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What are your goals in life?

HK Motendra

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3.) Gain a proper job: When I tell others I am studying Japanese they often ask why. I tell them that I plan to be a translator or interpreter, or failing that teaching English in Japan; anything so long as I use the language in a business sense. That's true, but honestly I'd be fine with any median-earner's job in the US. My cousin's family and friends are all quite intelligent, some of them attending Ivy League schools, and they all scoffed when I'd said this to them.

well, when everything's a numbers game and an arbitrary competition to them, it's no wonder they scoffed. i don't mean to sound like an ass and infer things that may not be true, but a friend of mine is going to cornell currently and he says this is basically what it's like. i believe him because this type of thing is said a lot about those types of schools, and on top of that he is exhibit-freaking-A of that type of behavior himself.

"why would you want to be an astrophysicist if you'll probably only be making 60K-100K?" get lost, brodduh, that's why.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I'm the kind of guy who always thinks of one objective, and when that one is reached, focus on a bigger objective. My first goal in life is to be a published author, and eventually make enough money off of it that I can live from it. My next goal after that would be trying to be a famous author, and then maybe have a movie based off one of my novels. I can die happily if my writings live on after I pass, I can then say that I have no regrets. I also would love to do work in video games, that seems like something fun to do. But right now I must focus on passing grade 12.

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I'm the kind of guy who always thinks of one objective, and when that one is reached, focus on a bigger objective. My first goal in life is to be a published author, and eventually make enough money off of it that I can live from it. My next goal after that would be trying to be a famous author, and then maybe have a movie based off one of my novels. I can die happily if my writings live on after I pass, I can then say that I have no regrets. I also would love to do work in video games, that seems like something fun to do. But right now I must focus on passing grade 12.

That's a great way to live; Reaching your goals and striving for higher ones right after. That's some determination, but when do you think you will be content with where you are? There are some goals that appear to be either unobtainable, or just not worth it

To avoid pain until I die relatively painlessly.

Pain is an inevitable thing though. Instead of only seeking of ways to avoid it, somewhere along the way, you're going to have to learn how to handle it. Not that I'm disparaging your goal, its just my own thought

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Pain is an inevitable thing though. Instead of only seeking of ways to avoid it, somewhere along the way, you're going to have to learn how to handle it. Not that I'm disparaging your goal, its just my own thought

Well, I'm talking about serious pain (dismemberment, breaking limbs, choking, etc), not just stubbing toes, getting my balls hit and bonking my funny bone and stuff. I suppose it's not so much whether it's avoidable or not, as it is rather impossible to know how to avoid. But I've been able to handle minor pain fine. Sometimes, like if a foot doctor takes a scalpel to my toes, it just feels like I'm getting tickled...

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Well, I'm talking about serious pain (dismemberment, breaking limbs, choking, etc), not just stubbing toes, getting my balls hit and bonking my funny bone and stuff. I suppose it's not so much whether it's avoidable or not, as it is rather impossible to know how to avoid. But I've been able to handle minor pain fine. Sometimes, like if a foot doctor takes a scalpel to my toes, it just feels like I'm getting tickled...

I see, I misinterpreted what you meant. I thought you meant emotional pain, like when things turn for worse, or a heavy loss. Still, any pain is better avoided where possible, but it's my belief that pain makes you stronger

Edited by Hero-King
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I see, I misinterpreted what you meant. I thought you meant emotional pain, like then things turn for worse, or a heavy loss. Still, any pain is better avoided where possible, but it's my belief that pain makes you stronger

Oh, no, as far as emotional pain goes I agree, it's much more something to be dealt with than to be eliminated.

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I am the exact opposite of determined, and have coasted through most of my life. That said I have a few very down-to-Earth goals that if met I should think I'd be mostly satisfied with:

1.) Master Japanese: I don't mean becoming fluent. I'm maybe a year off of that right now. I mean being as experienced with grammar and sentence construction as I am in English. Probably won't happen but oh well.

2.) Become financially independent: I live at home right now. By the same age my grandfather had already moved into a house and been married. This eats away at me every day.

3.) Gain a proper job: When I tell others I am studying Japanese they often ask why. I tell them that I plan to be a translator or interpreter, or failing that teaching English in Japan; anything so long as I use the language in a business sense. That's true, but honestly I'd be fine with any median-earner's job in the US. My cousin's family and friends are all quite intelligent, some of them attending Ivy League schools, and they all scoffed when I'd said this to them.

4.) Have a real relationship: I've had my share of fun nights (and occasionally days), but up until now I've never had a real relationship with a woman. Dating and all that.

Those would be my largest goals in life. Fairly simple, mostly similar to other people. If I had to add in long-shot things I'd wish for I'd also add in reaching peak physical fitness before I am thirty and gaining fluency in German, French, and Latin. Otherwise I should think I'd be entirely content with the above.

2) You don't have to feel bad about it. In the time of your grandfather he didn't have to compete with women and immigrants for the same number of jobs. Simply put everyone could be financially independent more easily in his time. Getting shamed by your father/family into getting a job is simply them not being in touch with reality. If they were in your shoes right now they would not be able to do anything. This is logical but it seems most people can't understand something as simple as this. ''Wiser'' and older, buahahahahaa yeah right.

3) Same. At the same time are there really that many jobs in that sector? Anyway people really sucks. Having friends will most likely hold you back in what you really want to do but is it really what you want to do? From what I know of Japan they hate outsiders so they probably have Japanese people teach english anyway. There aren't that many teaching jobs out there either. Your cousins attending X school does not make them intelligent anyway.

4) Does not exist. Women that takes commitment seriously are really rare and those that does will stop dating you in 3 years max anyway. Humans aren't monogamous anyway.

Life has destroyed just about everything I ever tried to build (as well as the things that built me) so nowadays I'm discouraged to make longterm goals outside of making the most out of each day and bettering myself (always a big issue).

Same but I'm not unhappy about it, everyone needs to accept it one time or another since it's reality, better accept it when we are young. Having ''dreams'' is quite naive and means that you aren't quite in touch with reality. In reality the only person that wants you to succeed is yourself and everyone will try to drag you down to their level no matter what. They don't want you to be the only one happy.

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2) You don't have to feel bad about it. In the time of your grandfather he didn't have to compete with women and immigrants for the same number of jobs.

I suppose. Though the vastest majority of immigrants are competing in jobs that are at the extreme ends of society, either the lowest-paying jobs or the highest-paying ones. Middle-class Americans continue to dominate demographics in the middling areas.

3) Same. At the same time are there really that many jobs in that sector? Anyway people really sucks. Having friends will most likely hold you back in what you really want to do but is it really what you want to do? From what I know of Japan they hate outsiders so they probably have Japanese people teach english anyway. There aren't that many teaching jobs out there either. Your cousins attending X school does not make them intelligent anyway.

The Japanese are by and large an isolationist and arguably xenophobic culture, yes. Beyond broader strokes it's hard to say how the English-teaching market is in Japan, but there are programs you can sign up for at any given time such as JET, and exchange programs to ease into a career both exist and are plentiful.

Japan's population is both aging and shrinking, one would imagine it would lead to some sort of necessitated "opening of the borders" so to speak but who knows.

4) Does not exist. Women that takes commitment seriously are really rare and those that does will stop dating you in 3 years max anyway. Humans aren't monogamous anyway.


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I think in Japan any white person is automatically an 'American' and qualified to teach English, and people the world over use this exaggerated credibility to their advantage. As for not liking foreigners, who does like them (by and large that is; everywhere will you have specific people with specific ideas whether they're implemented in their lives or not).

Same but I'm not unhappy about it, everyone needs to accept it one time or another since it's reality, better accept it when we are young. Having ''dreams'' is quite naive and means that you aren't quite in touch with reality. In reality the only person that wants you to succeed is yourself and everyone will try to drag you down to their level no matter what. They don't want you to be the only one happy.

I have some friends who have been ubermensching it out on all fronts and with a good deal of success; I suppose I would too (and I used to, I guess) if depression weren't dragging me down and if I actually considered the same achievements worthy of the effort. I don't have any dreams anymore, though I cannot comment if that's a good thing or not. I was a much happier person when I did have dreams, that's for sure.

I think you're generally right about the majority of people having a chronic inability to be happy, and the more they try to talk about the opposite the more severe this inability happens to be. One who speaks of the air is gasping for it, one who talks of vitality is in a state of decay.

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That's a great way to live; Reaching your goals and striving for higher ones right after. That's some determination, but when do you think you will be content with where you are? There are some goals that appear to be either unobtainable, or just not worth it

Sorry for my delayed reply.

If a goal seems unreachable, than that simply means I must try a different strategy. If I can at least make my first goal of becoming an author, than I won't stop trying for those other goals. I want to write until the day I die, even if I'm not successful, or if I must take another career, whenever I can, I will find a way to fit in the time to write.

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