that just increase their Res? Sorceror also has the second highest Res cap in the game.

Maybe they cursed their clothes to be as sturdy as conventional armour. It would explain why they can afford to wear so little.

I meant shields made of magic? You know, use magic to create a shield to block everything? Or, switching to final fantasy here, Protect vs Shell?

Also, what has the highest? Valkyrie?

44 and 46 does not make any significant difference so....

Sorcerors are defensive monsters.

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Chapter 8 Part 1: Did I Accidentally Pick a Luck Flaw?

Remember how you all wanted to see me fail?


... Enjoy.

[spoiler=Chapter 8: Attempt 1]

"I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got this far without being spotted... but we've seen far too little of the Plegian Guard."

"Do they even HAVE guards?"

"Of course, why would you think otherwise?"

"Because they're not doing much guarding, if you know what I mean."

"... Ha. That's actually funny."

I hate sand.

So, so, SO much. SAND. YOU SUCK.

But anyway, to the actual point here: supports! Ricken and Lissa discussed some pretty heavy things in their C, Lon’qu and Silvia FIG-ure their way around each other in their B (XD) and Frederick and Sumia hit their A support. Already. Wow, those two.

Alright. So the game plan for this chapter is to get the Second and Master Seals for Chrom and Lissa, respectively. Chrom will become a Cavalier, and Lissa a Sage. I WOULD have done War Cleric, but War Cleric seems more like a final class for her, PLUS Tomefaire will really help me out when I run her through Dark Flier and Valkyrie. Also, Silvia is getting the Anna Shop Second Seal and becoming a Myrmidon. I love Armsthrift and Sol to death, I do, but Vantage seems like it will be arguably more useful. Plus, there’s also Astra and Swordfaire to get as well. PLUS, the next Master Seal is probably going to Lon’qu, and he would have learned Astra long before Silvia, and by her learning it next it kind of feels like he taught her that skill. Which just fills me with all kinds of “D’awww”.

… Henry REALLY needs to show up now, ohemgee.

Anyway. Uninteresting barracks is uninteresting. Save getting a Superior Bow and a conversation between Chrom and Ricken, which was actually very cute, and Chrom and Lissa, which unlocked their C support.

And I got ANOTHER Anna Shop with a Second Seal. (And a Rescue staff, whee.) Excellent. Ricken’s Second Seal is procured. And then I’ll get a third one after I beat this chapter because… Renown! YES. Whether to give it to Panne or Stahl is the question here…

Also bought a Fire tome, bringing my funds to 1590. Frugal I am indeed. XD

Eh. I’ll figure it out. Let’s go!

Deploying: Chrom, Cordelia, Silvia, Lon’qu, Lissa, Ricken, Miriel, Kellam, Frederick, and Sumia.

Let’s do this thing!

Turn one. Sumia takes her PocketJagen and flies over to the Flux-wielding Dark Mage near the village. She dodges his 48% and 2HKO’s him in an instant. All without Frederick’s help. Good girl. Chrom catches a ride with Cordelia (I’m a terrible, TERRIBLE person, aren’t I?) and they fly out towards the westernmost Elfire Dark Mage. Ricken and Lissa move over towards Cordelia and switch out, enabled Lissa to heal some of the damage Cordelia took.

Cordie, just because Chrom doesn’t know how to dodge doesn’t me you should follow his example.

Miriel snipes away at the fighter near the edge of the map and Kellam decides it’s victory time. Assistance! Of course, killing him deader than dead WOULD be nice, but fine. I’ll roll with it.

And I was so confused here as to why I wasn’t done with my turn yet. Oh yeah. Nowi and Gregor. I have Gregor pair into Nowi and they go over to the sparkly. Bonus points for it being a safe zone – for now, at least.

Enemy phase go! The fighter Miriel sniped at comes back with a vengeance. Said vengeance is rejected as she twirls away majestically from a 69%, then shows him how to REALLY vengeance. This joke would be funnier if she were a sorcerer, but alas.

Oh, and level up for Miriel! She gets: HP, Speed and Resistance. Not bad, not bad. Speed is nice. Sumia takes an impressive 3 damage from the Myrmidon and she and Frederick spear him to high heaven. And murder gives another level-up for Sumia.

She’s now officially level 10 and gains Strength, Skill, Speed and Luck. Once again, not bad. Oh, oh, oh. Relief get! Thank God. That’ll help a lot. Cordelia doesn’t know how to dodge a 50% and takes 7 damage. Damn.

Turn two. Cordelia goes after the Flux dark mage that’s appeared and NOW remembers how to dodge a 60%. He dies and she gains a level-up in: HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Luck. Oh, nice. Lissa moves forward and heals Cordelia’s damage. Silvia moves a bit and thunders a fighter to the abyss. Since Nowi’s got a good entourage following her at this point, she runs towards the farthest cavalier and chips away some damage so Sumia can switch out to Frederick for a moment and let him finish that guy off. And he does. With a 9% chance to critical and “PICK A GOD AND PRAY”. Hell yes!

Enemy phase is nothing special, just them moving forward.

Turn three. Miriel runs to the first village and snags a Rescue staff. YES. I move Silvia forward, Cordelia just into range of the Flux dark mage. Frederick and Sumia moves as far away as they can and I switch to Sumia just in case. Ricken and Lissa switch again and Ricken stands next to Cordelia.

Enemy phase, go! The Elthunder dark mage goes for Nowi, not Sumia like I had thought, but it’s all good – Nowi dodges a 59%, retaliates for 16 and Gregor finishes him off. Damn swell team work indeed. More enemies moving forward. Man, this is a slow map indeed.

Turn four. Silvia and Lon’qu go for the fighter so that way I don’t have to worry about him. Miriel and her invisible shield tag-team the Mymidon (KILL HIM, DAMN IT) and since that glorious death didn’t happen, I send Nowi forward to take him out. AND SHE FUCKING MISSES A 79%.


Sumia and Frederick fare better, eliminating a cavalier with ease. Cordelia weakens the myrmidon a bit while Ricken and the dark mage exchange words… er… runes?

Enemy phase. The myrmidon comes back to dish out his bladed fury and NOPE! – Chrom decides to dual guard her. WELL THEN. Cordelia also dodges a Flux spell, while Silvia gets attacked by that not yet dead myrmidon. Him slicing her chest open pisses her off so much, she just HAS to critical him to kingdom come, with a 3% chance to do so.

And she gains a level up! HP, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Lovely, Silvia.

“Thank you. I try.”

Sadly, I KIND OF wished Cordelia tried to dodge more because the cavaliers ganged up on her and she forgot how to dodge. STOP. TRYING. TO BE CHROM, CORDELIA. YOU CAN DODGE.


[spoiler=Chapter 8: Attempt 2]

"I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got us this far without being -"

"Hold on a moment. Didn't you just say this?"

"I don't believe I did... Silvia? Are you sure you're alright?"

"I could have sworn you... nevermind. Fliers and mages are best here, right?"

"... Right... How did you -? Just, yes, right."


Same team, same formations. Except THIS time I let Cordelia equip that Killer Lance I got back in Donnel’s paralogue.

Turn one. Miriel and Sumia take the right with Kellam and Frederick. Cordelia and Ricken take Chrom and Lissa to the left. Silvia and Lon’qu trudge their way up the middle. Same thing as before, almost done to a T. Except now on the sparkly tile I got an Alm’s Blade. Nice.

And guess who decides they want to a badass now? Cordelia. The damn thing she does in the chapter is crit that left mage she 2HKO’ed last time. [/applause]

Sumia hits level ten – AGAIN – and gains HP, Skill and Luck. Fucking HELL, Cordelia. That first one was better!

Turn two is Ricken and the Flux dark mage having it out with Cordelia coming around to stab him in the back. Strategy. And a level up – AGAIN – for Cordy, this time in HP, Skill, Luck and Defense. Defense is good. Everything else can go screw itself. Silvia and Lon’qu murderify the fighter while Miriel exacts her firey revenge upon the bottommost… topmost… fighter. Frederick and the cavalier have words with their lances (oh, btw, equipped Freddy with an Iron Lance and that Steel Sword Lonny picked up) and a Steel Lance is mine for the taking.


Turn three. Move Miriel over towards the village, borrow Kellam’s vulnerary. Trade the spare Iron Lance to Sumia and have Frederick equip the Steel to go after the Elthunder dark mage. Tag-team go! Move Cordelia in range of the mage again and accidentally ended up using Nowi as bait. Waited for death to happen.

IT DIDN’T. Because Nowi dodged a 68% for 11 damage in the beginning, and then tanked the rest of the hits up to having 1 HP left. WOW. Thank you, Nowi.

Turn four. SWITCH TO GREGOR and RUN. Miriel goes and plays Pick Up Rescue Staff From The Village (my favorite game), Cordelia spears the dark mage in the throat with her lance and I move Lissa over to Rescue Silvia into range so she can clear out some of these cavaliers. And level-up for Lissa! She got: HP, Skill, Luck and Resistance.


Silvia and Lonny says lights out to one of the cavaliers, while Frederick rocks that wounded myrmidon to sleep. Permanently.

Enemy phase has Silvia getting a level-up in HP, Strength, Magic, Luck and Defense. YES! That’s my girl. [/cuddles]

“Fighting here…”

Yes, yes, I know but you’re so lovable.

Of course I should have KNOWN that all the luck level-ups were for a reason. Because my own luck sucks. Silvia proceeded to not dodge a string of 50%s and 55%s and those DAMNED cavaliers ended HER.

I… just… [/sobs]

“It’s not that serious…”


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Yeah, I'm pretty sure Valkyrie has the highest Resistance.

Maribelle's capped Resistance without Limit Breaker is 47.

Valks have a 45 cap before modifiers.

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Woah, your playthrough is literally twice as popular as mine ): Good work. It must be that people really appreciate your hard work.

Kind of also came to say I support LIBRA x Emmeryn because yeah.

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Woah, your playthrough is literally twice as popular as mine ): Good work. It must be that people really appreciate your hard work.

Kind of also came to say I support LIBRA x Emmeryn because yeah.

..why is it NOW that I want to write a fanfic with these two? Seriously? I've read it before in your other posts!

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Sadly, I KIND OF wished Cordelia tried to dodge more because the cavaliers ganged up on her and she forgot how to dodge. STOP. TRYING. TO BE CHROM, CORDELIA. YOU CAN DODGE.



That's what you get! It's too bad it was Cordelia that was taken out.

Edited by Carter
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Chapter 8 Part 1: Did I Accidentally Pick a Luck Flaw?

Remember how you all wanted to see me fail?


... Enjoy.

[spoiler=Chapter 8: Attempt 1]

"I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got this far without being spotted... but we've seen far too little of the Plegian Guard."

"Do they even HAVE guards?"

"Of course, why would you think otherwise?"

"Because they're not doing much guarding, if you know what I mean."

"... Ha. That's actually funny."

I hate sand.

So, so, SO much. SAND. YOU SUCK.

But anyway, to the actual point here: supports! Ricken and Lissa discussed some pretty heavy things in their C, Lon’qu and Silvia FIG-ure their way around each other in their B (XD) and Frederick and Sumia hit their A support. Already. Wow, those two.

Alright. So the game plan for this chapter is to get the Second and Master Seals for Chrom and Lissa, respectively. Chrom will become a Cavalier, and Lissa a Sage. I WOULD have done War Cleric, but War Cleric seems more like a final class for her, PLUS Tomefaire will really help me out when I run her through Dark Flier and Valkyrie. Also, Silvia is getting the Anna Shop Second Seal and becoming a Myrmidon. I love Armsthrift and Sol to death, I do, but Vantage seems like it will be arguably more useful. Plus, there’s also Astra and Swordfaire to get as well. PLUS, the next Master Seal is probably going to Lon’qu, and he would have learned Astra long before Silvia, and by her learning it next it kind of feels like he taught her that skill. Which just fills me with all kinds of “D’awww”.

… Henry REALLY needs to show up now, ohemgee.

Anyway. Uninteresting barracks is uninteresting. Save getting a Superior Bow and a conversation between Chrom and Ricken, which was actually very cute, and Chrom and Lissa, which unlocked their C support.

And I got ANOTHER Anna Shop with a Second Seal. (And a Rescue staff, whee.) Excellent. Ricken’s Second Seal is procured. And then I’ll get a third one after I beat this chapter because… Renown! YES. Whether to give it to Panne or Stahl is the question here…

Also bought a Fire tome, bringing my funds to 1590. Frugal I am indeed. XD

Eh. I’ll figure it out. Let’s go!

Deploying: Chrom, Cordelia, Silvia, Lon’qu, Lissa, Ricken, Miriel, Kellam, Frederick, and Sumia.

Let’s do this thing!

Turn one. Sumia takes her PocketJagen and flies over to the Flux-wielding Dark Mage near the village. She dodges his 48% and 2HKO’s him in an instant. All without Frederick’s help. Good girl. Chrom catches a ride with Cordelia (I’m a terrible, TERRIBLE person, aren’t I?) and they fly out towards the westernmost Elfire Dark Mage. Ricken and Lissa move over towards Cordelia and switch out, enabled Lissa to heal some of the damage Cordelia took.

Cordie, just because Chrom doesn’t know how to dodge doesn’t me you should follow his example.

Miriel snipes away at the fighter near the edge of the map and Kellam decides it’s victory time. Assistance! Of course, killing him deader than dead WOULD be nice, but fine. I’ll roll with it.

And I was so confused here as to why I wasn’t done with my turn yet. Oh yeah. Nowi and Gregor. I have Gregor pair into Nowi and they go over to the sparkly. Bonus points for it being a safe zone – for now, at least.

Enemy phase go! The fighter Miriel sniped at comes back with a vengeance. Said vengeance is rejected as she twirls away majestically from a 69%, then shows him how to REALLY vengeance. This joke would be funnier if she were a sorcerer, but alas.

Oh, and level up for Miriel! She gets: HP, Speed and Resistance. Not bad, not bad. Speed is nice. Sumia takes an impressive 3 damage from the Myrmidon and she and Frederick spear him to high heaven. And murder gives another level-up for Sumia.

She’s now officially level 10 and gains Strength, Skill, Speed and Luck. Once again, not bad. Oh, oh, oh. Relief get! Thank God. That’ll help a lot. Cordelia doesn’t know how to dodge a 50% and takes 7 damage. Damn.

Turn two. Cordelia goes after the Flux dark mage that’s appeared and NOW remembers how to dodge a 60%. He dies and she gains a level-up in: HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Luck. Oh, nice. Lissa moves forward and heals Cordelia’s damage. Silvia moves a bit and thunders a fighter to the abyss. Since Nowi’s got a good entourage following her at this point, she runs towards the farthest cavalier and chips away some damage so Sumia can switch out to Frederick for a moment and let him finish that guy off. And he does. With a 9% chance to critical and “PICK A GOD AND PRAY”. Hell yes!

Enemy phase is nothing special, just them moving forward.

Turn three. Miriel runs to the first village and snags a Rescue staff. YES. I move Silvia forward, Cordelia just into range of the Flux dark mage. Frederick and Sumia moves as far away as they can and I switch to Sumia just in case. Ricken and Lissa switch again and Ricken stands next to Cordelia.

Enemy phase, go! The Elthunder dark mage goes for Nowi, not Sumia like I had thought, but it’s all good – Nowi dodges a 59%, retaliates for 16 and Gregor finishes him off. Damn swell team work indeed. More enemies moving forward. Man, this is a slow map indeed.

Turn four. Silvia and Lon’qu go for the fighter so that way I don’t have to worry about him. Miriel and her invisible shield tag-team the Mymidon (KILL HIM, DAMN IT) and since that glorious death didn’t happen, I send Nowi forward to take him out. AND SHE FUCKING MISSES A 79%.


Sumia and Frederick fare better, eliminating a cavalier with ease. Cordelia weakens the myrmidon a bit while Ricken and the dark mage exchange words… er… runes?

Enemy phase. The myrmidon comes back to dish out his bladed fury and NOPE! – Chrom decides to dual guard her. WELL THEN. Cordelia also dodges a Flux spell, while Silvia gets attacked by that not yet dead myrmidon. Him slicing her chest open pisses her off so much, she just HAS to critical him to kingdom come, with a 3% chance to do so.

And she gains a level up! HP, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Lovely, Silvia.

“Thank you. I try.”

Sadly, I KIND OF wished Cordelia tried to dodge more because the cavaliers ganged up on her and she forgot how to dodge. STOP. TRYING. TO BE CHROM, CORDELIA. YOU CAN DODGE.


[spoiler=Chapter 8: Attempt 2]

"I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got us this far without being -"

"Hold on a moment. Didn't you just say this?"

"I don't believe I did... Silvia? Are you sure you're alright?"

"I could have sworn you... nevermind. Fliers and mages are best here, right?"

"... Right... How did you -? Just, yes, right."


Same team, same formations. Except THIS time I let Cordelia equip that Killer Lance I got back in Donnel’s paralogue.

Turn one. Miriel and Sumia take the right with Kellam and Frederick. Cordelia and Ricken take Chrom and Lissa to the left. Silvia and Lon’qu trudge their way up the middle. Same thing as before, almost done to a T. Except now on the sparkly tile I got an Alm’s Blade. Nice.

And guess who decides they want to a badass now? Cordelia. The damn thing she does in the chapter is crit that left mage she 2HKO’ed last time. [/applause]

Sumia hits level ten – AGAIN – and gains HP, Skill and Luck. Fucking HELL, Cordelia. That first one was better!

Turn two is Ricken and the Flux dark mage having it out with Cordelia coming around to stab him in the back. Strategy. And a level up – AGAIN – for Cordy, this time in HP, Skill, Luck and Defense. Defense is good. Everything else can go screw itself. Silvia and Lon’qu murderify the fighter while Miriel exacts her firey revenge upon the bottommost… topmost… fighter. Frederick and the cavalier have words with their lances (oh, btw, equipped Freddy with an Iron Lance and that Steel Sword Lonny picked up) and a Steel Lance is mine for the taking.


Turn three. Move Miriel over towards the village, borrow Kellam’s vulnerary. Trade the spare Iron Lance to Sumia and have Frederick equip the Steel to go after the Elthunder dark mage. Tag-team go! Move Cordelia in range of the mage again and accidentally ended up using Nowi as bait. Waited for death to happen.

IT DIDN’T. Because Nowi dodged a 68% for 11 damage in the beginning, and then tanked the rest of the hits up to having 1 HP left. WOW. Thank you, Nowi.

Turn four. SWITCH TO GREGOR and RUN. Miriel goes and plays Pick Up Rescue Staff From The Village (my favorite game), Cordelia spears the dark mage in the throat with her lance and I move Lissa over to Rescue Silvia into range so she can clear out some of these cavaliers. And level-up for Lissa! She got: HP, Skill, Luck and Resistance.


Silvia and Lonny says lights out to one of the cavaliers, while Frederick rocks that wounded myrmidon to sleep. Permanently.

Enemy phase has Silvia getting a level-up in HP, Strength, Magic, Luck and Defense. YES! That’s my girl. [/cuddles]

“Fighting here…”

Yes, yes, I know but you’re so lovable.

Of course I should have KNOWN that all the luck level-ups were for a reason. Because my own luck sucks. Silvia proceeded to not dodge a string of 50%s and 55%s and those DAMNED cavaliers ended HER.

I… just… [/sobs]

“It’s not that serious…”


Hence why I'm generally not so keen on relying on evade to survive unless it's a GBA game.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I think you made Henry jealous Taylor cause he won't stop critting in my game. But he's still freakin smilin... I think he wants to kill Lon'qu slightly more than he wants to kill the enemy now.

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I always felt like it was easier to get hit in the GBA games..

Either that, or maybe it was just a coincidence.

Why do you say that? Because I never felt like that was the case, between the evade formula and GBA enemies in general sucking.

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I don't know.. I just felt like I was going to get hit every time..

I had a different feeling.

It's the other way around for me - I felt dodgetanking was MUCH more reliable in GBA, whereas in this game I generally think the only enemies that could be dodgetanked easily are Berserkers and other axe users.

No, there is definitely something different in the GBA RNG. In C18 of Blazing Sword, the enemies would have thirties and forties and hit every time. I lost track of how many times I missed seventies-eighties. Not even exaggerating. It was a scarring experience.


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What about the hit/evade RNG in Genealogy of the Holy War? Because I can't count how many times my unit have been hit by a 12% and miss a 92%

I thought the RNG in the GBA games were tailored towards the player? It says that for Sacred Stones on the FE wiki and on my HMM playthrough I couldn't tell you the amount of times Dorcas dodged enemies when their accuracy was between 50-70%. It was pretty awesome

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My Eirika in FE8 was horrible. She would get hit by 10% and stuff like that.

Haha.. she was horrible. Ephraim was the real deal.

Back on topic.. to your "Did I accidentally pick a Luck flaw?" An enemy critted me at 1% before, and I was like "What the hell?"

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My Eirika in FE8 was horrible. She would get hit by 10% and stuff like that.

Haha.. she was horrible. Ephraim was the real deal.

Back on topic.. to your "Did I accidentally pick a Luck flaw?" An enemy critted me at 1% before, and I was like "What the hell?"

Oof That's some pretty bad luck. Let's just say there's a reason why the one number I want to see for enemy crit rates is 0 - anything else is too high. Incidentally, I seem to get hit by low %s in this game more than any other game.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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In C22, I sent Lyn to avoid a warrior's killer axe, and she got critted and hit straight in the face by a 28% accuracy. My hour of hunting for items and grinding on the reinforcements went totally down the drain.

How did tis turn into a discussion about Blazing Sword? Though I'm not complaining.

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Chapter 8 Part 2: My Assumed Luck Flaw Finally Stops Appearing


All I have to say is FINALLY.

... And good fucking grief, because guess what's next. [/groans]

"I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got us this -"


"... Again?"

"Yes, AGAIN. You've already said this!"

"... Are you sure you're not just getting heatstroke? If so, then you need to drink some water and rest."

"I'm fine, Chrom. Damn."

"You should probably rest afterwards anyway. Do you want me to stay with you?"

"... N-no. Yes. Maybe. Whatever you want to do, I don't actually care. ... Yes."


"L-Leave me alone!"

Alright, all teasing aside...


I BOUGHT TONICS. (Please work.)

Okay. So Cordelia got the Killer Lance again and a both a Strength and Defense Tonic. Miriel got a Magic Tonic (Kellam is a walking Defense Tonic for her). Silvia got a Magic Tonic and a Defense Tonic. Frederick got Strength and Resistance tonics. Ricken got Defense and Resistance. This time I will conquer.

Turn one. No different than the first two attempts. Instead though, I put Gregor on the sparkly and he got me another Superior Bow. Not complaining. Superior Bows are SO pretty. Although one new thing is that Chrom ACTUALLY dual strikes the mage Cordelia attacks and Kellam actually dual guards for Miriel.

Ooh, Miriel level-up version 3.0 in: Strength, Magic, Speed, Luck and Resistance. YES.

Turn two. Silvia uses a vulnerary since Lissa’s too far off to reach her. Miriel heads for the village to pick up that Rescue staff and Gregor and Sumia line up beside Silvia. Cordelia NOW wants to dodge shit. And she gains a level-up: in HP, STRENGTH, Skill, Luck and Defense. Oh, better better better. Ricken weakens the fighter for 19, and activate enemy phase.

The fighter forgets how to axe and Ricken dodges a smooth 72%. Dead fighter is deader than dead. The Elthunder mage misses and people move forward.

Turn three. Miriel picks up the Rescue staff yet AGAIN. I send Gregor back some so I can keep the mages from frying him and establish a nice little chokepoint that keeps him safe. [/golfclaps] Sumia javelins the Elthunder mage in the abdomen and REGAINS her level 10. Let’s see… Strength, Skill and Defense. MORE YES. I move Cordelia and Ricken north some more. Let’s go, let’s go!

Enemy phase. Sumia dodges a 57% and the Great Pegasus Knights of Ylisse take down that pesky fighter. NAME GET. :D

Oh, and Cordelia forgot how to dodge again. [/flips table]

Turn four. Cordelia spears the flux mage to pieces and STILL doesn’t dodge him. RAGE. Although I get to heal Cordelia and gain some XP for Lissa, which is nice.

Okay. Now here’s the problem. Silvia can take two lance hits from the cavaliers, NOT three. And I need to make sure no one else hits her as well. So first, the closest cavalier gets smacked in the face with a ball of lightning and criticaled by Lon’qu, giving Silvia a level-up. AGAIN. This time in HP and Strength.


“… How disappointing.”


Fortunately the myrmidon is placed to where the GPKoY can range him and stay out of the cavalier’s way. Now. Let’s hope this works.

Enemy phase. Takes 3 from the other myrmidon. Damn. But she criticals HIM to high hell, so don’t have to worry about THAT guy. And… oh my gosh, the cavs don’t attack her. SQUEE. I can still strategize! Okay, okay, okay.

Turn five. I rescue-staff Cordelia like 2 squares for the experience. Bingo-swingo, Lissa's at 12 and gains HP, Magic, Speed and Luck. Nice! I use Cordelia’s javelin to aim away at the fighter and Chrom decides to be a fucking BRO and dual strike. YES. Okay. Now Sumia and Frederick can take on a cavalier by themselves, so they do. Or well, Sumia solos it while Frederick decides to watch the sun glint off of her armor. And whoa, level 11. Sweet! What did you get for me, dearie? HP, STRENGTH, Skill, Speed and Resistance.

YES. And Silvia snipes away at the cavalier. DEAD. HELL YES.


Level up for Cordie! She gets: HP and Strength. Fucking… [/flips table again] FINE. You’re alive so I’ll take it.

Turn six. Cordelia picks up the MASTER SEAL and Lissa immediately runs over to claim it. Sage, here I come, baby.

“Do I look great or do I look great?”

You look like your sister dear… RIGHT BEFORE CHAPTER 9. I am so terrible. And oh damn, I seem to have forgotten to buy that Fire tome for Lissa. SHIT. Time to drag Miriel over so we can borrow it.

Turns seven through twelve is just me taking a movement/staff abuse break. Still hate sand. I finally manage to set Ricken and Lissa to bait the first mage, I think we then aggro the entire group.

Enemy phase, turn twelve. Yup, entire group aggro. Let’s do this thing.

Turn thirteen. Silvia and Lon’qu snipe the fighter in the face then slice him into pretty charred ribbons. And Lon’qu gains a level-up in: HP, Strength, Magic (lol), Skill and Speed. [/nods] I let Chrom attack for once so he can gain enough experience to insta-use that Second Seal I’m about to run and grab. And Cordelia dual attacks for him! Aww. He’s so grateful he immediately says, “Thanks, friend.”

Oh, gods, I’m awful. I shouldn't be laughing. I'M LAUGHING.

Okay. Enemy phase. I screwed up yet AGAIN because that myrmidon could double Ricken and had a 24% chance to critical on him. And guess what happens?

Lissa prevents the second hit by killing him via Dual Guard. THANK GOD. [/realigns table then flips it again] And level-up for a very alive Ricken! He gets HP, Strength, Magic, Skill and Luck. Whew. Great.

And we secure another Killing Edge for Lon-kun!

Turn fourteen. I switch to Lon’qu so he can and Silvia can tag-team the fighter together. No worries, they’ve got it ALL figured out. And a level-up for Silvia in HP, Strength, Magic, Speed and Luck. Yay! I let Chrom move forward and take the sparkly tile, and I separate Lissa and Ricken so she can heal him. Sumia is a ninja and snuck around the back way to get to the village. THIRD Second Seal get. (Mother of Naga... my luck. :\)

Turn fifteen and sixteen is more healing. I also steal Frederick from Sumia for a bit and let Chrom rekindle that epic Prologue/Chapter 1 bromance. He also dips into the convoy to grab a Strength and Resistance tonic.

Turn seventeen. You sorry sonofabitch, Chalard. Say goodnight. Chrom smacks him around for 18, the boss returns that for 19 and regains some health – damn Nosferatu! – Chrom RE-smacks him for another 18 and FREDERICK IS EPIC and joins the party with 14. DEAD BASTARD IS DEAD. And Chrom gets a level up in Strength, Skill, Speed and RESISTANCE.

You know what this means? Charm. And you know what ELSE this means?


Turns: 17 (LOL LTC)

Heroes: Silvia and Lon’qu

Attempts: THREE.

Alright, important stuff. First, raid the renown up to 1000. Which means… MONEY. :D But first, let’s deal with these Second Seals. The first Second Seal goes to Silvia, who becomes a Myrmidon. Now, I actually really love the Myrmidon outfit , so I’m all kinds of happy. And Avoid+10 yay!

“Hey Lon’qu…!”

“Hmph. Silvia. What is… it…”

“Oh, you like? I became a Mymridon.Now we HAVE to spar together.”

“N-Ngh… we don’t HAVE to do anything… nor are we going to...”

“It would be in our mutual best interests… plus, I learned this new flip that I would love to show – oh, he’s gone. ... Time to get the figs again."

She’s so mean to him, I swear.

Next Second Seal goes to Chrom (I know, I know, you shouldn’t REALLY promote/second so soon but I’m impatient as all hell), and he’s now on a horse! Sweet. Giving up the boss sword is NOT sweet, but Chrom isn’t going to be doing much boss-killing anymore. Plus, JAVELINS. This reminds me painfully of the time I used to think making Chrom an archer was an amazing idea.

Also, change of plans: next second seal goes to Kellam instead. He’ll be my second Locktouch user. (Plus, Panne isn’t a priority unit, sadly.)

And THAT is a wrap on THAT. Whoo.

Also note that Silvia’s affinity is still listed, just crossed out since she can’t use it ATM.

... Or WOULD be if I could cross it out. Okay then.

         Lvl  HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     1.00 27 13   2  11  15  12  12   2  C Swd E Lnc       Cavalier               
Silvia    1.00 30 11  15  14  21  11  10   7  E Swd             Myrmidon (Thunder)       
Lissa     1.95 29  6  15  13  13  14   6   9  C Stf E Tme       Sage (Fire)           
Frederick 4.10 31 13   2  13  13   8  14   4  A Lnc C Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Ricken    8.26 25  4 11+2  9   7  13   8   6  D Tme             Mage (Wind)        
Miriel    6.34 20  3  9+2  6   8  10   5   6  D Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia    11.18 25 10   4  21 16+2 11   7   8  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Kellam    6.18 22 11   0  7    5   3 13+2  2  D Lnc             Knight
Lon’qu   11.29 26 11   4 18   18  11   8   2  B Swd             Myrmidon
Cordelia  9.14 27 11   3 14  12+2 10   9   8  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight
Edited by Vashiane
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