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Tharja is a goddess


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Just because mods agree with you doesn't mean that what you're doing is okay or normal. In fact, making threads for no other reason than to mock someone--around 5 in total, I think?--definitely isn't normal. Do you see anyone else doing that on this forum? Of course not. It's plainly obvious that you're not normal compared to the others here: you have a major attitude and anger problem and you need to seek attention for it as soon as possible.

The Mayo Clinic agrees with me, as I showed you before. I can even give you many more links if you're interested.



So this isn't just my opinion and Sumia's, but rather, every single psychiatrist and medical source in the world would agree with me that both injuring yourself out of anger and attempting to mock people online is definitely a sign of a mental illness You take the internet WAY too seriously. I'm not saying this to offend you, but that is the truth. You might want to try seeing a counselor at your college. As far as I recall, all colleges have free counseling with health insurance? I'm not sure if you have health insurance, but it's certainly possible that you can get free counseling.

The fact that you're trying to cuss and swear at someone who is genuinely trying to help a person in need is evidence of the fact that you have a serious problem. The more and more you post, the more you prove me right. The best you can do now is admit you're wrong and seek treatment for your problem.

Maybe you can make some friends after seeking treatment. But make sure you start your treatment once college starts, otherwise you won't be accepted in parties and such.

Edited by Celes
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The way you desperately try to shoehorn "intellectual" links from seemingly nowhere into your posts is really cute

Intellectual? I'm not giving you an academic paper here. I just googled and got some stuff from the first page. Those are all articles intended to help people in need of treatment such as yourself. Those websites, such as WebMD, are made so people can access them, smartypants. How on earth is that intellectual?






Do these threads look like they were made by a mentally healthy person? No. No one else makes those kinds of threads on this forum but you. You hurt yourself during your anger attacks and you cuss constantly whenever someone gets you angry. That's not normal at all. Those are all indications of a mental health problem and you don't need to go to "intellectual" websites to know that.

I suggest having at least one session with a counselor. You have no idea how much it'll help you.

If you never get any sort of treatment.. well.. let's just say I feel sorry for the potential girlfriend that you'll beat in one of your fits of anger.

Edited by Celes
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Reggie is Reggie and he keeps having fun by provoking you to react to him in ways you continuously do. He is having fun right now, too.

Trolling? I'm not angry or upset at all. How can someone derive pleasure from me telling them to seek treatment?

Regardless, I know more about Reggie than you do. Let's just say he has a history of anger that involves self harm. It explains why he cusses half of the time he posts and makes such angry threads.

I'm not trying to tease him about it. That would be wrong. I'm telling him to get help.

Edited by Celes
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what's that big blue pixelated circle thing?

that, my friend, is the source of 99.9999999999999% of our light, life, and 99.999999999999% of the total energy output in our solar system. can't actually back that last one up because i can't find a single damn link that shows a pie chart or graph detailing the energy output of the bodies in our solar system. which is really weird. but i'm willing to bet i'm correct.

this was supposed to be a simple joke about galeforce but now i'm upset that i couldn't make my joke mathematically accurate.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Just because mods agree with you doesn't mean that what you're doing is okay or normal. In fact, making threads for no other reason than to mock someone--around 5 in total, I think?--definitely isn't normal. Do you see anyone else doing that on this forum? Of course not. It's plainly obvious that you're not normal compared to the others here: you have a major attitude and anger problem and you need to seek attention for it as soon as possible.

The Mayo Clinic agrees with me, as I showed you before. I can even give you many more links if you're interested.



So this isn't just my opinion and Sumia's, but rather, every single psychiatrist and medical source in the world would agree with me that both injuring yourself out of anger and attempting to mock people online is definitely a sign of a mental illness You take the internet WAY too seriously. I'm not saying this to offend you, but that is the truth. You might want to try seeing a counselor at your college. As far as I recall, all colleges have free counseling with health insurance? I'm not sure if you have health insurance, but it's certainly possible that you can get free counseling.

The fact that you're trying to cuss and swear at someone who is genuinely trying to help a person in need is evidence of the fact that you have a serious problem. The more and more you post, the more you prove me right. The best you can do now is admit you're wrong and seek treatment for your problem.

Maybe you can make some friends after seeking treatment. But make sure you start your treatment once college starts, otherwise you won't be accepted in parties and such.

Holy shit you actually accused someone that just plain doesn't like you of being mentally unsound.

I'm fuckin dying over here reading this why did I have work today I COULD HAVE BEEN HERE WHEN IT HAPPENED

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Holy shit you actually accused someone that just plain doesn't like you of being mentally unsound.

I'm fuckin dying over here reading this why did I have work today I COULD HAVE BEEN HERE WHEN IT HAPPENED

you missed out man

but don't worry! I'm sure there will be more catfights in the future

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kinda depressing really, it was either a) legitimately being a elitist "helper" who thinks they know me personally well through my internet posts, or b) maintaining a straight face through a gimmick that got old real quick

either way, the followup posts fulfilled my laughs of the day

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My gosh. I was wrong. I thought the shitstorm would manifest itself in the Nowi vs. Tharja thread.

Seems like I was off and owe someone some money. Damn.

You three should have a sadomasochist threesome.

You won this thread.

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