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Achievements you are proud of.


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In my final graduation exams of high school, I scored second-best in my year and almost won the award for best student (the Dux Litterarum, if anyone knows what that is).

Of course, I only scored so high because I was one of the few people who actually attempted to study.

I kinda need this self-esteem boost right about now.

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i'm in college.

so i'm really good at spending money.

in seriousness, i don't think i've done anything noteworthy yet. i've met some of my little goals, and am happy for myself, but it'll take some more time before i'm proud of myself.

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Composed and perfomed a six minute musical piece my final year of high school with a fifty instrument ensemble. Conducting in a concert hall is one hell of a scary experience. Nonetheless, it's the first time something I created was displayed publicly by me and nothing in the world can take that achievement away from me.

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In terms of my career, while I don't live for work, I am proud to call myself an Assistant Manager at the place I work at (an independent grocery store). I am honoured that my boss picked me out of all the other people he could have picked, as it means I am doing my job right, and I'll have a good reference when I get another job.

In terms of academia, in a graduating class of over 100, I was chosen as the recipient for the Merit of Music award. I feel kind of bad that I didn't pursue music as an area of study in university, but I still DO play my flute as a means of personal enjoyment.

In January of 2010, I was awarded my black belt in judo, 1st dan only albeit, but I am very proud of myself for sticking out for that long. I am considering going back into judo to go further when I have the time.

Lastly, in March, I made a milestone of running 15k non-stop, which impressed me, as when I started about a year ago I could barely go 1k without gasping for breath.

Right now, I am working on push ups, I can do 140 in seven sets of 20. My goal is to get to 200 by the end of the year, if not sooner.

Edited by Maji
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Isn't the "Spanish" spoken in Argentina closer to Italian? Could be bullshit since that's what some Italians have tried to convince me of but of course I had to believe it by recalling the general flow of footballers between the countries (and workers in general iirc).

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Spanish in Argentina is still spanish lol, but it's actually very heavily influenced by Italian, especially in Buenos Aires, and as such our accent isn't really close to any other country's save Uruguay

Argentine culture is in general heavily influenced by Italy

I actually have had no trouble communicating with Italians, as long as I modulate well and show off my hand gesture skills (something we share with italians also is extremely expressive body language)

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