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Beneath the Shadows Chapter One: Ancient Fears


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Leon had been depressed the last few days. Although there had been a death, he hadn't seen it. He had retired to his room early that night, and only heard accounts of what happened. That did it for him. His healing was hardly doing much, though the others had seemed fine with it. He just felt worthless. Sayina and the other trained healers were much better, and he had mainly been hiding that last fight anyway. There had to be something he could do.

He was a bit more excited when the newcomers showed up and discussed magic. He had some promise for Fire magic in his youth, and during his time in the troupe, he learned some tricks with it, but never anything more than some fire-breathing and other useless things. He should have picked up a tome when he joined the mercenaries, but it didn't cross his mind at the time.

He had packed up and left with the group out on their next mission quietly. Leon just sort of followed Caslan and Zeff, since the others seemed to have paired off when he wasn't paying attention. As the fighting began, he took a defensive position, near one of the dilapidated houses. It would probably be a good fortification, at least in terms of a choke-point.

Leon noticed Caslan had taken some damage during the fight, and made sure to heal him, as he was closer than the others. He made sure to hang back near the collapsing house, to try and get a vantage point on the battle.

Leon heals Caslan +7 HP

Caslan 12/12 HP

Leon uses Sneak

Sneak uses 1/2

Leon earns 3 points

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"Fine," Jacob said, as he swung at the wolf, nearly cutting off one of its' limbs. Unfortunately with its' other three the demon managed to deal a sizeable wound to the recruit. Well, that didn't work.



3,1,3 = autohit! 7-2 = 5 points of damage!

5,3,6 = hit! 8-3 = 5 points of damage!

Jacob 10/15

Dire Wolf A 7/12

Jacob gains 1 point.

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Raelyn roll the first:


5 + 4 - 2 = 7 damage

Raelyn: 12/12

Dire Wolf A: 0/12


"Fangs off my team!" Raelyn shouted, as she charged the dire wolf. Rather than aim for the monster's limbs, she went straight for where she thought its heart would be. It yelped before dissipating. She turned to Jacob and Chandra. "Are the two of you all right?"

Five points; would like it if the others could get some kills, too!

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Linn had been blasted by dark magic, healed, shot by an extremely painful arrow, and healed once again. Her lovely white and black dress was being terribly stained with her blood, and she was freaking out for multiple reasons. She tried to stabalize herself by holding onto Aeson's shoulder for a moment, just enough to regain her footing. "Aeson! Aeson they're real! They're real and I have no idea how to react!" She came incredibly close to whining, about the wrong thing entirely, a bit too shocked from the pain and the slight blood loss to actually formulate much else. "Thank you so much, though! You've saved me twice now." She had to force herself to calm down a bit, to thank the man, since she was sincerely grateful.

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Zeff's rage was only further fueled by the fact that he had been wounded. Gripping his sword even tighter, he moved in for a counter attack but stopped mid-step. He could feel it, it his stomach there was a warm feeling, and again he could feel the wetness of his shirt rubbing against his skin. He turned his head to get a better view at his assailant. He couldn't see all that clearly, but he could make out the red eyes glaring at him. "Y-you little bitch...", were the only words he was able to mutter before falling onto the ground, his sword clattering next to him.

It was a repeat of his first battle. It was a repeat of that day, the day where she--where she was--Zeff couldn't bear to think about it. Waves of agony washed over his heart, as he drifted away into a world uncharted.

[spoiler=In death they meet]

"Zeff...I've been waiting so long. I'm so happy. You've finally come for me, I knew you would..." He could her eyes, were filled with such warm brightness. It felt almost nostalgic, and he relished the warmth she was giving off. But her expression darkened for a moment, "Oh...it seems someone is calling to you. Go. I'll wait here...for a little while longer. Promise me, you'll come back again. There's so much you must tell me!" He felt her draw closer to him, and she began to whisper something in his ear, but the words were too faint...

He felt the warmth draw away from him, and as he reached out to try and grab hold, his vision blacked out once more.

With a jolt, Zeff's eyes shot open. W-where am I? For some reason, a word was being repeated in his head. Demons...Demons...Demons?...
It all came rushing back to him. "I wont forgive you for this, now die!" He scrambled upwards grabbing his sword to catch the monster who had inflicted his mortal wound, off guard. But as he moved in, it was shot down in front of him. Glaring at it, he gave it's skull a hard smash with his boot for good measure.

Looking back, he saw the man who had shot down the fiend. He stepped back to remove himself from the enemy ranks and re-position himself for another attack.

Zeff is defending Malachi.

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Enemy Phase 2

One of the direwolves charged at one of the healers of the group. Biting deeply into her arm, he left the woman barely standing.



4+2=6 damage

Chandra: 1/12 HP

Suddenly, the shaman cried out in whatever foreign language he'd used before, and a set of the other demons charged the Harriers. One of the direwolves charged the weakened healer and left her collapsed on the ground.



4+6=10 damage

Chandra: 0/12 HP

Meanwhile, one of the nightshades pointed at Linn. A blast of dark magic slammed into the elf, knocking her back, leaving her bleeding but up.



1+5=6 damage

Linn: 5/15 HP

The hellhound next tried to attack the elf mage, but missed.

A shade attacked the elf next, leaving her barely alive.




4 damage

Linn: 1/15 HP

NPC Phase

Sayina cursed as Chandra fell, but there was nothing he could do right now. He charged over to Linn, muttering a quick healing spell under his breath.


Linn: 15/15 HP

Rayil meanwhile cried out in anger and charged one of the shades that had been attacking the elf girl.



3 damage by Rayil

Shade D misses

Shade D: 9/12 HP

1/1 Corrupted Dwarf Wyvern Rider (passive)
1/1 Corrupted Human Soldier (passive)
1/1 Corrupted Human Shaman (passive-erratic)
0/2 Hellhound A (passive-defensive)
0/1 Shade A (passive-aggressive)
0/1 Corrupted Human Journeyman (passive-aggressive)
0/2 Corrupted Human Recruit (Aggressive)
0/2 Nightshade A (defending, apprentice)
0/1 Corrupted Elf Apprentice (Aggressive)
0/1 Dirwolf A (Aggressive)
0/2 Corrupted Dwarf Riding Novice (Aggressive)
0/2 Corrupted Human Journeyman (Aggressive)
0/1 Direwolf B (Subvert)
0/1 Shade B (Subvert)
0/2 Corrupted Elf Acolyte (passive-aggressive)
0/2 Corrupted Human Acolyte (passive-aggressive)
0/1 Corrupted Dwarf Recruit (passive-aggressive)
0/1 Shade C (passive-aggressive)
0/2 Nightshade B (subvert)
0/2 Hellhound B (subvert)
0/1 Shade D (subvert)
0/1 Direwolf C (subvert)
Aeson 9/15
Alfonso 21/21
Linn 15/15
Ernce 15/15
Raelyn 12/12
Chandra 0/12
Jacob 10/15
Rimsky 21/21
Zeff 11/15
Leon 12/12
Caslan 12/12
Malachi 12/12

Sayina 18/18
Rayil 12/12

Player Phase 3

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Linn took another terrible, awful barrage of dark magic from whatever these creatures were. Despite being brought back up to a healthy state by Sayina, she was infuriated, and wasn't about to put up with this abuse any longer! "You! You foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach, or whatever else you are! Kindly DIE!" In her rage, she conjured up a fantastically large blade of wind, and furiously launched it without care towards the beast. It was instantly split apart, and melted onto purple ooze. "That'll teach you to pick on an elf with improper magic training! Who's next?!"

Linn completely obliterates Shade D

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Down went Chandra, to two wolves, with Jacob being able to do nothing but watch. There was no healer in their squad anymore. Right, well, since he was probably going to die now, he'd better at least try to bring something down with him. The recruit charged at one of the shades that had been shot by Malachi, and took a mighty swing. Unfortunately he missed the being and it slammed a dark sphere into him, almost knocking the Celisan out.

1,1,2 = 7-7 = Miss! Nightshade B 5/15
1,4,3 = Hit! 10-1 = 9 points of damage! Jacob 1/15!


Rimsky defends Jacob!

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Things weren't looking the best for one of the other groups but, as much as Ernce would've liked to help, there were other matters at hand. He was well aware of the monsters near his group's position that were more than ready to tear into his less armoured companions. Linn had been lucky to still be standing after several of the beasts had gone for her and Ernce figured she wouldn't be so lucky the next time. "I've got you're back so you don't need to worry about those monsters," Ernce said as he cautiously approached her. He'd seen what she'd done to the monster and was in no hurry to have the same done to him.

Ernce defends Linn!

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Raelyn cursed under her breath when Chandra fell. She cursed again when she saw Jacob charge recklessly in, then breathed a sigh of relief when Rimsky stepped in to defend Jacob.

Chandra's down, and that's bad. We must be even more careful from now on.

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Training on Malachi's target, Caslan prepared hit own spell to back it up, not too different from his first battle. Seeing a glimmer of opportunity in other's misfortune, Caslan moved to flank the Nightshade as it dodged Jacob's attack.

At that distance the elf could not miss. The force of the spell cleaved the being of malice in to two. As he was about to celebrate his victory over this nightmarish foe, the elven mage noticed that had he not killed the thing, one of its arm was clearly pointing at Caslan's chest at equally deadly distance. Which could have proven fatal.

Signalling to Joey, the elf hid behind his mount.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4217972/ 4,3,4,4,6,6 Caslan Stealths!

Caslan Auto hits Nightshade B for 6 damage!

Nightshade B failed to live long enough to counter crit for 20~

Caslan 12/12

Nightshade B 0/15

Caslan Stealths! No more Stealth uses left.

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After sniping one off one of the creatures alongside malachi, rimsky watched in disbelief as chandra was taken down by two wolves. Soon after, jacob attacked and missed a creature,whose counter nearly knocked out jacob. Worried for his friend, rimsky rushed towards jacob and decided to play knight.

"don't worry jacob, i've got yeh covered", he said, mustering up all his confidence.

Ooc: mods can still roll for me until further notice.

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Chandra figured staying close to her group would help protect her. She figured wrong. The remaining dire wolves between people, having some sort of vendetta against the shaman. The first one clamped down on her already wounded arm, putting her in excruciating pain. She attempted to beat it back with her staff, but this left her open for the next wolf. The second wolf buried his fangs deep into Chandra's side. The woman let out a bloodcurdling cry as the wolves dragged her onto the ground.

"So...my fate wasn't avoided. Only delayed..."

Chandra found herself on her back, her staff rolled out of her still hand. An attempt to bring herself up failed, leaving her in worse condition. Her legs curled towards her as blood pooled around her body from her grave wounds. The last thing she saw was her team watching in disbelief before turning back to the approaching enemy. Chandra fainted from the blood loss; her last thought left her wondering if the wolves would feast upon her.

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"What? Drats! Linn, are you ok?!" Alfonso's eyes opened wide as he saw a good pack of the demonic wolves swarming the poor mage.

They weren't going to give an opening, this was a real battle. Alfonso realized things weren't going to follow as a book script, they wouldn't heroically defeat all enemies and go back home heroes.

"D-Damn you! I... I can't just watch as everybody else is being teared apart..." Alfonso grieved. The company was holding their own, but he wasn't able to change anything, it slowly chewed on Alfonso's pride.

Thankfully enough, Linn was healed hastily, and she was already set on destroying her offenders with shade. Alfonso was relieved, but he still felt troubled for his actions, or lack thereof. "Aeson... I'll keep guard again. Haah, how do I wish I could just pierce them all in one swift thrust, and save everyone..."

Alfonso defends Aeson!
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His head was aching, and he could barely see straight. His wounds had closed up, but he had still suffered from the earlier blood loss. He cursed under his breath. At this rate, there would be nothing he could do in the fight.

It'll be just like...Just like what? His mind was searching for answers but producing none. There was another thing that was bothering him. When he was stabbed, he was certain he had died. But it felt like he had only been sleeping. Sleeping, and having a dream. And it was that dream that he was so desperately to recall. He felt that it was important to him, but it just wasn't coming to him.

"Bah, looks like I'm stuck hangin' around you. Don't get it my way..." He was glaring at the archer next to him, failing to realize that that same archer had contributed to the fight more than he had.

Zeff defends Malachi.

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Leon noticed another one of the healers take a wound. Someone was defending him, but he still looked a bit ragged. "Hey, be careful. Someone can't take every hit for you." He healed Aeson's wounds and tried to slink back to the side of the battle.

Leon heals Aeson +3 HP

Aeson 12/15

Leon uses Sneak

Sneak used 2/2

Leon earns 3 points (6 points total)

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Enemy Phase 3
The lone dire wolf tried to leap onto the injured lance wielder, but settled for chomping on the dwarven archer's leg instead.

2,4,3! Rimsky takes 6 damage!
Rimsky 15/21 HP

Another dire wolf went for the kill in the meantime, and lunged at the human, giving him a good mauling.
1,3,5! 5 points of damage! Jacob is defeated!

The hellhound then moved onto the next target, a swordsman, but was easily dodged.

The shaman spoke in his twisted speech, and all of a sudden, the rest of the demons began to behave more aggressively!

Fell Wyvern Rider (Erratic) 24/24
Fell Soldier (Erratic) 15/15

Fell Shaman (Erratic) 18/18
Hellhound A (defending Fell Shaman) 15/15
Shade A (Aggressive) 12/12
Fell Human Journeyman (Aggressive) 12/12

Fell Recruit (Aggressive)
Nightshade A (defending Fell Elf Apprentice) 15/15
Fell Elf Apprentice (Aggressive) 15/15
Direwolf A (Aggressive)
Fell Dwarf Riding Novice (Aggressive)
Fell Human Journeyman (Aggressive)

Direwolf B (Subvert) 12/12
Shade B (Subvert)
Fell Elf Acolyte (aggressive) 15/15
Fell Human Acolyte (aggressive) 12/12
Fell Dwarf Recruit (aggressive) 15/15
Shade C (aggressive) 12/12

Nightshade B (subvert)
Hellhound B (subvert) 15/15
Shade D (subvert)
Direwolf C (subvert) 12/12

Aeson 12/15
Alfonso 21/21
Linn 15/15
Ernce 15/15
Raelyn 12/12
Chandra 0/12
Jacob 0/15
Rimsky 16/21
Zeff 11/15
Leon 12/12
Caslan 12/12
Malachi 12/12

Sayina 18/18
Rayil 12/12

Other Phase
Rayil cried out in anger as another one of his comrades fell, and swung at one of the demonic dwarves. He did a good deal of damage with his two strikes, and managed to evade the monster's axe.

2,3,5 = Hit! 7-3 = 4 points of damage!
4,3,1 = Miss!
5,3,5 = Auto Hit! 7-3 = 4 points of damage!
Fell Dwarf Recruit 7/15 HP
Rayil 12/12 HP

Sayina, on the other hand, decided to take preventative measures against injuries by aiming for one of the stronger foes. Unfortunately, that foe dealt a solid hit to the elf, and he rode to the back of Harrier ranks to lick his wounds.

5,1,1 = Critical hit! 2(12-9) = 6 points of damage! Fell Dwyvern Rider 18/24
5,5,4 = Hit! 16-6 = 10 points of damage! Sayina 8/18 HP!
Sayina Activates Stealth!

Hale looped around and advanced on the demon gathering, his sword still sheathed. It looked like he made to draw it, for a second, but then he produced a tome, and muttered a few words. A beam of light fell from the sky and struck the demonic soldier down in a single blow.

"Right, leave the stronger ones to me," he shouted, as the demons turned their attention to the newcomer.


Level 2 Half-elf Mage Fighter
Raw: HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 6 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF:1 RES: 5
Weapon 1: Speed tome (Light) C
Weapon 2: Plain Sword
Armor: Defensive armor C
Consumables: N/A
Demon Slayer
Runic (This unit is able to transfer half of its' STR or MAG stat to the other one. Resets at the beginning of their next phase.)

Simple stats: 18 HP, 6 might, 10 hit, 8-14 as, 10-16 avoid, 7 def, 5 res

Runic activates! 3 STR is shifted to MAG! New might: 9.
3,1,1 = critical hit! 2(10-1) = 18 points of damage! Fell Soldier is defeated!

Fell Soldier 0/15
Hale 18/18

Fell Wyvern Rider (Erratic) 18/24
Fell Soldier (Erratic)
Fell Shaman (Erratic) 18/18
Hellhound A (defending Fell Shaman) 15/15
Shade A (Aggressive) 12/12
Fell Human Journeyman (Aggressive) 12/12

Fell Recruit (Aggressive)
Nightshade A (defending Fell Elf Apprentice) 15/15
Fell Elf Apprentice (Aggressive) 15/15
Direwolf A (Aggressive)
Fell Dwarf Riding Novice (Aggressive)
Fell Human Journeyman (Aggressive)

Direwolf B (Subvert) 12/12
Shade B (Subvert)
Fell Elf Acolyte (aggressive) 15/15
Fell Human Acolyte (aggressive) 12/12
Fell Dwarf Recruit (aggressive) 7/15
Shade C (aggressive) 12/12
Nightshade B (subvert)
Hellhound B (subvert) 15/15
Shade D (subvert)
Direwolf C (subvert) 12/12

Aeson 12/15
Alfonso 21/21
Linn 15/15
Ernce 15/15
Raelyn 12/12
Chandra 0/12
Jacob 0/15
Rimsky 16/21
Zeff 11/15
Leon 12/12
Caslan 12/12
Malachi 12/12

Sayina 8/18 (Stealthed)
Rayil 12/12
Hale 15/15

Player Phase 4

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Rimsky shoots the dwarf recruit that Rayil had weakened. The recruit is now dead. Carry on as normal.

[spoiler=combat stuff]


5+3-3=5 damage


5+4-3=6 damage

ded dwarf

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Well, at least his group had survived; however, two members of the other group were bleeding on the ground. "Damnit, this isn't good," he mumbled under his breath. "Something needs to be done about those wolves or else we'll be over whelmed..." With that in mind Ernce charged one of the remaining wolves and stabbed at it. However it was only a glancing blow yet the same could be said of the wolf's retaliation.

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Linn was still feeling it! The rush of adrenaline, the power behind her spells; the thought of rending these monsters asunder! It was empowering her so much that, as soon as Ernce was finished stabbing, she shot off another blade of wind at the same monster. Her bravado faltered quickly, as it didn't die, and in fact, reared its fangs at her! They dug in deep, as it leapt at her form, and she screamed out in pain!

Linn winds the beast for 5 damage, but takes an unfortunately painful attack in response!

Linn, 6/15

Direwolf C, 2/12

+1 point :P

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Zeff's eyes scanned the field for more targets, his blood lust increasing. In the back of his mind, he knew he was acting almost out of character, but something tugged at his heart, telling him it was okay to feel this way. He locked eyes with a particularly hellish looking foe. He baited the creature and got exactly the response he was looking for. The monster lunged towards him and Zeff quickly threw his sword over to his left hand. He guided the dog to his right arm and allowed himself to get bitten. But due to the metal of his glove, the dog was unable to retract its fangs as easily.

Zeff wasn't that ambidextrous, but at such a close range, he didn't need to be. He stab deep down into the it's neck and kicked the dog away from him. He had sustained another injury, but the pain was offset by the joy he felt in eradicating these creatures.



Zeff hits. Does 8 damage.

Hellhound hits. Does 7 damage.

Zeff: 4/15HP

Hellhound: 7/15HP

+1 point - hooray...

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"Ah! Linn! Don't start such a fight alone!" Alfonso spoke as he hurried to shoo the beast that bared his fangs against the mage. "There, I'll have to trust Aeson's sturdiness. I won't let these beasts pick on the wounded! ... ah, but I can only be at so many places at once... hrmh." He sighed.

Alfonso defends Linn!
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Linn was almost crying from the pain, an actual wound much more painful than the soul draining feeling and knock back of dark magic. She'd also made her mind up on this experience. Despite earlier bravado, it had dawned on her how dangerous this whole thing was. "Alfonso, I want to go home! This is too much! If this is all the world outside of Inthus has to offer, I'll take the desert!" She huddled herself behind the armored giant, hoping that none of those awful monsters made it around him.

Linn has panicked!

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