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Awakening and Other Games Theory


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So..... I've been thinking....

When Lyn is recruited through DLC, she says that the Avatar (who i shall now, for this thread, consider female, and call Robin) seems familiar.

Robin's child, Morgan, is called Marc is the Japanese version.

So, my theory is that Multiple Games are tied together, or share the same storyline (on a very large scale).

Robin may remind Lyn of Mark because Mark/Marc/Morgan is in fact Robin's son.

So, the question would be: how did Marc/Morgan become Mark the tactician?

Well, most likely, Marc/Morgan went through the Outrealm gate. But then, its also possible that Ylisee, Plegia, Valm, and Elibe are all on the same world.

Basically, no matter how it happened, Marc/Mark is the same person, who somehow ended up in Elibe.

So: FE13 -> FE7 -> FE6.

Then, there is also Priam.

Priam is the descendent of Ike.

Also, for some reason, I feel like Priam did not end up here through the Outrealm gate.

Somehow, though, Priam ended up there, meaning PoR and RD came before FE13.

So: PoR -> RD -> FE13 -> FE7 -> FE6

Then, we know, of course, that Marth's pantsless adventures came before FE13. Although, it seems that the legends date back farther then Ike's Adventures.

So, that means...

FE1 -> FE2 -> FE3 -> PoR -> RD -> FE13 -> FE7 -> FE6

So, what mistake did i make? =P I know. Made at least one mistake, aside from spelling. Autocorrect actually makes spelling worse.

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Sorry to say, you're a little late to the party. Here are just a few of the links I grabbed after searching timeline in the general FE forum.

To be fair, each of those threads has "not been posted in for 1 month AND has fallen outside the first page of a board," so it's fine for him to make another topic for discussion.

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Eh, I like to think all the DLC stuff is just fanservice and not meant to hint at any kind of connections for the games. Yeah, FE 1/11, 3/12, 2, 4, 5, and 13 are in the same universe, and I'd think 9 and 10 are in that universe too. But I'd think that Mark in 7 is a different person than Marc/Morgan in 13, I'd think 6 and 7 are in a different universe and 8 is also a different universe. But *shrugs* that's just me.

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This idea was just a general idea in my mind around the time Awakening came out and i decided to write it all down and post. It didnt really occur to me that someone may have already poster 0_o Edited by MasterKeeper
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FE4->(FE5)--->FE1/11 -> FE2 -> FE3/12 ---> FE:A




Everything is connected thru the Outrealm Gate, which is also the Dragon's Gate.

Robin is Mark(FE7) via Outrealm Gate shenanigans and is a descendant of Kris.

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Hrmmm. Personally, I am doubtful.

Certainly, Lyn does seem to believe that the Avatar is the Tactician from FE7. However, this is not information that can establish a timeline. Why? Because this Lyn is an Einherjar. We don't know exactly how they work (you can become on while you're still alive, given Tiki's appearance), but they seem to be in some way snapshots of historical characters preserved in the Outrealms. Thus, Lyn's adventures would have had to have taken place before FE13 for her to appear as an Einherjar (we are given no indication throughout Awakening that the Einherjar could somehow come from the future).

While we ponder this, let's look at when FE7 might actually take place in the timeline.

If we're looking to connect 7 (and 6) to the rest of the games, there are two primary schools of thought, which I will call the Precursor theory and the Concurrence theory. They both involve the relation of Scouring to the rise and fall of dragons in Archanea.

The Precursor theory postulates that the Dragon's Gate connects the continents of Elibe and Archanea (under this theory, Elibe is possibly in another world). Following the Scouring, the dragons fled from Elibe to Archanea, where they settled and began the Golden Age of Dragonkind, which lasted until the Divine Dragon / Earth Dragon war. FE7 and FE6 thus take place before the FE4/5/1/2/3/13 sequence in Jugdral and Archanea. I personally prefer this theory, in part because it allows for my theory that Nils is Forseti, which itself makes FE7 relevant to the overall plot of the Jugdral/Archanea arc. The theory's main problem is that it does not explain the cataclysm that caused the onset of the Divine Dragon / Earth Dragon war.

The Concurrence theory is centered around that explanation - it maintains that the Ending Winter in Elibe similarly effected Archanea, leading to the Divine Dragon / Earth Dragon war. Thus, the events of FE6 and 7 would take place between FE4/5 and 1/2/3, though in this case it is a largely irrelevant distinction. This theory offers no explanation to where the Dragon's Gate leads, and also runs into the problem of having very similar dragon populations existing simultaneously on two different continents, with each one have seemingly no knowledge of the other.

Also worth noting is the rings appearing in FE7 - Filla's Might, Thor's Ire, Set's Litany, and Ninis's Grace. Part of their mystery is that the naming is inconsistent - While two of them (Filla and Set) are direct references to Crusaders from FE4, Thor's Ire is an indirect reference, and Ninis is an unknown character. They are also all stated to be named after spirits. We do know that the Crusaders were sometimes stated to be quasi-divine entities in FE4, but they were never referred to as spirits.

Personally, I'm not sure what to make of the rings. Certainly, there are some items appearing in the Fire Emblem titles that should not be considered to be canonical - for example, just because I can find Ephraim's Lance in the middle of a volcano in Valm doesn't mean that once of Ephraim's lances ever actually got there. The names referencing spirits could be a distortion of Jugdrali history into something of a mythology, or it could be related to pre-Elimine religious practices in Elibe. There is some reason to believe that the rings predate the Scouring - Ninis's Grace certainly does, and based on similarities in naming, form, and function, it is not unreasonable to believe that all the rings were made at around the same time. Who knows - perhaps the crusaders Fala and Sety were named after characters from Jugdrali religious traditions before the rise of Loptyr's cult.

If you do believe that the rings have canonical timeline significance, then the most reasonable explanation is that some travelers from Jugdral ventured to Elibe sometime between FE4 and FE7 (this is not unreasonable - there is evidence to suggest that the rise of humanity in Archanea was in part assisted by Jugdrali colonists), and brought Set's Litany, Filla's Might, and possibly Thor's Ire with them.

I suppose i rambled on rather a lot there. The ultimate conclusion to draw is that there is little reason to believe that FE6/7 could ever occur after FE1/2/3, let alone after Awakening.

As to the other titles, it seems likely to me that FE9/10 are the chronologically first titles (only appearance of legitimate divinity, possible originators of the dragon tribe / taguel, only creation narrative in the series) and, given events in Awakening, in the same physical world as Jugdral and Archanea. Furthermore, if FE8 is connected to the other games at all, then it takes place between FE3 and FE13 - a conclusion we can reach based on the well-concealed evidence of Archanean assistance in the Demon King's original defeat.

So, in my opinion, FE9 -> 10 -> 7 -> 6 -> 4/5 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 8 -> 13, but 9 -> 10 -> 4/5 -> 7 -> 6 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 8 -> 13 is also a possibility that cannot be ruled out (though IMO it doesn't make for as good of an overall story).

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