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Elibe character contest-Pent wins, now this thread is dead


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Well, Innes will win that!

And I think Cormag will win final, no matter who will be his enemy.

Cormag has a Bow weakness though, so Innes could take him out easily.

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Go Cormag! So sorry Innes, but I already threw you a bone twice. Gotta support your brother-in-law now... XD

Tana and Cormag's shared ending doesn't have them marry, IIRC.

Anyways rally Nate I mean Cormag. Innes is cool as well, though, so I'd be fine with either of them winning.

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I view Tana and Cormag's 'relationship' as the worst kept secret in Frelia. The stuff of gossip among the maids.

Ah, but if it's just a 'relationship' and there's gossip about it, then they're not married, and therefore in-laws are not involved.

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Tana and Cormag's shared ending doesn't have them marry, IIRC.

Anyways rally Nate I mean Cormag. Innes is cool as well, though, so I'd be fine with either of them winning.

Perhaps, but it doesn't mean it couldn't have happened later. And plenty of other pairings have been founded on even more ambiguous endings, so it doesn't particulary bother me if its not explicitly stated. FE, apparently, is all about the subtext... :P

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Ah, but if it's just a 'relationship' and there's gossip about it, then they're not married, and therefore in-laws are not involved.

Oh yes, I defintely agree. They're not married. I was putting my thoughts across on what their ending might be.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Oh yes, I defintely agree. They're not married. I was putting my thoughts across on what their ending might be.

I wasn't *arguing* with you, merely attempting to spell out exactly what I meant.

If I was into shipping, I might ship them, but "in-law" means something specific, which is what I was objecting to (because I'm a nitpicker, sometimes).

Edited by Euklyd
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I wasn't *arguing* with you, merely attempting to spell out exactly what I meant.

If I was into shipping, I might ship them, but "in-law" means something specific, which is what I was objecting to (because I'm a nitpicker, sometimes).

I think you're getting the wrong idea. I'm not arguing either. In fact, I agree with you.

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I think you're getting the wrong idea. I'm not arguing either. In fact, I agree with you.


See, this is what I meant by being bad at explaining.

I wasn't trying to argue either, so now we're just not-arguing about who wasn't arguing with whom.

Anyways, the point is...


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