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Finally managed to get 50 wins in super battles (maison) - maybe I'm just incompetent in double battles, but I failed there several times and got it first try in singles.

Anyways, do you get anything special from winning in more than one queue (besides the statues)?

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Finally managed to get 50 wins in super battles (maison) - maybe I'm just incompetent in double battles, but I failed there several times and got it first try in singles.

Anyways, do you get anything special from winning in more than one queue (besides the statues)?

Next level trainer's card, IIRC.

Also, for 100 and 200 streaks in any format, you get a Lansat and Starf berry, I think.

I got to the boss, lost, and ragequit.

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Don't you need just one 50 win streak in one queue for the trainer's card? After all my trainer's card turned silver and I still need to complete the Pokedex.

I totally messed up at the boss, sacrificed my Garchomp for nothing (Double Team -> Stone Edge). But Gliscor soloed it.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Next level trainer's card, IIRC.

Also, for 100 and 200 streaks in any format, you get a Lansat and Starf berry, I think.

I got to the boss, lost, and ragequit.

What? A berry? They should give legendaries for such a painful adventure, lol.
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What? A berry? They should give legendaries for such a painful adventure, lol.

With Truant Entrainment Durant (something I've never done before because hell no, I'm not wasting my time doing that) battle facilities become a joke. Entrainment. Setup. Sweep.

But yeah, they're not worth it. Crit ratio and +1 random stat? I'll pass.

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Is that the only way to get those berries? Because I wanted to collect every kind, but there's no way I'd ever get 100 or 200 wins in a row at the maison...

Get someone to trade you one.

Either that, or Durant your way through Battle Maison.

It's time-consuming, but reliable.

Or so I hear.

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I think a better reward for such long streaks would be something like the Gift Pokemon you could unlock back in Stadium and Stadium 2 (Amnesia Psyduck, Surf Pikachu, Baton Pass Farfetch'd, and Earthquake Gligar, respectively)... It would at least be more of a motivating factor than a couple of Berries (even ones that give +2).

Also, as an off-topic aside, can I just say "fuck Acupressure"? Getting swept by a Drill Peck/Frustration/Acupressure Dodrio in HGSS Battle Tower that gets +2 Evade, +2 Speed, and +2 Attack in that order is just stupid(ly unlucky).

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I think a better reward for such long streaks would be something like the Gift Pokemon you could unlock back in Stadium and Stadium 2 (Amnesia Psyduck, Surf Pikachu, Baton Pass Farfetch'd, and Earthquake Gligar, respectively)... It would at least be more of a motivating factor than a couple of Berries (even ones that give +2).

Also, as an off-topic aside, can I just say "fuck Acupressure"? Getting swept by a Drill Peck/Frustration/Acupressure Dodrio in HGSS Battle Tower that gets +2 Evade, +2 Speed, and +2 Attack in that order is just stupid(ly unlucky).

I still remember going through the 100 battles of Mt. Battle in Colosseum to finally get my hand on Ho-oh. I definitely think a rare pokemon would be a better source of motivation.

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Voted for Cinccino and Chandelure.

I'm not a big fan of Florges, and admittedly I only started to use a Minccino on B/W2, but...This thing's awesome, man. Just so much fun using Skill-linked Double Slaps, and doing amazingly fun amounts of damage. All from this cute little Chincilla.

I picked Chandelure over Aegislash. I think both are equally awesome, but Chandelure took the bias point, because it was my beast in my Black run, and I never personally used an Aegislash...Yet.

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What? That's stupid. :/

Not everyone is an extremely skilled battler, GameFreak. >_>

Of course it's not stupid Ana. Why would you get a reward for staying in the basic levels of competition? Actually, the reward is Supers :smug:

Skilled Battlers should get rewarded :)

I still remember going through the 100 battles of Mt. Battle in Colosseum to finally get my hand on Ho-oh. I definitely think a rare pokemon would be a better source of motivation.

Definitely. It is true that BPs and items and TMs are the rewards for battles, but we need legendaries and better rewards than lolBerries.
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Does anyone want 3-4 IV timid drought vulpixes? I have an entire box full now and I need to make some space. I have a lot of 2 IV ones too, but I was just planning on wonder trading those.

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So I decided to have some fun trying to RNG abuse a shiny Shaymin with some perfect IVs. Let's just say it was...frustrating.

And then I decided to shiny reset a bit while watching a movie....


No, the IVs aren't even remotely close to perfect, but I'll take it.

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