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Spanish in Argentina is still spanish lol, but it's actually very heavily influenced by Italian, especially in Buenos Aires, and as such our accent isn't really close to any other country's save Uruguay

Argentine culture is in general heavily influenced by Italy

I actually have had no trouble communicating with Italians, as long as I modulate well and show off my hand gesture skills (something we share with italians also is extremely expressive body language)

This post explains why I cannot understand your Spanish half the time.

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Composed and perfomed a six minute musical piece my final year of high school with a fifty instrument ensemble. Conducting in a concert hall is one hell of a scary experience. Nonetheless, it's the first time something I created was displayed publicly by me and nothing in the world can take that achievement away from me.

Wow, that is a really cool accomplishment!

(and your avatar is epic. cannot stop laughing^^)

Tbh i haven't really achived much, as i was in school pretty much all my life until last summer when i graduated. I was under the 40 best of my year with around 140 people, but that is actually nothing really special. (Bavarian (Germany) Abitur with 1,7 if someone is actually interrested. This permits me to go to a university)

However in my school life i was rather active in art and theater and twice some of the works i made in artclass were published in our yearbook, and i was really mad when the one i was actually proud of wasn't titeld with my name, but the name of one of my fellow calssmates ;___;

It always felt good getting applause after a successful theater performance in schoool or dancing performance form my ballett group, and it felt even better when we started to write the plays or make the choreography ourselfs, because now we got credit for the whole thing.

The most recent accopmlishment is that i got a highly contested traineeship in the costume department in a renowed Theather in Munich.

And man why do my posts always turn out to be so long >.<

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