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I've been having trouble with nosebleeds lately.


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As in, I'm getting quite a few. And before about 2&1/2 to 3 weeks ago, I've never had them. I've had about 7 in total now, and the ratio between number of nosebleeds and weeks is pretty large. And it's not like I keep getting my nose bonked or anything, because it's all been through blowing my nose, or just plain random timing.

I might just be sitting somewhere, or after blowing my nose, and randomly the inside of my nose feels weird, and then about 2 seconds later, I feel something on my face above my lips. I touch it, and my finger tip is now the color of fresh blood. And that's how they start. Then maybe a couple minutes later, it stops, so I can calmly wash my blood away, and it's done. The weirdest part is that it's only my right nostril that bleeds like that. My left is always normal during the bleeds, while my right just has a steady flow of blood.

So the question is, what can I do about this, if I can do anything at all? I'm really confused about this, what with the recent starting, and the 'right nostril only,' and the fact that I'm going back to school in a couple of weeks.

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Well, a nosebleed is really just caused when the skin lining up there tears. Dryness is the largest reason something like that can occur. Do you live in an area where the weather has been dry? Are you drinking enough fluids to meet daily requirements? As for why it might be in one side of your nose rather than the other?... The reason I can think of is simply that your body is not perfectly symmetrical. For me, I know my nose isn't exactly the same on both sides and I notice I tend to get nosebleeds on one side more often than the other.

I do not think there is really anything to worry about unless there are other more serious things linked to it like your blood isn't clotting or something. Or everything just gets super more frequent. Other reasons why you might get a nosebleed is because your blood pressure is higher than normal perhaps from foods you have been eating caused the higher blood pressure.

There are other reason I think and it might have started to occur more recently because of changes in your habits, environment, or just your body changing somehow. For me something similar happened where it just started occurring all of a sudden. However, every time one occurred I believe I can pin it on the room I was in was extremely dry and I had not been having enough to drink as well.

Again, so long as your nosebleed is not super common--every single day for example-- I wouldn't worry about it.

Edited by Vorena
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Well, a nosebleed is really just caused when the skin lining up there tears. Dryness is the largest reason something like that can occur. Do you live in an area where the weather has been dry? Are you drinking enough fluids to meet daily requirements? As for why it might be in one side of your nose rather than the other?... The reason I can think of is simply that your body is not perfectly symmetrical. For me, I know my nose isn't exactly the same on both sides and I notice I tend to get nosebleeds on one side more often than the other.

I do not think there is really anything to worry about unless there are other more serious things linked to it like your blood isn't clotting or something. Or everything just gets super more frequent. Other reasons why you might get a nosebleed is because your blood pressure is higher than normal perhaps from foods you have been eating caused the higher blood pressure.

There are other reason I think and it might have started to occur more recently because of changes in your habits, environment, or just your body changing somehow.

Well, first off, the weather really isn't dry now. It's kinda hot, but not really dry, and it's been more dry before than what it is now. As for drinking, I'm pretty sure I've been fine for that. I always have something to drink with me at all times. The symmetrical thing is a possibility, because my right side always feels more natural/powerful with anything. And I haven't been eating any differently.

IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT THIS - go see a doctor. We're not medical professionals.

That's a good suggestion that my parents have been thinking about, so I'll probably try and have them schedule an appointment in the near future. I'd almost rather not though if it turns into a case of me just using my nose to breathe through more than what I used to, and I just have to deal with it until it normalizes.

And for a note from my inner 'Coincidence? I think not!' guy, I find it a bit weird that not long after my dentist check-up where I'm told to start breathing through my nose because my mouth gets really dry which isn't good for my gums/teeth, my nose bleeds from a dryer nose than usual, due to me starting to breath with my nose. It could be a coincidence, but it seems a bit weird.

Edited by Konnor97
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