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My story

Metal Rabbit

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i havent made one of these yet. well i wasnt going to anyway. i made a topic that ended up stickied. but im bored so here I am.

This is my story, and yeah its long. If at least one person read it though, i'd be happy.

My name here is Metal Rabbit, but I'm otherwise known as dr. burger. I have various usernames in different forums such as... neo_tank, armored hare, toe cheese, greatsmash, dark_flygon, Globeman, and a few others. As you can see, i've been to many forums...

That started over a year ago when the pokemon mystery dungeon games were coming soon. I've stalked Gfaqs for a while prior, and then finally joined. I mostly visited the Pokemon Emerald General Board and showed others what a noob i was. I think about it now and it makes me laugh. I made a few friends, ran a popular pokmon poll, made enemies, got warned, got my friend accidently banned, had to shut down my game, deal with jackass trolls, and went through depression cycles (not all in order).

But the trolls were just... horrible. After taking so much abuse I went to MBH, and they reccommended that I just stay away... and I have. Every now and then I find the troll and shoot it up with him, but I'm much smarter now. I know how to parry his tactics. Granted, I'm no troll slayer but I can certainly hold my own now...

Something I left out of my list of events was I joined an Invisionfree forum lead by the guy who did the PEGB's otehr poll. I was accepted into their community, and when i was a full regular, I became a mod. Months of dedication and helping our forum head lead me to be on of the assistant Admins. Soon enough I met a guy who would soon become one of the best friends I'll ever have. Crazymaori was made assistant admin soon after I was.

A few months later, that troll that fought so hard to stop me from doing my poll did the same to our forum master. He stopped coming to his own forum... and me and crazy decided to open our own forums. I invited my friends to come there to play our Fire Emblem RP, (never finished it, never will) and he invited people to his to discuss the upcoming pokemon d/p game. needless to say they didnt work out. I had the idea to combine our forums together, and name it something else. before i said anything else, crazy had created Wonderwall. (I love the guy, but he's a bit rash). Its still up after 4 months and we still have alot of regulars, so we must be doing something right.

More recently, my depression cycles have been worse. I'm 16 years old now, and i havent lived a day of my life. As I said in my profile, I have a talent for writing songs lyrics. My biggest theme is regret. I felt that I needed to change something. I resigned as lead admin of Wonderwall and made an account on Serenes Forest.

The other reason I resigned was because I've held a position of power for so long (mod, admin) that I forgot what its like to be a newbie. When I go to other forums, i behave like a jackass because i'm so used to not following my own rules. I realised it was because i've been corrupted. I resigned to stop myself from going down a bad road. I've been coming here looking for info on FE10 for months, and one day I just noticed that the forums were up so i joined. This was a new oppurunity for me. Meet new users, trying to review my roots... I havent been this happy in a long time.

It's not something you think about, but everything about the internet is fast nowadays. The lessons you learn happen much faster than they would in reality. Here's one for you: Never forget your begginings.

Note: the forum master I talked about is Ranlom. If you ever see a fad that goes "RANLOM!!!" it was named after him.

If you read this, then thank you...

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I never read it all, I'm too tired right now. Can I still have a cookie? I promise to come back later to read it all then, when I'm not so tired.

edit: Just read it, very interesting. Welcome to the forum.

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i have a half and half policy.

i'll give you half a cookie, but i'll give you the slightly smaller piece.


but you can have the rest when you have read it all.

Ta. I just read it a few seconds ago, bigger half now?

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ok, but first answer this question:

which one of these is NOT an alt of mine?

A. dr_burger92

B. greatsmash

B. Metal Rabbit

D. shinynut

The only one that wasn't mentioned was shinynut, am I right?

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your sharper then i gave you credit for. you said "mentioned".

all of those are my accounts, however dr_burger92 is not an ALT because he is the original.

for your reward, i will give you the other half AND i'll throw in a free sample of fudge. what kind would you like?

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  • 1 month later...


Well in the past few months I've been more depressed and stressed from school. But we should back it up: After leaving my position at wonderwall, I was sorta figuring stuff out about myself for a month. Then I realised that NOT being an admin didnt affect my stress. Hell, I was more and more annoyed that I wasn't able to access all the stuff I could before. So one day I wrote a fiery speech to my friend to take me back as admin. (Didnt need to though, he woulda given it anyway). So I've been here and there living more care-freely.

Oh yeah, and I never mentioned it before but our forum has 4 admins.


But only me and crazy actually DO stuff there. Y'know, that's another subject...

We have mods and admins who are active, but don't do anything with their abilities. It's been said more than once there that mods had the position for bragging rights. We don't get alot of new people, let alone trolls invading. But when that DOES happen, the only two active admins take care of it like that.

You know I've a vendetta against trolls. I do my best to counter them, even if it turns me into one. But now I'm kinda okay with it. So that's it for... up to now I guess.

Also, I love this:


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Can you say tl;dr?

I can. And as you can see, I have been boning up on the latest crappy stupid lame unfunny internet lingo in order to create lulz. And as you can see, I had to sell my soul in the process. Which sucked.

But now I am a soulless cynical monster that goes around eating ePeople on the internets. And I can only be stopped by at least 100 chocolates. And you ate them all! Impossibly selfish. You will burn for that.

Also, my average sentence length. Went down. Assumably along. With my inteligence.

But I do still care.

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lawlerskates, teh lolspeek is nawt taht hrad tew mastor.

Also, about the depression thing, I have found that the music that rings truest to me is songs that have relatively depressing lyrics. I think that the human soul is intrinsically dark and is attracted to dark things like that. But I don't really want to get into a theological debate.

The point is that writing lyrics concerned with failure is not only normal, it also helps you to deal with the emotions by putting them on paper.

(I draw people getting mutilated when I'm upset).

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