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How viable is it? I've tried out all the other Chrom marriage options atleast once, and I should probably be fair. I imagine on Lunatic or plus it would make it even more difficult, not that I play either mode (yet). Also what would be good sets for Maribelle!Lucina (Galeforce I'd assume?) and Chrom!Brady

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It turns Lucina into a support bot, with all of the Dual +... which is just such a waste of a valuable offensive unit.

Not to mention Chrom and Maribelle's stats conflict a lot.

That +3 MAG modifier isn't going to do you any good as a Great Lord.

Brady is better off with Gregor for a father.

As far as viable goes, you could use it, but you're just gonna be beating yourself up about it later, since it's such a bad pairing.

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Maribelle/Chrom is Lucina's best magical option that isn't a +Mag Female Avatar. This makes her an excellent hybrid fighter (i.e. the Dark Knight/Dark Flier classes) But the main reason it's usually not considered to be that viable (especially in Lunatic. Everything is viable/passable in Lunatic and most are in Hard) is because the child that doesn't benefit from this pairing is actually Brady.

Brady already inherits Chrom's best class set from his mother - the Cavalier set, and he doesn't gain access to the Lord class. Therefore, the only new class set he gets from his father is Archer, which is well know for not being the best class in the game. At all. Also, as a male, that means Brady automatically inherits the skill Rightful King, instead of Aether which is passed from Chrom to his daughters. Rightful King is a nice skill, yes, but the only offensive proc skill Brady can gain is Luna, therefore lowering its potential significantly than if it were used on Inigo or a Male Morgan.

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Its the optimal pairing for Apotheosis No DLC runs

Because saying Lucina need Vantage is kinda outdated

But seriously, its not as bad as many would say. It gives Valkyrie(besides MU). It still gives GF. And Brady does not even give a fuck about it because he is Brady(he already have Sage, and BK is actually cool for him). This pairing is extremely underrated

As far as Lunatic and Lunatic+ goes though, the only pairing that is worth considering is Chrom x MU, for obvious reason.

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It's great for Lucina, and shit for Brady. But Brady doesn't really give a shit regardless. (As in, innate Tomefaire/Luna/Aggressor/Galeforce means he's never exactly in need for skills/classes. And it's not like you'll ever use him as anything but a Sage. Still pisses me off, but if there's one character to gimp, it's Brady.)

So, it's more or less fine.

Edited by Canto
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I have done this pairing before, and it isn't great. Brady because even worse(yes it is possible) because no magic and no extra classes. And Lucina is forced to be a support bot. But I just didn't like it so I might be biased.

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The only reason Brady ever need class is because he already have skills, its kinda cool if he is capable of running miscellaneous Physical Class stuff

Such as Assassin from Vaike, Henry and Lon'qu, Berserker from Henry, Vaike, and Gregor

If you only want to run Brady as a Magical class(there is nothing wrong with this), Chrom is actually good because of +1 Speed.

That being said, its notable that Sumia!Lucina and Maribelle!Lucina is basically the same unit, because PavGis is not good >_>

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Resultant Lucina is better than Sumia!Lucina and inferior to Olivia!Lucina.

Basically it strips her of lead (which wastes Aether) via no Vantage, but optimizes her as a magical support.

Brady -does not care-, he doesn't stand to gain any +MAG off Chrom, but he does get some +SPD.

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It turns Lucina into a support bot...

And Lucina is forced to be a support bot...

...but optimizes her as a magical support.

What the crap? Just because Lucina has Dual Support+ now she's in the back? Do you even know what Dual Support+ does? It basically grants +5 Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid. It sucks; it's a waste of a skill slot. You shouldn't equip it even if a character has access to it. So, you can do whatever you were doing with Sumia's Lucina with Maribelle's Lucina - they both have the same limitations (except Maribelle's can beat Apotheosis without DLC, which is more notable than anything Sumia's grants.)

Chrom's Brady gets Rightful King, which sets up for 101% Miracle Morgan. This is one of the more notable applications of Rightful King.

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As far as Lunatic and Lunatic+ goes though, the only pairing that is worth considering is Chrom x MU, for obvious reason.

Sipposing I'd rather not play as a female avatar or marry Chrom if I'm using one...?

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It turns Lucina into a support bot...

And Lucina is forced to be a support bot...

...but optimizes her as a magical support.

What the crap? Just because Lucina has Dual Support+ now she's in the back? Do you even know what Dual Support+ does? It basically grants +5 Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid. It sucks; it's a waste of a skill slot. You shouldn't equip it even if a character has access to it. So, you can do whatever you were doing with Sumia's Lucina with Maribelle's Lucina - they both have the same limitations (except Maribelle's can beat Apotheosis without DLC, which is more notable than anything Sumia's grants.)

Chrom's Brady gets Rightful King, which sets up for 101% Miracle Morgan. This is one of the more notable applications of Rightful King.

Actually, it grants a minimum of +10 to Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid, with +20 being the maximum, similar to a S or A support. It's highly useful on Logbook Avatars and DLC characters, if you use them, of course, and it's helpful for giving a good boost while trying to build a viable support with another character.

And I think the reason Lucina's described as being a "supporting" role is the lack of Vantage... then again Sumia!Lucina is in the same boat.

Edited by Vashiane
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I don't understand the support bot thing, either. First thing I'd do with this Lucina is to give her as many Levin Swords as she wanted.

Dual Support+ does not suck; for a single partner it's better than Charm, which is already sneaky-good.

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People tend to forgot that this supposed to be "support bot" is the exact same skill that is usually run by the best characters in the game

Just look at this

"Ignis, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Aggressor, Limit"

Outdated but W/E

Now compare it to this


"Luna, DSt+, Galeforce, Tomefaire, Limit"

Please tell me how the it is any different, when the only enemy that Luna does not deal more damage than Ignis, is the one that is so easy to kill, skills might as well not exist

@Levant: Objectively Triple MU set up that did not bother with Paralogues is superior.

And again, I don't have ANY experience with MU, but this should have been obvious

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Actually, it grants a minimum of +10 to Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid, with +20 being the maximum, similar to a S or A support. It's highly useful on Logbook Avatars and DLC characters, if you use them, of course, and it's helpful for giving a good boost while trying to build a viable support with another character.

1. No. You are factoring the entire support bonus instead of just Dual Support+'s bonus. Instead, compare before and after Dual Support+ equip.

It is assumed that Lucina already has at least A support. In which case, that +4 support level just translates to +5 Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid or less.

2. The +10 to Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid that Logbook units get is still a waste of a skill slot, especially when they have a much larger skill pool.

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No. You are factoring the entire support bonus instead of just Dual Support+'s bonus. Instead, compare before and after Dual Support+ equip.

It is assumed that Lucina already has at least A support. In which case, that +4 support level just translates to +5 Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid or less.

2. The +10 to Hit/Dodge/Crit/Avoid that Logbook units is still a waste of a skill slot, especially when they have a much larger skill pool.


However, if assumed that a support conversation hasn't been unlocked, the Dual Support+ skill add 0-10 to the already present +10 Hit, and adds a +10-20 for Dodge, Crit, and Avoid, which usually isn't possible without it.

True, they do have access to every skill in the game, but the extremely limited support options (i.e. none) limit their usefulness compared to the game's actual Avatar.

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I am fairly sure that you can get A-S Ranks way before you get DS+

That being said that kind of stuff does not factors in during optimal situations

"True, they do have access to every skill in the game, but the extremely limited support options (i.e. none) limit their usefulness compared to the game's actual Avatar. "

Thats why they rally

Or you become insane enough like Chiki, give all of them boots, flipped a coin and run with it

And most 5 skillslot situations does not demand them to have DS+ either

"Luna/Ignis/Agressor maybe?/Limit Breaker/Galeforce"

The only character who can pull this off is Jamke and Camus

"Luna/Ignis/Galeforce/Limit Breaker/Tomefaire"

For every female

These give them solid offense that nobody beside Avatar can have

I am not sure if this one is optimal, but here goes

"Luna/Ignis/Galeforce/Limit Breaker/RFK"

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I am fairly sure that you can get A-S Ranks way before you get DS+

That being said that kind of stuff does not factors in during optimal situations

"True, they do have access to every skill in the game, but the extremely limited support options (i.e. none) limit their usefulness compared to the game's actual Avatar. "

Thats why they rally

Or you become insane enough like Chiki, give all of them boots, flipped a coin and run with it

And most 5 skillslot situations does not demand them to have DS+ either

"Luna/Ignis/Agressor maybe?/Limit Breaker/Galeforce"

The only character who can pull this off is Jamke and Camus

"Luna/Ignis/Galeforce/Limit Breaker/Tomefaire"

For every female

These give them solid offense that nobody beside Avatar can have

I am not sure if this one is optimal, but here goes

"Luna/Ignis/Galeforce/Limit Breaker/RFK"

Keep them together a reasonable amount of time, yes, usually you can. Of course, it's also best on people who actually DON'T have a reasonable amount of supports (Emmeryn being the best non-legacy example).

That's what I use them for, really... except for the Silvias, I plan to eventually gather enough to make a spotpass team out of them. :)

But that's off topic.

Hmm. I see your point. That's some serious offensive. :)

Maybe it's my personal preference to use them as support units, plus I can literally have them play support unit to any character in the game with little consequences.

I would think that all three of them are "optimal" options, although only Camus and Jamke can run the first set and only a Chrom/Chrom's son-fathered Male Morgan could run the third.

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- Cellica have RFK

- Support units best class is like.... I dunno, Sage? Valk? Falc?

Point is, if you want to run them as support, why not give them offense so that they can do something?

Granted support are not needed depending on the context but eh >_>

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