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Tyrantrum's stats are roughly: 95 HP / 125 Atk / 120 Def / 80 SpA / 60 SpD / 75 Spe

Tyrantrum's bases make me happy.

I'm curious about Mega Meinshao.

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Goomy evolves! O:


Still hoping for Dragon/Water or, better yet, Dragon/Poison.


Evolves somewhere between Lv.34 and Lv.40

#20 in the Mountain Kalos dex. Meaning Goomy is #19.

Learns Muddy Water and Body Slam

Hydration is its ability.


Hope that thing evolves... because that's very... odd looking for a pure dragon type.

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What the heck happened to it? >_>

Sligoo's rough bases: 60 HP / 70 Atk / 50 Def / 90 SpA / 120 SpD / 65 Spe | 455 BST

Edited by Professor Palutena
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Binacle has been redeemed! Ish?

Dunno what y'all are talking about, Barbacle looks awesome. So does Sliggoo. Though it kinda sucks that Barbacle's ability, Tough Claws, is no longer exclusive to Mega Charizard X. Oh well.

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Apparently each one of Barbaracle's arms has their own brain and moves independantly.


Edit: CX4ELRP.jpg


Edited by Professor Palutena
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That's just fucked.

Ugh, so many shitty Pokemon, you'd think GF would have learned from the backlash against shitty mons in previous gens..

You think GF really cares about the minorities opinion? Gen 1 had a Pokeball design remember.

Pokemon prints money they can literally do whatever they want and still get it lol. [i don't mind this design honestly]

Edited by Jedi
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Holy. F**king. Shit.



Edited by Karaszure
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PokeDex postings.

Central Kalos: 146/150 Pokemon Known

001: Chespin

002: Quilladin
003: Chesnaught
004: Fennekin
005: Braixen
006: Delphox
007: Froakie
008: Frogadier
009: Greninja
010: Bunnelby
011: Diggersby
012: Zigazagoon
013: Linoone
014: Fletchling
015: Fletchinder
016: Talonflame
017: Pidgey
018: Pidgeotto
019: Pidgeot
020: Scatterbug
021: Spewpa
022: Vivillon
023: Caterpie
024: Metapod
025: Butterfree
026: Weedle
027: Kakuna
028: Beedrill
029: Pansage
030: Simisage
031: Pansear
032: Simisear
033: Panpour
034: Simipour
035: Pichu
036: Pikachu
037: Raichu
038: Bidoof
039: Bibarel
040: Dunsparce
041: Azurill
042: Marill
043: Azumarill
044: Burmy
045: Wormadam
046: Mothim
047: Surskit
048: Masquerain
051: Corphish
052: Crawdaunt
053: Goldeen
054: Seaking
055: Carvanha
056: Sharpedo
057: Litleo
058: Pyroar
059: Psyduck
060: Golduck
061: Farfetch'd
062: Riolu
063: Lucario
064: Ralts
065: Kirlia
066: Gardevoir
067: Gallade
068: Flabébé
069: Floette
071: Budew
072: Roselia
072: Roserade
074: Ledyba
075: Ledian
076: Combee
077: Vespiquen
078: Skitty
079: Delcatty
080: Bulbasaur
081: Ivysaur
082: Venusaur
083: Charmander
084: Charmeleon
085: Charizard
086: Squirtle
087: Wartortle
088: Blastoise
089: Skiddo
090: Gogoat
091: Pancham
092: Pangoro
093: Furfrou
094: Doduo
095: Dodrio
096: Plusle
097: Minun
098: Gulpin
099: Swalot
100: Scraggy
101: Scrafty
102: Abra
103: Kadabra
104: Alakazam
105: Oddish
106: Gloom
107: Vileplume
108: Bellossom
109: Sentret
110: Furret
111: Nincada
112: Ninjask
113: Shedinja
114: Espurr
115: Meowstic
116: Kecleon
117: Honedge
118: Doublade
120: Venipede
121: Whirlipede
122: Scolipede
124: Smeargle
125: Croagunk
126: Toxicroak
127: Ducklett
128: Swanna
129: Spritzee
130: Aromatisse
131: Swirlix
132: Slurpuff
133: Volbeat
134: Illumise
135: Hoppip
136: SKiploom
137: Jumpluff
138: Munchlax
139: Snorlax
140: Whismur
141: Loudred
142: Exploud
143: Meditite
144: Medicham
145: Zubat
146: Golbat
147: Crobat
148: Axew
149: Fraxure
150: Haxorus

Coastal Kalos Dex: 135/150

001: Drifloon
002: Drifblim
003: Mienfoo
004: Mienshao
005: Zangoose
006: Seviper
007: Spoink
008: Grumpig
009: Absol
010: Inkay
011: Malamar
012: Lunatone
013: Solrock
014: Bagon
015: Shelgon
016: Salamence
017: Wingull
018: Pelipper
021: Binacle
022: Barbaracle
023: Dwebble
024: Crustle
025: Tentacool
026: Tentacruel
027: Wailmer
028: Wailord
029: Luvdisc
030: Skrelp
032: Clauncher
034: Staryu
035: Starmie
036: Shellder
037: Cloyster
038: Qwilfish
039: Horsea
040: Seadra
041: Kingdra
042: Relicanth
043: Sandile
044: Krokorok
045: Krookodile
046: Helioptile
047: Heliolisk
048: Hippopotas
049: Hippowdon
050: Rhyhorn
051: Rhydon
052: Rhyperior
053: Onix
054: Steelix
055: Woobat
056: Swoobat
057: Machop
058: Machoke
059: Machamp
060: Cubone
061: Marowak
062: Kangaskhan
063: Mawile
064: Tyrunt
065: Tyrantrum
066: Amaura
067: Aurorus
068: Aerodactyl
069: Ferroseed
070: Ferrothorn
071: Snubbull
072: Granbull
073: Electrike
074: Manectric
075: Houndour
076: Houndoom
077: Eevee
078: Vaporeon
079: Jolteon
080: Flareon
081: Espeon
082: Umbreon
083: Leafeon
084: Glaceon
085: Sylveon
086: Emolga
087: Yanma
088: Yanmega
089: Hawlucha
090: Sigilyph
091: Golett
092: Golurk
093: Nosepass
094: Probopass
095: Makuhita
096: Hariyama
097: Throh
098: Sawk
104: Nidoran F
105: Nidorina
106: Nidoqueen
107: Nidoran M
108: Nidorino
109: Nidoking
110: Dedenne
111: Chingling
112: Chimecho
113: Mime Jr.
114: Mr. Mime
115: Solosis
116: Duosion
117: Reuniclus
118: Wynaut
119: Wobbuffet
120: Roggenrola
121: Boldore
122: Gigalith
124: Carbink
125: Tauros
126: Miltank
127: Mareep
128: Flaaffy
129: Ampharos
130: Pinsir
131: Heracross
132: Pachirisu
133: Slowpoke
134: Slowbro
135: Slowking
136: Exeggcute
137: Exeggutor
138: Chatot
139: Mantyke
140: Mantine
144: Remoraid
145: Octillery
147: Chinchou
148: Lanturn
150: Lapras

Mountain Kalos PokeDex

001: Diglett
002: Dugtrio
003: Trapinch
004: Vibrava
005: Flygon
006: Gible
007: Gabite
008: Garchomp
012: Slugma
013: Magcargo
015: Skorupi
016: Drapion
017: Wooper
018: Quagsire
019: Goomy
020: Sliggoo
022: Karrablast
023: Escavalier
024: Shelmet
025: Accelgor
026: Bellsprout
027: Weepinbell
028: Victreebel
029: Carnivine
030: Gastly
031: Haunter
032: Gengar
033: Poliwag
034: Poliwhirl
035: Poliwrath
036: Politoed
037: Ekans
038: Arbok
039: Stunfisk
042: Purrloin
043: Liepard
044: Poochyena
045: Mightyena
046: Patrat
047: Watchog
048: Pawniard
049: Bisharp
050: Klefki
051: Murkrow
052: Honchkrow
053: Foongus
054: Amoonguss
055: Lotad
056: Lombre
057: Ludicolo
065: Litwick
066: Lampent
067: Chandelure
069: Magnemite
070: Magneton
071: Magnezone
081: Cubchoo
082: Beartic

Mountain Kalos only goes up to 82 cause that's as far as we know.
Pokemon Currently Unaccounted For:


I've also noticed that most of the Pokemon that we've seen so far, in terms of older Pokemon, have come from trailers used for the game. So I've included them in one final spoiler as kind of a "these pokes are likely to be in the dex based on loose evidence"

Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad
Golett, Golurk
Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite
Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe
Craniados, Ramparos
Gligar, Gliscor
Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff
Zorua, Zoroark
Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
Snover, Abomasnow

Edited by Professor Palutena
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Speaking of which, did anyone find other Generation VI legendaries that we haven't seen yet besides Xerneas and Yveltal and also, I heard someone from Serebii.net said that the Orange Hair guy's name is Lysandre (that I am not exactly sure about that?) and what was his role in X and Y? (I just want to clarify about it?)

Edited by King Marth 64
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New moves!

Crafty Shield: Fairy-type, protects from status moves, does not stop moves that do damage
Power-Up Punch: Fighting-type, 40 Physical, raises Attack one stage with 100% chance. TM move from third gym.

Malamar evolves at Lv.35 by flipping the 3DS upside down.

Badge Case:


Helioptile evolves with a Sun Stone.

Pancham evolves at Lv.35 with a Dark type in the party.

Fairy-type gym is confirmed to be gym6. The leader has: Mr. Mime, Aromatisse (Spritzee's evolution) and something the leaker forgot.

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i guess everyone already deciding their teams, should my team consists of pokemons with different generations or all of them gen 6 pokes? and all of them mega evolvable @_@

Edited by Pukuriripo
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Apparently each one of Barbaracle's arms has their own brain and moves independantly.


Edit: CX4ELRP.jpg


I'm assuming you can only do it to switch between a Pokemon's normal abilities. It's gonna be like: Just bred up an awesome Scyther to have an awesome Scizor for your competitive team, but it has Swarm instead of Technician? Don't worry, there's an item out there that allows you to switch the abilities.

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