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The Worst Anime Dubs Ever


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Technically the "Ghost Stories" dub is awful. This is because instead of translating the insanely idiotic story of the original, they wrote it as a comedy. And by god is it beautiful.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Technically the "Ghost Stories" dub is awful. This is because instead of translating the insanely idiotic story of the original, they wrote it as a comedy. And by god is it beautiful.

After some research, the English dub's got a few voice actors I like.

Sounds pretty good, but I'll see.

Tekken, the Movie.



Edited by Rubidoux
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especially Adventure 02

now there's a franchise that's consistently gotten the godawful end of the stick as far as dubs are concerned, and the Xros Wars dub looks like it's going to maintain that tradition

(the Savers dub is vaguely competent i guess at least by the standards of Digimon dubs)

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especially Adventure 02

now there's a franchise that's consistently gotten the godawful end of the stick as far as dubs are concerned, and the Xros Wars dub looks like it's going to maintain that tradition

(the Savers dub is vaguely competent i guess at least by the standards of Digimon dubs)

In my honest opinion Adventure and Tamers had pretty good dubs, so I'm not sure what your on about the entire franchise having bad ones.

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In my honest opinion Adventure and Tamers had pretty good dubs, so I'm not sure what your on about the entire franchise having bad ones

I don't know about Tamers and the ones after, but the first two series definitely got the "jelly-filled donut" treatment, but that's not inherently a bad thing. From what I've seen, the original takes itself too seriously considering it's a vehicle to sell toys, but the dub's sheer number of jokes even in dire situations makes it very much so-bad-it's-good.

If you want to talk truly awful translation jobs, though...


You guys can all go home now. Sorry, but the thread is over.

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I would have to say the dub for Clannad. I mean they put honorifics in the charcter's name and treat as they were a part of their name.

Honestly, the Clannad dub isn't really bad, since other than that it's pretty decent and captures all the emotions felt by the characters. Ef - A Tale of Memories/Melodies does the same thing wrt the honorifics.


I think this has to be the winner.

IMO the worst anime english dub is the 4Kids One Piece dub. They edited out like 50 episodes worth of content and censored out just about everything, the voices themselves are terrible, and once you watch the japanese dubbed OP (or even just the Funimation dub) you realize it looks like a completely different anime.

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All dubs are atrocious except MAYBE FMA:B. Maybe.

I HATE HATE HATE Madoka Magica dubs the most. It sounds like ear poison to me, though, that may be because I rewatched the Japanese version way too many times, but I REFUSE to believe nobody else thinks this dub is as atrocious as I do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have to say the dub for Clannad. I mean they put honorifics in the charcter's name and treat as they were a part of their name.

Honestly, the Clannad dub isn't really bad, since other than that it's pretty decent and captures all the emotions felt by the characters. Ef - A Tale of Memories/Melodies does the same thing wrt the honorifics.

What's so bad about honorifics in a dub? I'd prefer they leave them out, but sometimes that doesn't really work. Clannad's dub only did it where it kind of needed to and they had on-screen notes for what they mean.

But Clannad's dub is very...mediocre. There are multiple bad pronunciations, the worst offender being Na-GEE-sa (just kill me), and a few of the side characters aren't acted well. Luci Christian's performance as Nagisa and Ushio, though, is so good that it's worth watching the show dubbed at least once just for her.

I HATE HATE HATE Madoka Magica dubs the most. It sounds like ear poison to me, though, that may be because I rewatched the Japanese version way too many times, but I REFUSE to believe nobody else thinks this dub is as atrocious as I do.

"Dubs?" All one? The one that is very good? Yes, it is very good. Thankfully you recognize (somewhat) the reason you don't like hearing it, but it's a really good dub, and even I saw the show twice in Japanese before watching it dubbed in English.

Anyway, worst dub I ever heard is Green Green. It's the only one that was so terrible I just couldn't bear it and had to switch audio. Luckily, it's also one of the worst series I've ever seen in itself.

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At least the first two seasons of Digimon (Adventure and 02) were pretty bad, to the point that I have to watch it in Japanese to spare my poor ears. It's a shame too, 'cause otherwise Digimon is a great series in general. DX

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As for mainstream shows, Naruto is the worst by far imo.

Eh, debatable. The dub I can at least watch some of it, but the Japanese is just unbearable for me.

One Piece's dub is really bad, even the Funimation one. I can't even watch it again, although it's leaps & bounds better than the 4Kids dub.

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Dude, some glaring omissions.

Oh, and kinda cheating here, but...

Also, pretty much any English dub from a non-traditionally English country will typically sound bad to the ears of an American, such as ones from Singapore or Hong Kong.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anything old from the 80s and early 90s is just awful.

Even popular animes like the original pokemon seasons. I cringe everytime Ash talks.

And of course Bible black is the worst dub ever, hilarious beyond belief though.

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