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Howdy, I've got two lists that I'd like audited. The first is a full eugenics FeMU lunatic run.

Lissa x Ricken
Olivia x Chrom
Maribelle x Lon'qu
Sully x Donnel
Sumia x Henry
Cordelia x Stahl
Cherche x Frederick
Panne x Virion
Miriel x Gregor
Tharja x Gaius
Nowi x Vaike
And I'm thinking FeMU x Owain.
The second is a MaMU Hard run with some eugenics, and also some waifuing/spreading the galeforce to as many kids as possible.
Lissa x Ricken
Olivia x Virion
Maribelle x Gregor
Sully x Donnel
Sumia x Chrom
Cordelia x Vaike
Cherche x Frederick
Panne x Stahl
Miriel x Lon'qu
Tharja x MU
Nowi x Gaius
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On my main run:












On my other run:












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The second is a MaMU Hard run with some eugenics, and also some waifuing/spreading the galeforce to as many kids as possible.

Lissa x Ricken
Olivia x Virion
Maribelle x Gregor
Sully x Donnel
Sumia x Chrom
Cordelia x Vaike
Cherche x Frederick
Panne x Stahl
Miriel x Lon'qu
Tharja x MU
Nowi x Gaius

Galeforce isn't much good without killing power, and you want offensive procs for that- which Nah has none of. Noire gets natural Luna and Vengeance, so switch Avatar and Gaius to get the same amount of Galeforce, a much better Nah, and to avoid some bad support conversations.

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'Liv ¤ Chrom (Hate sumia/gale force etc etc)

Cherche ¤ Fred (PavGis+Renewal since hes a badass but cant get GF)

Tharja ¤ (Donnel Or Stahl) Pavgis vs GF

Sully ¤ Gaius (Gives kj GF)

Cordy ¤ Gregor (Blanking exactly why I picked this, Melee VV?/assault on foretress of love I guess?..probably the support)

Miriel ¤ Lonqu (VV)

Panne ¤ Stalh

Lissa ¤ Libra

Sumia ¤ Henry (Default, Other dads taken)

Maribelle ¤ (Ricken for borked mage? idk) Apparently Virion.

Nowi ¤ Kellam (I like Tanks)

Looks like this will be my end result.

Granted I need a bit of input because I only know the dads modifiers, moms aren't on the C&I page for some stupid reason, so a lot of it was guesswork as far as what side of the phys/mage spectrum kids lean towards from mom (by looking at dad modifiers)

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Granted I need a bit of input because I only know the dads modifiers, moms aren't on the C&I page for some stupid reason, so a lot of it was guesswork as far as what side of the phys/mage spectrum kids lean towards from mom (by looking at dad modifiers)

No, this page: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max_all.html

It has all the mods on it, including a child mod calculator.

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No, this page: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max_all.html

It has all the mods on it, including a child mod calculator.

that doesn't have the mods though? Only a calc to see the final result

nevermind found it


Nevermind x2, I'm an idiot.

The max stat mod column in the C&I section DOES account for combined mods given that dad

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Yes, she will get Galeforce, and no, she's not the best kid, and if you want to throttle (are you sure you don't mean strangle?) Donnel, pair him up with Tharja anyway, their supports are creepy and hint at an untimely demise for the country bumpkin.

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Wassap people. Long time Fire Emblem fan but new to Awakening. After familiarizing myself with all of the units, how does this team sound?







Are those parents relatively ideal? Is 12 a good number of units to play with or is it too many/too few? Lastly I don't entirely understand the mechanics of re-classing, who would I re-class above and when? Thanks for the help!

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Anything works for maingame, those are fine. Ricken can't marry Lucina though, he's a midget but he's still first generation.

Kick Ricken for Morgan and have Morgan marry Inigo instead, Nah and Inigo's supports are creepy. I'd advise making your Avatar with a Spd asset so Morgan and Nah aren't really slow. Other than that, you're mostly fine.

On a first playthrough, reclassing doesn't matter but if you want to do it anyway then reclass units who have another class you like more, or when they reach Lv.20 promoted and can't gain any more exp in their current class.

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Thanks guys!

So I think I'll go with...








I'll read both of those re-classing links and decide what I want to go with for sure. Are there any characters with particularly funny support conversations I'm missing out on above? Any with supports that are on the lamer side? I'm still open to switching those characters around (though I love Ricken)!

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I wouldn't say there are any especially comedic supports... Maybe Lucina's sibling C. Oh, Owain and Morgan is funny. A lot of Lon'qu's are good as well.

Most of the bad supports aren't so much lame (exception for Lucina x Gerome) as offensive or disturbing. Nowi and Nah in particular are land mines, but those pairings should be alright.

Just don't forget, Owain and Lucina are cousins. Are you sure you want to pair them up?

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Ah, that's a good point. I swapped Lucina and Morgan which should fix up the issue. I want to use Nah, but I feel so sad leaving her as the only single unit. Is there any way to give her a mate without having to introduce another 2 characters (bringing my main total to 18 which seems excessive).

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Just leave her unpaired, A supports aren't bad. I often use them in the interest of getting more out of the units I choose to use without spreading the exp out too much. In this case you'll probably want Nah to use Avatar as her sidekick.

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