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I gave away some of my breeding leftovers using Wonder Trade, and got a couple nice things in return. I got a 4IV bold Feebas, and a Starly with Reckless.

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I gave away some of my hidden ability Nidoran of both genders. Most of the things I got back weren't very good, but I did receive a hidden ability Vulpix which I've been looking for since I got the game, so I'm pretty happy with how things turned out.

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I gave away some of my hidden ability Nidoran of both genders. Most of the things I got back weren't very good, but I did receive a hidden ability Vulpix which I've been looking for since I got the game, so I'm pretty happy with how things turned out.

Say, if you've got a spare Nidoran male with hidden ability, I'd be interested. I shouldn't have too much trouble getting some good IV Feebas's with Dragon Pulse and Haze tomorrow (I plan on breeding with my 5IV Hydreigon) if that interests you. You can a choice between Bold or Modest nature, and either Swift Swim (becomes Marvel Scale) or Oblivious (Becomes Competitive). Man, I hit gold with that find.

Of course, that breeding experiment will have to wait until tomorrow.

Edited by Shuuda
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Sure I would love to trade. I never got a Milotic before since the requirements to get one where usually pretty hard. I would like a Bold natured one with marvel scale.

I gave almost all of my Nidoran's away, but I still have one male Nidoran. It has a sassy nature though. I can breed a timid one tomorrow if you prefer that.

This is the first pokemon game I actually bother to breed and I'm a little bit out of my depth, but most of my Nidoran end up with 3 perfect IV's so I can at least guarantee that.

Edited by Sasori
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Poll: Other (Pokemon & Evolutionary Items) (40 member(s) have cast votes)

Fire Stone

  • Ninetales - 19 votes [47.50%]
  • Arcanine - 19 votes [47.50%]
  • Simisear - 2 votes [5.00%]
  • Neither - 0 votes [0.00%]
Leaf Stone
  • Vileplume - 10 votes [25.00%]
  • Victreebel - 8 votes [20.00%]
  • Exeggutor - 3 votes [7.50%]
  • Shiftry - 13 votes [32.50%]
  • Simisage - 3 votes [7.50%]
  • Neither - 3 votes [7.50%]
  • Raichu - 23 votes [57.50%]
  • Eelektross - 11 votes [27.50%]
  • Neither - 6 votes [15.00%]
Water Stone
  • Poliwrath - 5 votes [12.50%]
  • Cloyster - 9 votes [22.50%]
  • Starmie - 18 votes [45.00%]
  • Ludicolo - 4 votes [10.00%]
  • Simipour - 1 votes [2.50%]
  • Neither - 3 votes [7.50%]
Moon Stone
  • Nidoqueen - 2 votes [5.00%]
  • Nidoking - 22 votes [55.00%]
  • Clefable - 5 votes [12.50%]
  • Wigglytuff - 5 votes [12.50%]
  • Delcatty - 3 votes [7.50%]
  • Musharna - 1 votes [2.50%]
  • Neither - 2 votes [5.00%]

You guys love ties :b

Also, whoa got Cyndaquil and Oshawott via Wonder Trade! Plus Timid Ghastly, Adamant Belly Drum+Aqua Jet+Superpower Marril, Wish+Yawn+Endure+Flail Eevee, Tyrunt, Noibat, Tynamo and others! Quite nice!

Oh and I sent one of my shiny Quilladins as Merry Xmas gift :awesome:

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Good! Ninetales and Arcanine are both equal faves of mine, so I hoped it would tie.

So, is Wonder Trade finally giving out good Pokemon? I was amazed I didn't get obvious throwaways last night that people caught on Route 1. I did dump some Adamant Galewings Fletchlings into it though, so I hope people bother to check them before releasing.... :<

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The Pokemon Bank's international release has been officially postponed, (and the Japanese bank has been pulled from the E-Shop) due to the servers being unable to handle the huge amount of people using the program, and also probably because of the people using new Wii U's and 3ds's.

Thanks Nintendo.

Edited by Kamina
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Good! Ninetales and Arcanine are both equal faves of mine, so I hoped it would tie.

So, is Wonder Trade finally giving out good Pokemon? I was amazed I didn't get obvious throwaways last night that people caught on Route 1. I did dump some Adamant Galewings Fletchlings into it though, so I hope people bother to check them before releasing.... :<

Yeah, people are dumping quite nice pokes although Scatterbugs, Weedles and Bunnelbies are still popular in Wonder Trade.

Also, serebii has created a page with info about egg moves of some poke: http://www.serebii.net/xy/neweggmoves.shtml

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Tepig gets Sucker Punch. I think I've found the missing piece for my Trick Room team. If anyone has a Tepig, please, do get in touch.

Edited by Shuuda
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Tbh I'd like some scatterbugs.

I have ~6 Vivillion types and there's like, what, 18?

It's just most sadly are the more common types. They should've distributed the vivillion types better, imo.

Also I got a Tepig. Didn't iv breed or anything though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Tbh I'd like some scatterbugs.

I have ~6 Vivillion types and there's like, what, 18?

It's just most sadly are the more common types. They should've distributed the vivillion types better, imo.

Also I got a Tepig. Didn't iv breed or anything though.

Well, since the GTS us allergic to reasonable trades, I might just have to take you up on that offer. Incidently, what gender is it?

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Not exactly the best nature for Tepig either, but it has curse on it since the parent Tepig I managed to snag off GTS a few days ago came with that, if that's of any interest.

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Not exactly the best nature for Tepig either, but it has curse on it since the parent Tepig I managed to snag off GTS a few days ago came with that, if that's of any interest.

Anything will do for now. I'll give you a good IV Feebas in exchange, if that interests you.

My FC is 1048-8708-5581, my in game name is Silver.

Edited by Shuuda
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I would almost consider waiting until a day after Pokebank opens because that is the most likely time Wonder Trade will get flooded with previous gen pokemon.

Alrighty then, sounds like a good idea. Some people would probably have at least some of their mass breeding done, so there would most likely be a lot of old pokemon out and about. And I want to actually complete my National Dex this time around. It really helps that you can get over half of all of the pokemon in these games alone.

Edited by Konnor97
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Man, Pokemon Bank postponed. D:

I just now saw it in my 3DS notifications. And yes, I know it's already been mentioned in this thread too. Just voicing my disappointment that I still have to wait to add my shiny Aggron from Emerald to my team. But I understand, issues happen. I can wait a bit longer anyway, I've got new games to enjoy from Christmas. :3

I hope Nintendo resolves the Network problems soon though!

As for the poll, YES BELLOSSOM IS WINNING. :D Rally Bellossom, everyone! Let's make the adorable little flower Pokemon shine!

I also voted neither, Politoed, Kingdra, and Gorebyss.

Edited by Anacybele
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how exactly is this cheating though?

it just looks like it does everything you'd normally do for you, there's nothing I saw installed to make shinies appear or anything similar.

Well as you say it can essentially "do everything for you," which is botting, which is in essence a form of "cheating." However, it's a nice bit of wiring and programming* wizardry though, hence why I'm impressed (and I would love one of those so bad, lol)

Edit: Blarghclarity

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