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If you're unsure about how to split EVs among the defenses, you usually should max out HP. If you're playing matches with Lv. 100 Pokemon, then giving Ferrothorn 252 HP EVs is bad since its max HP will be divisible by 16 assuming it has a perfect HP IV, so 248 EVs would be preferred; however, if playing at Lv. 50, 252 HP EVs would be fine. Having a max HP value divisible by 16 increases Leftovers recovery, but also increases damage sustained from SR/burn/Spikes (well, not SR if you resist SR 4x).

Edited by Miikaya
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Recommended EV spread for Ferroseed? Going big with Defense, but don't know how to split the last points between HP, Attack, or Special defense.

as a rule of thumb, if you want to maximize defensive ability on either the physical or special side, you should aim to have HP and the relevant defense stat be as close as possible. for your ferrothorn, you should maximize HP before maximizing defense.

Having a max HP value divisible by 16 increases Leftovers recovery, but also increases damage sustained from SR/burn/Spikes (well, not SR if you resist SR 4x).

i'm pretty sure that maxHP mod 16 = 0 or 1 is desirable for pokemon that actually use leftovers, and not desirable for pokemon that don't. so a leftovers ferrothorn would prefer to have 252 HP instead of 248.

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Accessing Pokebank before September 30, 2014 gets us an Event Celebi, according to Serebii.

Oooh. Want.

Also, I just got a 31/x/31/31/31/16 Timid Mewtwo. Worth keeping?

Or should I reset for speed?

I still outspeed Modest Mega Mewtwo Y with fully invested speed and Jolly Mega Mewtwo X fully invested in speed... With 154 base speed, not much outspeeds Mega Mewtwo Y, really...

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Every pokemon in Uber is polarizing though

A team which aims for Geo Xerneas sweep basically need at least two of Arceus, Ho-oh, and Lugia to be out of play, while also having Stealth Rock on the field and thats if the opponent did not run techs like Scizor and Aegislash

Granted in the pokebank-less meta, its OP as fuck

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Accessing Pokebank before September 30, 2014 gets us an Event Celebi, according to Serebii.

I saw this myself. It made me very happy.

On another note, I have 5/6 of my team done...Now to figure out what to put in slot 6 (thinking maybe Eelektros, but unsure - good chance it'll involve me using Pokebank).

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@the xerneas discussion: power herb geomancy sets aren't particularly dangerous because they have the ability to destroy the entire tier, rather, they're dangerous because xerneas has a rather large movepool to choose from. sets not running thunder can be taken on by specially defensive kyogre/lugia easily, but if you're not sure if it has thunder because it hasn't revealed its entire set yet, you have to make a risk by switching your possible counter in that might just get wrecked because you predicted the wrong moveset. getting a life orb boost on its stab move (because of fairy aura) without having to use up your item slot and deal with recoil is awesome too.

@mega kanga ban: i don't play smogon's tiers much, but good. it was over centralizing, impossible to consistently counter, and frankly just boring to play against.

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@mega kanga ban: i don't play smogon's tiers much, but good. it was over centralizing, impossible to consistently counter, and frankly just boring to play against.

I'm still getting one and a Kangaskhan counter. And Mega Gengar counter.

Because Japanese players playing on Battle Spot don't really care about Smogon's rules. Which is understandable.

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