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You should add 0s for the mods that are 0s, just so they're there and consistent and nothing's misread.

Will do.

And to think I could have paired Fred and Olivia. sigh.


If you really want to, you can. Give Virion/Gregor to Yarne and Fred to Inigo. You can then either give Brady or Gerome, Henry as a father, I didn't see him paired up. You don't lose anything, Yarne gets a +Hit skill or Armsthrift, Brady gets more magical power, and Gerome gets +Hit skills, berserker, and the opportunity to go magical.

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No offence to those who like the pairing of course

...I would like to see someone doing Apo before Lucina's recruitment.

That support is pretty much universally reviled. You won't find any fans of it here.

How about Apo before Cht.5?

If you really want to, you can. Give Virion/Gregor to Yarne and Fred to Inigo. You can then either give Brady or Gerome, Henry as a father, I didn't see him paired up. You don't lose anything, Yarne gets a +Hit skill or Armsthrift, Brady gets more magical power, and Gerome gets +Hit skills, berserker, and the opportunity to go magical.

I believe his S supports are already done.

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So after seeing the announcement for the next Fire Emblem I'm starting to get the itch to play Awakening, especially completing lunatic+, again.

Doing a Chrom x Sumia pair this time because I would much rather have Cynthia with Aether than Inigo but my question revolves around my Mamu pairing up with Lucina.

Since I prefer playing physical classes for both Lucina and Mamu as well as pairing the two together, which asset would benefit Mamu especially for postgame?

Other information:

Def must be the flaw

I've already done a no-grind lunatic+ so I am fine with grinding.

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Bit of a newbie here but I would appreciate any critic on my pairing:

Lucina and Cynthia-Chrom x Sumia

Owain-Lissa x Vaike

Inigo-Olivia x Frederick

Brady-Maribelle x Libra

Kjelle-Sully x Donnel

Severa-Cordelia x Stahl

Gerome-Cherche x Gregor

Morgan and Noire-MU x Tharja

Yarne-Panne x Lon'qu

Laurent-Miriel x Kellam

Nah-Nowi x Gaius

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Bit of a newbie here but I would appreciate any critic on my pairing:

Lucina and Cynthia-Chrom x Sumia By far Chrom's best romantic option. Lucina and Cynthia can become the best snipers in the entire game thanks to their speed mod and luna/aether.

Owain-Lissa x Vaike Really not good at all. Horrible mod clash and Owain doesn't get a proc with at least a skill% activation rate, which he really needs.

Inigo-Olivia x Frederick Pretty good, definitely one of the best ways to use Frederick, if not THE best. It also gives Inigo the ability to tank the dreaded nightmare sniper if you give him the right skills.

Brady-Maribelle x Libra Pretty good. Brady already has everything he needs and Libra boosts his skill and magic a tad.

Kjelle-Sully x Donnel The best of the three galeforceless girls to put Donnel on, but Gaius makes her way more useful if you don't mind nerfing-crippling-dropping Noire.

Severa-Cordelia x Stahl Solid pairing with an atrocious hair color.

Gerome-Cherche x Gregor Decent, gives Gerome plenty of good classes and faires, and lets him be a good hero hard support.

Morgan and Noire-MU x Tharja Oh, so you're doing a 2nd gen Morgan. Alright, forget what I said before, DEFINITELY pair Gaius with Sully. Gaius!Kjelle is awesome and you don't have to worry about Noire getting stuck with Donnel.

Yarne-Panne x Lon'qu Exceptionally fast and skilled, but speed doesn't really help Yarne in the back, where he usually is. This is usually reserved for when you're using a female avatar and marrying him, so Male Morgan can be friggin' amazing. He's better off with Virion or Stahl if you can spare one of them.

Laurent-Miriel x Kellam Eh, Laurent's hard to ruin as a magical hard support, and Kellam, while he sucks, doesn't suck in quite the right ways to screw him up, so this is okay.

Nah-Nowi x Gaius Gaius is wasted on Nah, because nobody but the Avatar can give Nah both a proc AND galeforce. Nah's better off as a hard support for one of the galeboys. Nah's best options for fathers are probably Stahl, Vaike and Henry. As I said before, seize the rare opportunity to make both Noire and Kjelle awesome by pairing Gaius with Sully.

I notice you don't use Ricken, which is a really bad idea, because Ricken's hands down the best mage father in the game. He has the best magic mod of any potential father besides the avatar, and he also passes down Luna. So I recommend pairing Ricken with Lissa, then moving Vaike to Nowi, and then Gaius to Sully, and dropping Donnel. Then give Virion to Panne (so Yarne can be a hit+20 berserker to make either Lucina or Cynthia (preferably Lucina) into an ultra-deadly 75 speed sniper), and then probably Lon'qu to Maribelle (Makes Brady way faster and is definitely Brady's best father) and then Libra to Miriel (makes Laurent a slightly better magic support). I think that covers everything.

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I notice you don't use Ricken, which is a really bad idea, because Ricken's hands down the best mage father in the game. He has the best magic mod of any potential father besides the avatar, and he also passes down Luna. So I recommend pairing Ricken with Lissa, then moving Vaike to Nowi, and then Gaius to Sully, and dropping Donnel. Then give Virion to Panne (so Yarne can be a hit+20 berserker to make either Lucina or Cynthia (preferably Lucina) into an ultra-deadly 75 speed sniper), and then probably Lon'qu to Maribelle (Makes Brady way faster and is definitely Brady's best father) and then Libra to Miriel (makes Laurent a slightly better magic support). I think that covers everything.

Thanks.Also yeah Ricken died by accident.

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Thanks.Also yeah Ricken died by accident.

In that case, everything I just said, but replace Ricken with Henry. Great mods and passes down vengeance (not as good as luna, but you're out of luck, Ricken's the only mage father who passes down Luna unless you count Kellam).

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I was bored and did some fun math regarding DS and support levels.

There are 90 enemies in S.Apo. Assuming one is running a standard Avatar-M based team with Nah on hard support (Leads are all standard galegirls and Sumia), there will be 10 different units who ever get to take a lead position. Assuming all pairs are treated with equal preference for getting kills, this means each lead will be getting 9 kills per runthrough. To look at this another way, each pair will be getting an average of 9 kills per runthrough- 15 each for the double Galepairs and 10 each for the singles.

Now assume that each lead is running a proc that lacks 100% activation rate (Luna, Astra etc). Say I set a target so that each lead needs to have at least some% chance of not failing a single proc during the entire course of a runthrough, and also assume that each lead will be getting off all four attacks. Actual chance of killing enemies is being ignored for now, all I care about is the odds of getting at least one proc over four strikes. The results (given by the formula 100(1-(1-x/100)^4)^9) are... Interesting.

A 48% proc rate yields a 50.49% success rate. A 58% proc rate yields a 75.25% success rate. A 68% proc rate yields a 90.95% success rate. A 73% proc rate yields a 95.32% success rate, and the "standard" 80% proc rate yields a 98.57% success rate.

This applies to everything with a % chance of happening, not just procs- most notably DSes. Now, let's assume the team in question is relatively balanced (leads should never have to attack their PavGis except against NS). Lucina will always be around to deal with the one or two tougher threats with perfect reliability and it makes sense that the player would want to use their weaker pairs against weaker things, but for reliability's sake let's test out one of the weakest viable pairs around (damage output wise) on an enemy on the stronger scale of things. I'll use Donnel!Noire@DF (LB/GF/All+2/Luna/Anathema) x Libra!Inigo@Hero (LB/GF/Agg/AF/Vengeance) vs Wave 4's B.Lance Pavise+ Soldier (who, but the way, has a 20 higher average damage output than Anna and 10 more Def). His Def is 65, Res is 50 and he's got a Lance. Noire and Inigo both have 5/15 Braves.

Noire's Atk: 42(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(pairup) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +11(Celica's) =83

Inigo's Atk: 42(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +5(AF) +2(tonic) +19(B.Axe/WTA) =99

Damage: 16 from Noire, 17 from Inigo. Noire will do 64 by herself, so only one DS is needed from Inigo to finish the job.

Yes, I know I put Agg in the back for that. But if I'm banking on the lead getting four hits and the support only getting two, it actually does less damage that way. Were Inigo up front, there's be an extra 10 damage out there from two more Agg attacks.

Basically, as long as you're smart about PavGis, even a fairly weak pair can fell a very tanky enemy with doubling + 1 DS.

So, back to teams in general: If we take DS as our target among 8 leads (Lucina and Sumia have free 100%, so they don't matter to these calculations), rates as low as 70% suddenly give remarkable reliability for the map as a whole. What if you wanted a DS rate high enough that all six pairs could reasonably expect to have a perfect Apo at the same time?

69% proc rate? 51.27% success rate. Every other clear of Apo, on average, will be perfect running on DS rates that can be obtained using C supports. 77% proc rates? 81.73% success. That's better than Stone Edge for the price of a B support. 88% proc rates? 98.52% chance of getting a perfect (no dropped kills) run on S.Apo, right there. Who needs S supports?

All this isn't to show that S supports are useless, just what can be done without them (or procs. Notice the absence of Luna activations in my Noire calcs). This won't work out on low stat challenge runs thanks to one DS not being enough to get by there, but should both be solid evidence against the possibility of "ruining" a team and might open new options for teambuilding- specifically, having children fight with their parents to reduce preparation time should one not want to make a master team file, and making 2nd gen Morgan much more viable.

Also as a note, the places where doing things increases/decreases the reliability of this: pairing Lucina with a Galeboy boosts the reliability considerably, boosting one unit's DS above the average at the cost of lowering another's DS lowers the reliability and reducing your team size actually marginally increases it (due to more work being shifted onto Lucina and Sumia, who have perfect reliability). Having Nah lead isn't taken into consideration, but as long as she doesn't drop any kills her husband would have gotten thanks to Agg I don't think it will change anything. Finally, increasing the DS on double Galepairs makes a bigger difference than it does on single Galepairs.

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One option is to carry a Second Seal and switch Kjelle to DF (or potentially Valkyrie if Donnel) right before the Thronie fight. She'd get a little extra offense out of bypassing WTD and having a better weapon and Mag stat, and it's not like you're concerned about prep times if you're going to be packing legendaries so grabbing another Wedding Bouquet shouldn't be a big deal (she doesn't even need extra levels, 30 Bride -> 1 Valk -> 1 Bride works).

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One option is to carry a Second Seal and switch Kjelle to DF (or potentially Valkyrie if Donnel) right before the Thronie fight. She'd get a little extra offense out of bypassing WTD and having a better weapon and Mag stat, and it's not like you're concerned about prep times if you're going to be packing legendaries so grabbing another Wedding Bouquet shouldn't be a big deal (she doesn't even need extra levels, 30 Bride -> 1 Valk -> 1 Bride works).

That is an option to consider, for sure, but it feels like if I go that route, I might as well just have two people fight thronie or something, it seems like that would be less time consuming.

I guess what I failed to anticipate with this setup is that having the ability to hit a def and aegis enemy with a magical pavise attack is really only at its most useful when your partner is a mage, like with Gaius!Noire. If the support unit is physical, the advantage is significantly negated.

I think Owain and Kjelle are best off being on extremely versatile mook detail, being a galeforce duo that NEVER needs to worry about the pavise/aegis of their targets. Bride Kjelle lacks the firepower to justify attacking anybody she'd need 75 speed for, so I feel my team's better off if I leave her fathered by Donnel and leave Thronie to Gaius!Noire and Gregor/Libra!Laurent.

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Question(Don't know if it should be here but):

Who is most deserving of galeforce?

I am doing a third run but instead of using a male MU I am sing a female MU.From what I heard Nah and Kjelle don't need it that much but I would like to know.

I was thinking along the lines of:









Also I was wondering is there any way one can make a good physically offensive Owain rather then a magical Owain?

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Question(Don't know if it should be here but):

Who is most deserving of galeforce?

I am doing a third run but instead of using a male MU I am sing a female MU.From what I heard Nah and Kjelle don't need it that much but I would like to know.

I was thinking along the lines of:









Also I was wondering is there any way one can make a good physically offensive Owain rather then a magical Owain?

You heard wrong, it's ALWAYS best to give galeforce to Noire and Kjelle. The typical way is Gaius!Noire and Donnel!Kjelle.

Also, when doing FeMU, I highly recommend marrying a 2nd gen so Morgan can have epic stats, because marrying a male 1st gen other than chrom has pretty much no benefit at all. Best options are Vaike/Stahl!Gerome when you're a +Str avatar, Ricken/Libra!Laurent when you're +Mag, and Lon'qu/Virion!Yarne when you're +Skill, strength or speed. Any of these will make Morgans with epic stats.

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You heard wrong, it's ALWAYS best to give galeforce to Noire and Kjelle. The typical way is Gaius!Noire and Donnel!Kjelle.

Also, when doing FeMU, I highly recommend marrying a 2nd gen so Morgan can have epic stats, because marrying a male 1st gen other than chrom has pretty much no benefit at all. Best options are Vaike/Stahl!Gerome when you're a +Str avatar, Ricken/Libra!Laurent when you're +Mag, and Lon'qu/Virion!Yarne when you're +Skill, strength or speed. Any of these will make Morgans with epic stats.

Thanks for the help again.:)

Okay now for that physical Owain.I heard that Ricken can have some form of physical capability with Luna but he would have a lack luster strength stat.

I on my next run plan on sing completely(kind of) different pairings and I will have a 3rd gen male Morgan.I was thinking:

Olivia!Lucina(Cause I prefer this over Sumia!Lucina,my first was meh)


Chrom!Inigo(My favourite prince ever plus him and Lucina are awesome siblings)

Henry!Brady(I would imagine this is how Brady gets his emo like personality and that white hair tho.Sorc is a bonus)

Donnel!Kjelle(From your recommendations)

Frederick!Cynthia(I want pavgis and everyone else is gone)

Sathl or Lon'qu!Severa(I want her to have Swordmaster so I guess I will see who is left)

Gregor!Gerome(I always use this pairing and it never fails me)

2nd Gen!M Morgan(When I say this I mean I will have a 3rd gen Morgan,my asset is Strength and flaw is luck)

Lon'qu!Yarne(If I don't go Lon'qu!Sevear this will happen,if I do I will go with Kellam)

Kellam!Laurent(I was eh at this point.Kellam is there for Luna)

Gaius!Noire(My second favourite pairing for Noire plus she gets Galeforce and some other good stuff)

Vaike!Nah(Cause why not,I also heard this is good)

So how is it looking?I will more then likely pair MU with Yarne like you suggested.I am open to changes however if any f you have suggestions.

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Thanks for the help again.:)

Okay now for that physical Owain.I heard that Ricken can have some form of physical capability with Luna but he would have a lack luster strength stat.

Your best bet for a physical Owain, if you don't mind using vengeance (which can be annoying on harder challenges), is Henry. Make him a dread fighter and he'll have 42 str and 42 magic. He'd have a strength mod of 0, but since Lissa has a str mod of -2, you can't really hope for much more. The highest strength stat you can get while still giving him a proc is +1 with Stahl, who's an absurdly useful physical father and who nerfs his valuable magic stat, so I'd go with dread fighter Henry!Owain. That class is practically made for him anyway.

Also, in all honesty, I'd HIGHLY recommend switching Olivia and Sumia's husbands around. Frederick works WAY better for Inigo than for Cynthia, and Cynthia makes WAY better use of Chrom's inheritance, particularly Aether.

Also, if STR is your asset, Gregor!Gerome and Lon'qu!Yarne (NOT Kellam if you decide to go for that) are definitely your best options. In fact I'd recommend lon'qu!Yarne mostly to justify that choice of father, because that is a LOT of speed to put on a hard support.

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Your best bet for a physical Owain, if you don't mind using vengeance (which can be annoying on harder challenges), is Henry. Make him a dread fighter and he'll have 42 str and 42 magic. He'd have a strength mod of 0, but since Lissa has a str mod of -2, you can't really hope for much more. The highest strength stat you can get while still giving him a proc is +1 with Stahl, who's an absurdly useful physical father and who nerfs his valuable magic stat, so I'd go with dread fighter Henry!Owain. That class is practically made for him anyway.

Also, in all honesty, I'd HIGHLY recommend switching Olivia and Sumia's husbands around. Frederick works WAY better for Inigo than for Cynthia, and Cynthia makes WAY better use of Chrom's inheritance, particularly Aether.

Also, if STR is your asset, Gregor!Gerome and Lon'qu!Yarne (NOT Kellam if you decide to go for that) are definitely your best options. In fact I'd recommend lon'qu!Yarne mostly to justify that choice of father, because that is a LOT of speed to put on a hard support.

Thanks so then my pairings are:

Chrom x Sumia=Lucina and Cynthia

Henry x Lissa=Owain(Dread Fighter for final class)

Frederick x Olivia=Inigo

Libra x Maribelle=Brady(It would give him Sorc so the Henry swap does not matter)

Donnel x Sully=Kjelle w/Galeforce

Stahl x Cordelia=For super awesome,oddly hair coloured Severa

Gregor x Cherche=My faithful Gerome

Yarne x F MU=Male Morgan w/Taguel

Lon'qu x Panne=Yarne

Ricken x Miriel=Laurent w/Luna and awesome mag modifier

Gaius x Tharja=Noire w/Galeforce

Vaike x Nowi=Armageddon Nah


Also if I were to use a M MU what 2nd gen would be good for 3rd gen Female Morgan?

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Thanks so then my pairings are:

Chrom x Sumia=Lucina and Cynthia

Henry x Lissa=Owain(Dread Fighter for final class)

Frederick x Olivia=Inigo

Libra x Maribelle=Brady(It would give him Sorc so the Henry swap does not matter) If you really want Sorc, go for it, but I think Virion would give him better mods.

Donnel x Sully=Kjelle w/Galeforce

Stahl x Cordelia=For super awesome,oddly hair coloured Severa

Gregor x Cherche=My faithful Gerome

Yarne x F MU=Male Morgan w/Taguel Taguel's kinda irrelevant, it's the worst class in the game no matter what the challenge run is, because it can't use brave weapons, has no faires, is melee locked, and has absolutely atrocious attack power. Yarne's real assets are his excellent hard support class access and his epic mods, the latter of which is why he should be Morgan's dad.

Lon'qu x Panne=Yarne

Ricken x Miriel=Laurent w/Luna and awesome mag modifier Laurent doesn't really get to make much use of Luna, as he's a hard support who likely won't be in the front ever, but I suppose it can work for in-game.

Gaius x Tharja=Noire w/Galeforce

Vaike x Nowi=Armageddon Nah

Correct? Yes, this looks about right aside from my comments.

Also if I were to use a M MU what 2nd gen would be good for 3rd gen Female Morgan? Lucina. Always Lucina. Lucina makes hands down THE best Morgan. It goes Aether!Morgan > Male Morgan > Female Morgan.

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Okay stating a new playthrough after completeing my previous one with my horrible pairings.

My pairings:

Chrom x Sumia-For an awesome Lucina and Cynthia

Lissa x Henry-For a both physical and magical Owain

Olivia x Azz(MU +Str/-Luk)-For a godly Inigo and adorable Morgan

Maribelle x Libra-For a Brady with access to Sorc in case I want to Nosfertank

Sully x Donnel-My usual Kjelle,I also like Sully and Donnel's ending

Cordelia x Stahl-The awesome Sevear as per usual and Cordelia x Stahl is adorable

Cherche x Gregor-My usual

Panne x Lon'qu-It was suggested

Miriel x Kellam-I want Laurent to have access to priest so I don't have to pass Renewal and can pass DS+ from Miriel(Stupid reason but eh,I am not gonna use him anyways)

Tharja x Gaius-My favourite pairing for Tharja and this makes my second favourite Noire(After MU)

Nowi x Vaike-For Nah,destroyer of worlds

Any critique?(Also sorry if this is consindered a bump but the topic is just two days old)

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The pairings look good enough. Miriel x Kellam is suspect but you're not using Laurent so it doesn't matter. Laurent is pretty awesome though...

LQ x Panne is breeding fodder for 3rd Gen Morgan. Yarne would rather have a hit boosting skill (hit +20 or Hex/Anathema).

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I don't think necroposting rules apply to project threads, and I think this one falls under that.

Even then, the limit is one month. You're well in the clear.

Thank you for clarifying that.

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Also, if this is a new playthrough, why aren't you using Ricken?

On an unrelated note, all runs that use Nah are 7:2. This means that you have 8 attack pairs (including Chrom and Sumia in this assessment), and space for only 3 rally/staffbots and Olivia. A 7:2 setup seems kind of restrictive, but gives you the opportunity to use all your child units. Just some ramblings, since I was thinking about using Virion!Nah as a bride support for Owain.

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