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If everyone in the cast didn't have a gimmick....

HK Motendra

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Some of them were excessive, some were fine, and some weren't done enough. Would you find some of the characters to be more bearable without it? Or is it the only thing they have going for them?

EX: Chrom, haven't seen him break anything except for the hole in the castle wall, and the summer scramble with he and MU. I'd assume by this, he'd have more of a temper in the story, but doesn't after the first half of the game. Much to my disappointment

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If they got rid of the gimmicks, Kellam wouldn't exist.

lol Kellam's is fine for me cause sometimes I feel his pain irl (some people tend to not know my name and/or I'm the forgotten one in the group) and it adds some comic relief sometimes

Quirks such as Gaius' candy fetish are fine as long as the entire character doesn't revolve around them.

Right. Some of the cast were way overdone in my opinion

Severa would be an infinitely better character if her entire character didn't revolve around her overdone tsundere gimmick and her mommy troubles.

Severa's mother troubles were actually bearable to me, since it was well explained and integrated. Not to mention, that it's a gimmick that applies to real people

Lissa's snorting only came up once, didn't it? In a DLC?

I wouldn't know. Thats another one of the gimmicks that arent done enough

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Virion without gimmick would jump from "well written character" into "WHY IS THIS GUY GAVING ME AS MUCH BONER AS DRAGONS"

As for a certain someone..... I rather remove her jock attitude before the gimmick

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Severa would be an infinitely better character if her entire character didn't revolve around her overdone tsundere gimmick and her mommy troubles.


surprised no one mentioned sumia's tripping over nothing gimmick yet.

or cordelia's forlorn love gimmick.

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surprised no one mentioned sumia's tripping over nothing gimmick yet.

or cordelia's forlorn love gimmick.

I had a strong feeling that would start something, so i didn't use either as an example

But since you brought it up, I'd much rather Sumia not be such a klutz

That and Cordelia not revolving around Chrom (He's mentioned in almost every paired support she has)

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I'd find Sumia more bearable without her stupidity and klutziness, yes. xP

Might want to reword this so that we don't start an argument. Maybe take out the 'stupidity' part, since there are many who will disagree, quite vocally. Perhaps something like "her constant failings make her appear"... something?

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I'd find Sumia more bearable without her stupidity and klutziness, yes. xP

The stupidity can stay, cause that can be rather cute, but I just couldn't cope with the tripping over nothing and falling flat on her face Is it ironic that the pegasus knight death animation has them falling on their faces?

Might want to reword this so that we don't start an argument. Maybe take out the 'stupidity' part, since there are many who will disagree, quite vocally. Perhaps something like "her constant failings make her appear"... something?

Yes, i'd prefer that we keep the peace here in this thread


if you took away their gimmicks, the characters wouldn't have a lot xp

Maybe, but there are some that I see to be either not needed, or not used enough. There are some that can stay

EX: Priam's surprisingly talkative self and love of meat (He could have been redeemed if he actually appeared in the story and had more supports)

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I could definitely do without Miriel's insane intelligence... not because I can't understand some of the things she says, but because it kills almost every potential S support relationship she has... I don't find any of her supports particularly endearing ;~; That's the worst gimmick in the game for me... I do find some of her critical hit quotes funny though ^^

Also, Noire's whole alter ego thing is kinda weird... like seriously >.< Most of the gimmicks I think characters could do without, even Tharja who is my favourite... >.<

BUT having said all that, some gimmicks I find quite good... Henry's constant optimism is funny (at least for me :p), Anna's jokes about her shops, and Maribelle's snobbery... "Daaahling!" haha, I LOVE it! <3

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Laurent and Miriel with their overdone intelligence.

I literally don't understand a single word they say. Even if I try my best.

Laurent talks pretty plainly. He's just overly polite.

Kellam at least has a family back home that he talks about so he'll still have some presence.

Gaius's candy fetish was kind of insufferable. He really doesn't have to constantly talk about his love of sugar. If it was more low key like Walhart's love of vegetables it would have been hilarious.

Say'ri has no gimmicks so everyone would just be like her.

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Say'ri has no gimmicks so everyone would just be like her.

Her gimmick is that she's super traditional Japanese.

Even in English, her speech expresses that pretty clearly.

Her supports with MU even more so with her nostalgia of the culture, food, and Sakura trees.

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Laurent and Miriel with their overdone intelligence.

I literally don't understand a single word they say. Even if I try my best.

I could definitely do without Miriel's insane intelligence... not because I can't understand some of the things she says, but because it kills almost every potential S support relationship she has... I don't find any of her supports particularly endearing ;~; That's the worst gimmick in the game for me... I do find some of her critical hit quotes funny though ^^

Also, Noire's whole alter ego thing is kinda weird... like seriously >.< Most of the gimmicks I think characters could do without, even Tharja who is my favourite... >.<

BUT having said all that, some gimmicks I find quite good... Henry's constant optimism is funny (at least for me :p), Anna's jokes about her shops, and Maribelle's snobbery... "Daaahling!" haha, I LOVE it! <3

^^^This. Pretty much the reason why I dont like miriel

Noire, I'm kinda indifferent towards

Henry, I can deal with, but that intro of his was just too much for me. Anna's what you'd expect from a merchant and I really like her supports. Thumbs up to her.

Olivia wouldn't be as kawaii.

And will just be another Tethys, in all honesty.

You're right about that Rey. She's also one of my most favored in the first gen

Sully's gimmick being removed might actually convince me to use her.

The cooking? Or her being a tomboy knight?

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The tomboy knight.

She is vulgar from her introductory conversation with Virion, planting her boot up Virion's "--", and "The hell are you?"

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Hmm.. good question.

I would have wanted some of the characters to tone some of their gimmicks down, to explore them further, like Miriel. Or at least, I would have wanted them to explore the origins of said gimmicks. For the most part, I'm fine, since it made each individual in the cast more memorable for me, but some characters could have really used more development.

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