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For me it has to be Sumia in all.

I have nothing against Cordelia, I find them both to be highly capable units and I always have Either a Hero!Cordelia or FK!Cordelia and a DF!Sumia in my team.

I picked Sumia for personality because I find her to be extremely endearing, and I feel that I can identify with her more. Also, even though she has a Crush on Chrom it doesn't pop up, like pratically everywhere in her supports, like Cordelia's does, which gets annoying after a while. I mean I can understand unrequited love and all, I've been there myself, but come on.

In terms of Gameplay, I picked Sumia again, because, as others have pointed out, she does have a few chapters on Cordelia, and with potential for risen skirmishes in between too, Sumia is generally miles ahead of Cordelia by the time I get her. However, as I said earlier they are both capable units, and I enjoy using both.

Though using Cordelia and Sumia with an A support, and both Galeforced makes for one hell of a Dynamic Duo. At least for me.

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The question of "who is better" is bound to spark disputes like this. I just really hate the fact that a lot of people can't respect other people's opinions and feel compelled to "convert" them to their liking.

Furthermore, why is this such a huge thing about who is better when, the two actually make a great team when paired up? I'm just saying, there's no need to add other factors to compare them with, when they don't directly correspond to them.

That is all

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The question of "who is better" is bound to spark disputes like this. I just really hate the fact that a lot of people can't respect other people's opinions and feel compelled to "convert" them to their liking.

Furthermore, why is this such a huge thing about who is better when, the two actually make a great team when paired up? I'm just saying, there's no need to add other factors to compare them with, when they don't directly correspond to them.

That is all

Exactly, I always pair them up.

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The question of "who is better" is bound to spark disputes like this. I just really hate the fact that a lot of people can't respect other people's opinions and feel compelled to "convert" them to their liking.

Furthermore, why is this such a huge thing about who is better when, the two actually make a great team when paired up? I'm just saying, there's no need to add other factors to compare them with, when they don't directly correspond to them.

That is all

While I agree with your post; its the internet, everyone thinks their answer is the only correct answer (myself included).

When it comes to this kind of stuff. You rarely see people going "hmm, maybe insert name here actually has some valid points"

Edited by General Horace
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Stahl + Cordelia > Sumia + nobody

MATH. Sumia can still have her early contributions, and then be dropped like a bad habit once you have a FREE CHARACTER who immediately does 70-80% of what she does, and eventually becomes better.

It's way easier to train Cordelia at the tail end of earlygame, since you have an established army already. Who is Cordelia competing with? N.O.W.I.? Pannecake? There's a lot of EXP to go around.

Cordelia has access to the only thing that matters: Lancefaire and Galeforce. Her Merc/DM set is so much better than Cleric/Knight, that Sumia wore a paper bag over her head during the interview with her guidance counselor. Cordelia has Vengeance and Sol. GG.

When it comes to plugging holes and RNG-screwage, Cordelia has fourteen band-aids called "support partners". She has access to anything and everything she could ever want to buttress whatever weakness you wish to. DEF supports, MAG supports, SPD, STR, whatever you want, unless what you want is Chrom (sorry).

Fact of the matter is: Cordelia has better martial stats, a superior class set, a snazzier outfit, and a super-powered daughter.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Game's not over yet.

Actually, if you're going to run Cordelia's two offensive procs, the terrible synergy they have together prevents them from working well together. Vengeance is a skill that stacks on damage based on how much damage you've taken. If you're also running a skill that heals you, you're lowering the damage potential for Vengeance and may even render it useless depending on how often it activates (and Sol has a higher priority than Vengeance). Granted, Sumia has one offensive proc to Cordelia's two, but since that skill is an amazing one the lack of competition is actually a good thing. Also, Cordelia is missing the other half of the infamous - and extremely good, mind you - VV pair: Vantage.

Technically, so does Sumia, except conveniently condensed into five. Frederick gives Strength and Defense, Chrom gives Speed and Luck, Gaius gives Speed and Skill, Henry gives Magic and Defense and the Avatar gives whatever their asset/flaw is. Although speed, luck and skill aren't things Sumia truly needs. :\

I'll forever curse her lack of supports. Damn you, IS.

They have the same outfit, just different colors. :D

And Cynthia is just as good of a unit as Severa. Both girls really just need a father so they can exist: they could take their mothers' class sets, run with them and be perfectly fine, as evidence by their first-generation counterparts.

Vashy, I honestly hope you didn't think this would end well.

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... Should I... not answer this question then?

I had no idea it was going to get THIS heated.

Edited by Vashiane
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Sumia is winning in personality. My faith in this board is being restored.


I knew this was going to get very heated, Vashy.

I don't feel like explaining why I hate Cordelia right now so I will abstain from this conversation. Mostly.

Also check your pm.

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Back to my opinion on the poll. As a standalone unit, I see Cordelia having better gameplay in the long run, but Sumia has the better personality for being more positive and less critical.

Overall is anyone's guess, based on preferances

Edited by Hero-King
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Sumia is winning in personality. My faith in this board is being restored.

I honestly think Cordelia is a tiny bit bland, compared to Sumia.

I'll never turn against her though, I'll always like Cordelia more.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa. Game's not over yet. [...]

Credits are rolling, I already put "HND" on the leaderboard.

Cordelia doesn't need to run both offensive skills together; she has options, which is more than we can say for Sumia. We can also say that about Sumia's partners, which is probably not a coincidence. Cordelia = OPTIONS. Sumia = I HOPE NOBODY ELSE WANTED FREDERICK.

Their outfits are different. Look again, paying close attention to the sides, skirts and boobplates. Cordelia's is amazing shiny contrast, Sumia's is dull-looking poop.

[spoiler=What is better than Stahl!Severa?]NOTHING IS BETTER THAN STAHL!SEVERA.

Edited by Interceptor
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So are we done here?

Everyone's calmed down?

Hold up one more.

Credits are rolling, I already put "HND" on the leaderboard.

Cordelia doesn't need to run both offensive skills together; she has options, which is more than we can say for Sumia. We can also say that about Sumia's partners, which is probably not a coincidence. Cordelia = OPTIONS. Sumia = I HOPE NOBODY ELSE WANTED FREDERICK.

Their outfits are different. Look again, paying close attention to the sides, skirts and boobplates. Cordelia's is amazing shiny contrast, Sumia's is dull-looking poop.

[spoiler=What is better than Stahl!Severa?]NOTHING IS BETTER THAN STAHL!SEVERA.

Except for MU!Severa

Ok I'm good now.

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You know you guys if you don't want to pair up Sumia with Fredrick for some reason, just pair her up with Kellam, Vaike, or Stahl. I mean yeah, it's not as good as pairing with Fredrick since she's missing the support bonuses but she still gets a lot out of the pair up bonuses and it's not like Kellam or Vaikeare great at anything besides being pair up bitches.

Cordelia and Sumia are good to use on ghe same team anyway. Also the argument about Sumia being an exp hog is stupid. Who cares if she steals exp from idiots like Miriel or Vaike? I'm also pretty sure using Sumia does not preclude the use of other units either. Besides you can apply the same argument for Cordelia as well.

(Also since Interceptor is posting, I expect thinly veiled insults dressed up as colorful metaphors to be thrown around).

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