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Wow those look cool!

Dragonite, Bisharp X and especially Machamp are my favorite, but all are great IMO (with possible exception of Golem, I'm still trying to make sense of it)

Golem looks like Rock/Ice... Those double weaknesses =/

But the important question is, are they real?

Its a Knight/Centaur. I like it better than the Samurai one, since it fits the chess theme.

What chess theme?

Edited by Sylphid
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PAWNiard, BISHarp, the next would be a Knight shaped piece. They're aren't real.

Come to think of it, YSharp would fit the Japanese POV of it more than the English one, since Bisharp for them is based on a Japanese bandit leader.

I would take that Machamp, XSharp and Dragonite though.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Did you get all the other O-Powers?

I had the same problem and when I got all of them he appeared

I counted 16.


Prize $

EXP point




HP restore

PP restore




Spec Atk

Spec Def




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Those mega evolution ideas are okay. I certainly like the Dragonite better than a regular Dragonite. :P

So nobody noticed I had some crazy luck with female Eevee? I mean, the chances of getting four female Eevee in a row (including the one that became my Sylveon) are like SLIM. Right? :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I counted 16.


Prize $

EXP point




HP restore

PP restore




Spec Atk

Spec Def




That seems to be everything, I don't know what it could be

Are you sure you went to the right cafe?

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Its fake obv

Also I don't think Psychic type would fit Machamp, movepool wise(lets Ignore the fact that Gyarados exist for a moment k? thx) and because its based off Asura, which aside from the whole "DESTIES AR TEH PSYCHIC" does not make sense IMO

Edited by Eradicator Boner
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Those mega evolution ideas are okay. I certainly like the Dragonite better than a regular Dragonite. :P

So nobody noticed I had some crazy luck with female Eevee? I mean, the chances of getting four female Eevee in a row (including the one that became my Sylveon) are like SLIM. Right? :P

Yeah, that is some pretty good luck in getting multiple female eevees in row, what with the gender ratio; I find a good way of getting more to come out easily is using a male cute charmer (like a male sylveon) or just mass breeding. Its how I got all the genders on my eevee team to correspond to the characters I was naming them after. XD


Also, some info regarding the Ability Capsule: http://www.serebii.net/xy/abilitycapsule.shtml

Ability Capsule is so disappointing to me. I was ready to start living in the Battle Maison if I could rack up enough points for a bajillion of these if they could change to a hidden ability on a pokemon; the only use they have is for getting a desired standard ability on an IV bred poke, and I just don't find that to be worth 200 BP. I like getting BP, but not that much and for ridiculous prices for near useless items either....

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Yeah, that is some pretty good luck in getting multiple female eevees in row, what with the gender ratio; I find a good way of getting more to come out easily is using a male cute charmer (like a male sylveon) or just mass breeding. Its how I got all the genders on my eevee team to correspond to the characters I was naming them after. XD

Well, I don't have a male Sylveon, obviously, and they're fairly common in the tall grass on route 10, so I'll just keep finding wild Eevee. :P

Also, a question, peeps. I've found Zapdos a bunch of times already, but how am I supposed to know when it's going to go sit in the Sea Spirit's Den? I don't want to have to keep going back there over and over. xP

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I would have preferred if it wasn't consumed after use, that way it might be worth getting it, even if it was a bit more expensive

Wow, it's a consumable item? Now there's absolutely no way I'm buying one of those. At least I thought that it was a key item. By the time it takes to get one, I'd probably be able to breed a 5IV pokemon with the good ability. Added to the fact that it doesn't work for Hidden Abilities, this item is completely useless and is not worth 200 BP. I'm happy I discovered this before trying to grind the BPs for it.

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