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Convince me to dislike archers/snipers.


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With bros like Tomas, Wil, Ronan, Jamke, Innes, and Archer!Stahl in my many armies, with pretty young women wielding bows such as Norne, Rebecca, Neimi, Noire, and Louise helping out, as well, nothing can go wrong.

So go.

Edited by ZMeister
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Dismount exist

in before Zeem want to ride her but Glade already ride her first


Machua's all I want to ride- I MEAN WHAT

Now I want to do a run of FE5 where Selphina's dismounted ALL THE TIME.

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If speed doesn't matter, then half the argument against archers is gone. No enemy phase is huge, but if you don't care about 50+ turns then go for it. As long as they survive enemy phase to hit stuff afterwards. Which leads us to the other half of the argument against archers. Most start unable to double anything while 5HKOing enemies and getting 2 or 3 HKOd in return. aka really bad. This is only not noticeable by most archer fans because they play the first few chapters using iron or bronze or whatever to get enemies to <5 hp so that the weak archers can get kills and gain levels up to the point they can survive and kill stuff. Somehow that part doesn't trigger a red flag in the "Is this unit bad" part of their mind.

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also known as "the game where Zeem gets NTR'ed by Wrath and a Leadership Star"

Brighton needs to back off if he knows what's good for him.

What how can you not like Robert Astley.

He never gave up and never let me down.

Screw the two other stooges with him though.

There was a red/green duo in FE5?

Archers are not Hunters.

Therefore they are bad


If speed doesn't matter, then half the argument against archers is gone. No enemy phase is huge, but if you don't care about 50+ turns then go for it. As long as they survive enemy phase to hit stuff afterwards. Which leads us to the other half of the argument against archers. Most start unable to double anything while 5HKOing enemies and getting 2 or 3 HKOd in return. aka really bad. This is only not noticeable by most archer fans because they play the first few chapters using iron or bronze or whatever to get enemies to <5 hp so that the weak archers can get kills and gain levels up to the point they can survive and kill stuff. Somehow that part doesn't trigger a red flag in the "Is this unit bad" part of their mind.

I mainly like archers because the bow is my favorite weapon type. If their SPD didn't tend to be on the weak end, I'm sure they'd be a lot more appreciated.

Innes is a total bro.


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On my current females only run, I've already concluded that having Neimi is preferrable to not having Neimi. Her contributions in chapter 11 Eirika have been invaluable for example, and she helped out in some other places too. A lot of the time she was just hiding not to get in the way of people getting experience, but that's also because I had really scrubby people.

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@CR: Please. I couldn't be happier.

...I just don't want to do the draft because people will make phun of meh. :<

@Espinosa: Neimi's amazing. Her growths are really solid, but her bases...wow.

Edited by ZMeister
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