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The Awakening Voice Actor Jokes Thread

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Just wondering if anyone can guess the theme here.

Lucina is Isara Gunther

Lissa is Cordelia Gi Randgriz

Basilio is Radi Jaeger

Ricken is Oswald the Iron

Inigo is Karl Landzaat and Baldren Gassenarl

Lon'qu is Hubert Brixham

Olivia and Anna are Juliana Everhart

On a bit of a break from the theme I'm trying to set, I wondered why Maribelle sounded kinda familiar.

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Basilio is Radi Jaeger

Ricken is Oswald the Iron

Just wondering if anyone can guess the theme here.

Those guys were badasses.

Lissa is Cordelia Gi Randgriz

I laughed for some reason.



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Nicole Karrer (Female Morgan) also voices Tear Grants in TotA. Brandon Karrer (MaleMU voice 2) is her brother, this is also his first voice acting role. Same goes to Stacy Okada (Cynthia/Say'ri)

Brandon Karrer is actually her husband. Nicole's maiden name was Balick (which she is still known [read: professionally known] as on her official website. Ever wonder why Karrer was so mysterious? This is why.

Balick's other roles include Shark Tale: The Video Game and Shadow of Rome as the lead female protagonist with brother issues. Sound familiar? She sure does, let me tell ya. SoR fell right through the cracks, so it's pretty easy to see how Balick alluded us all this time.

Also, Stacy Okada is Minae Noji. Mila may be her break-out voice role, but they didn't say it was her first. Say'ri is clearly her, though Cynthia makes me think she'd be a voice double for Rebecca Forstadt.

Edited by justmycupoftea
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Surprised no one listed Laura Bailey (Lucina) and Matthew Mercer (Chrom) voicing Helena and Leon in Resident Evil 6. They are, coincidentally, partners in that game. Co-op to be percise.

Also Yuri (Ricken) has voiced in more dubs than I can count.

Had no idea a lot of Sonic VAs voiced the casts.

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It's all been said but hey, Persona time!


Olivia = Aigis

Inigo = Akihiko

Miriel = Mitsuru

Ricken = Yosuke

Yen'fay = The teacher with buck teeth in P4

Lucina = Rise

Also for Tales, Sumia = Estelle. It fits so perfectly.

I couldn't take Wingul seriously in Xillia because SWORD HAND!!

Henry = Asbel Lhant

Robin Voice 1 = Richard

Lucy = Cheria

Frederick = Richter from DotNW

Funny enough, some of these VAs have been in the Dead or Alive Series

Lissa = Tina

Basilio = Bass

Ricken = Hayate

Lucina = Christie

Olivia = Helena


Ricken = Sasuke

Lissa = Sakura

... Lissa x Ricken is a Naruto ship :P

What else...

Ricken = Simon

Frederick = Kamina!

Blazblue time

Robin Voice 1 = Jin Kisaragi (BROTHER~!)

Basilio = Raguna za Burato Edgey

Cordelia = Tsubaki... Which is way too fitting.

Cordelia x Blonde Robin Voice 1~


Omfg I died laughing because this is so true. FE x VC crossover when. I need Sugita!Chrom and Nakamura's!Kurt to meet. Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Omfg I died laughing because this is so true. FE x VC crossover when. I need Sugita!Chrom and Nakamura's!Kurt to meet.

Everything would die to their friendship. [/Real life reference]

Or they wouldn't be able to stop trying to kill each other. [/blazblue reference]

Or all the ladies wouldn't be able to resist them. [/KEY Visual Novel or Anime reference]

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I've heard that its Dan Woren, he voices Igor in the Persona series

Someone needs to draw Virion with a long nose, saying "Welcome to the Velvet Room" now. I would, but unfortunately I'm trash at most things, including drawing.

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Chrom is the younger version of Fred's grandpa and they went on a 50 day trip to beat up Lon'qu

//Jojokes (jpn edition)

from the english dub pilot, Chrom is Jotaro instead, Basilio is Dio and I remember someone (might've been joseph but could be someone else) being Walhart

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Well, obviously, had Inigo tried to pull the same nonsense with Male Morgan that he tried with Gerome and Brady... The exact same thing would happen.



Because Todd Haberkorn is an inexplicable pimp.

Holy shit.

Todd Haberkorn = Morgan = Rowen from Tales of Xillia.

Rowen is known as a legendary tactician. He is good with swordplay and uses magic. Morgan's tactician class uses Swords and Magic.

Fucking headcanon. Morgan grows up to become Rowen :P

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