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Why do people want to make you think their problems are worse?


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What is it with that? I've seen many people say their problems are worse than others as if they purposely want to victimize themselves so we can feel more empathy for them...?

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Because there's a general mentality that says that only the people with the worst problems deserve sympathy. That's the reason why when someone finds another person problems trivial they say: "stop complaining, you're not a starving child in Africa"

Edited by Nobody
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I don't understand that mentality either. I certainly would not say I have the worst problems -- hell, in fact, my own issues make me berate myself because I know there are people out there with worse problems.

Maybe they are just attention hungry so they say they are the worst...?

And it's not being oversensitive. I am a very sensitive person and as I said, I would never say my problems are the "worst."

Edited by Ninfia
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Some people may also said theirs are the worst so they just finally can let it all go out. Just like why when people can't hold the situation anymore, his /her desperation are so hard that they need to scream the whole hour sometimes.

Besides, it's not that they "enworse" the situation they already had, it's just that their situation was "that worse" that they had right to be sympathized....

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i don't know. when i bitch about something, i don't expect to get anyone's sympathy either way

That mentality leads to the question: Why are you bothering to bitch about it? You don't expect sympathy, you must at least subconsciously want it.

On topic: the reason people do that is so you feel sorry for them and not for anyone else.

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Omg Emerald! I'm so sorry :'( I hope your new dog is really great too...

Ohlul. That was only a scenario, nothing died. Well, my grandparents on my dad's side are dead, but still.

I'm surprised no one has said, 'because they're experiencing their problems themseves'. Honesty.

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itt: people talk about human nature like they know what they're talking about

I don't know shit about what I'm talking about.

But since I'm writing it on the internet, IT MUST BE TRUE!

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That mentality leads to the question: Why are you bothering to bitch about it? You don't expect sympathy, you must at least subconsciously want it.

I think this fits into the topic too, you know. Not just about "bitching" but saying their problems are worse, they probably do want sympathy and/or pity at least on a subconscious level, if not conscious.

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