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If everyone in the cast didn't have a gimmick....

HK Motendra

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Hrm, I think Frederick would be a bit boring without his gimmick. His seriousness and obsession over his duty is a major part of what makes him so loyal and determined, not to mention funny and entertaining to me. It keeps him from being a little bland and having less personality like the past Jagens. I think we can at least partly figure out why he's this way too. Notice that he hides his thing for hating gamey meat and whenever one of his fears are exposed, he denies them at first. It seems that he doesn't want these weaknesses to make him look weak as a knight and retainer, which I find a natural thing for a guy in his position.

Now, Kellam I think would be better without his gimmick. It's fine if he's simply forgotten about sometimes, but being completely invisible to other people just makes no sense to me when he's got all that armor and is the tallest one at the table. :/

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Say'ri has no gimmicks so everyone would just be like her.

People keep saying this, despite the fact that she speaks in loan words from Shakespeare

"Fie!" "Marry!" "Prithee" etc

I suppose it's the NOA attempt to parallel how she's supertraditional Japanese in the Japanese version

They did the same thing with Bastian, making him speak in iambic pentameter in order to parallel the courtly Japanese (?) of his Japanese counterpart.

Edited by General Banzai
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But I didn't repeatedly call Sumia stupid like Florina repeatedly called Severa an asshole. And I think Sumia is stupid because she does stupid things. Like handing Gaius a bee hive, punching Chrom in the face because she thought she was slapping him, and there were other things too, but I can't think of them at the moment.

Everybody does stupid things, that doesn't mean they are stupid themselves. You choose to ignore some of the smarter things Sumia has done. Apparently she has never ridden a Pegasus before until she found the one in the field, but still she knew how to help him and could fly him later on with no problem. She managed to successfully rescue Chrom from becoming a Chrom-kebob, even though she must have been scared out of her mind flying into the line of fire like that. There's also the fact that she's a bookworm, as seen in her supports with My Unit, and reading certainly can't be called stupid. She's an excellent cook in the end, even with all of her attempts at making something.

And even then, even when Sumia DOES mess up, she wants to overcome it and become a better person, as seen in her supports with your precious Fredreniku. Her supports with Sully and Chrom show how thoughtful and kind she is, too.

It would be more accurate to describe Sumia as a bit of a space cadet, or ditzy even. But she is definitely NOT stupid.

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Everybody does stupid things, that doesn't mean they are stupid themselves. You choose to ignore some of the smarter things Sumia has done. Apparently she has never ridden a Pegasus before until she found the one in the field, but still she knew how to help him and could fly him later on with no problem. She managed to successfully rescue Chrom from becoming a Chrom-kebob, even though she must have been scared out of her mind flying into the line of fire like that. There's also the fact that she's a bookworm, as seen in her supports with My Unit, and reading certainly can't be called stupid. She's an excellent cook in the end, even with all of her attempts at making something.

And even then, even when Sumia DOES mess up, she wants to overcome it and become a better person, as seen in her supports with your precious Fredreniku. Her supports with Sully and Chrom show how thoughtful and kind she is, too.

It would be more accurate to describe Sumia as a bit of a space cadet, or ditzy even. But she is definitely NOT stupid.

Not everyone does as many stupid things as Sumia does. And I never said Sumia couldn't do absolutely nothing right (though there aren't many things she does right regardless).

I'm not getting into this argument with you again. It always ends up the same way. I don't like Sumia, deal with it.

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Not everyone does as many stupid things as Sumia does. And I never said Sumia couldn't do absolutely nothing right (though there aren't many things she does right regardless).

I'm not getting into this argument with you again. It always ends up the same way. I don't like Sumia, deal with it.

The quantity of so-called "stupid" actions is a bit mitigated by the sheer amount of stupid present in some of the plot itself. Take Basilio for example. No, don't heed the words of the girl who came from the future and is pretty much on a New Game+ here, just run out and face the Conqueror anyway... and also make sure you carry the Gemstone on your person that you could have given to them the entire time you were there because why not.

THAT, by itself, makes pulling up all the flowers in a flowerbed look BANAL.

I mean, you're clear to think what you wish about her, of course, but she's far from the only person who makes idiotic decisions. And hers don't ACTUALLY affect the plot.

Edited by Vashiane
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Not everyone does as many stupid things as Sumia does. And I never said Sumia couldn't do absolutely nothing right (though there aren't many things she does right regardless).

I'm not getting into this argument with you again. It always ends up the same way. I don't like Sumia, deal with it.

What other "stupid" things has Sumia done, other than what you have listed? Seriously, I don't want to drop it, you can't just say untrue things about a character then pull the "its my opinion" card when someone calls you out on it. It's okay to dislike Sumia, but it ISN'T okay to claim she's stupid.

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That is a pretty idiotic move, yeah. But does Basilio make any other dumb decisions? xP

What other "stupid" things has Sumia done, other than what you have listed? Seriously, I don't want to drop it, you can't just say untrue things about a character then pull the "its my opinion" card when someone calls you out on it. It's okay to dislike Sumia, but it ISN'T okay to claim she's stupid.

I can't think of them right now, but I know there was more. And I'm not saying anything untrue about a character. Sumia being stupid or not IS opinion, not fact. Leave me the fuck alone already and be butthurt about what I think to yourself.

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Also as a note, because I forgot to mention this: yes, I know what happens it in chapter 23 but I was trying not to spoil it and chapter 23 is a giant clusterfuck of odd.

That is a pretty idiotic move, yeah. But does Basilio make any other dumb decisions? xP

I can't think of them right now, but I know there was more. And I'm not saying anything untrue about a character. Sumia being stupid or not IS opinion, not fact. Leave me the fuck alone already and be butthurt about what I think to yourself.

None that I recall, no. But honestly: I feel that getting yourself killed DESPITE BEING WARNED about it and carrying a precious gemstone with you that could EASILY fall into enemy hands beats out breaking pottery and handing someone a beehive.

Now, if you truly want to discuss a gimmick with a Pegasus Knight, let's talk Phila.

Edited by Vashiane
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That is a pretty idiotic move, yeah. But does Basilio make any other dumb decisions? xP

I can't think of them right now, but I know there was more. And I'm not saying anything untrue about a character. Sumia being stupid or not IS opinion, not fact. Leave me the fuck alone already and be butthurt about what I think to yourself.

Bah, whatever then. :/ Arguing with you is like bashing my head against a brick wall; I forget why I even bothered in the first place, and then I have a headache.

Also as a note, because I forgot to mention this: yes, I know what happens it in chapter 23 but I was trying not to spoil it and chapter 23 is a giant clusterfuck of odd.

None that I recall, no. But honestly: I feel that getting yourself killed DESPITE BEING WARNED about it and carrying a precious gemstone with you that could EASILY fall into enemy hands beats out breaking pottery and handing someone a beehive.

Now, if you truly want to discuss a gimmick with a Pegasus Knight, let's talk Phila.

I wasn't aware Philia had a gimmick other than "Mauve Shirt". D:

Edited by Faye
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What other "stupid" things has Sumia done, other than what you have listed? Seriously, I don't want to drop it, you can't just say untrue things about a character then pull the "its my opinion" card when someone calls you out on it. It's okay to dislike Sumia, but it ISN'T okay to claim she's stupid.

Sumia never does anything genuinely stupid. I mean, it's not like she forgets something simple like, oh say, the difference between a slap and a punch. No one could be that stupid.

Oh wait.

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Sumia never does anything genuinely stupid. I mean, it's not like she forgets something simple like, oh say, the difference between a slap and a punch. No one could be that stupid.

Oh wait.

And like I said just above, doing something stupid doesn't mean you're ACTUALLY stupid. It's comparable to learning how to use a new OS, and you realize what you thought you were supposed to be doing was the opposite of your intended result. Haven't you had a moment where you did something, only to be told what you did was completely different? You did something stupid, no-one denies it. But that doesn't mean you ARE stupid. There's a huge difference between being ditzy and being stupid.

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Bah, whatever then. :/ Arguing with you is like bashing my head against a brick wall; I forget why I even bothered in the first place, and then I have a headache.

I wasn't aware Philia had a gimmick other than "Mauve Shirt". D:

She does. It's called being the most inefficient guard ever.

Sumia never does anything genuinely stupid. I mean, it's not like she forgets something simple like, oh say, the difference between a slap and a punch. No one could be that stupid.

Oh wait.

She's probably never seen someone get slapped before. Or at least, that's a logical explanation.

Could you actually replicate something you've never seen before correctly?

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Now, if you truly want to discuss a gimmick with a Pegasus Knight, let's talk Phila.

I liked Phila and was hoping to recruit her before she died. She barely gets any lines, so I don't see how she's inferior. She was basically fodder for chapter 9 in the end. But I would have preferred her to be the no supports option for Chrom rather than a village maiden.

People keep saying this, despite the fact that she speaks in loan words from Shakespeare

"Fie!" "Marry!" "Prithee" etc

I suppose it's the NOA attempt to parallel how she's supertraditional Japanese in the Japanese version

They did the same thing with Bastian, making him speak in iambic pentameter in order to parallel the courtly Japanese (?) of his Japanese counterpart.

That's a good point. Although if she was super traditional in Japanese, that wouldn't be a gimmick. She comes from a Japan based nation, so being very traditional in Japanese is hardly a gimmick.

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I liked Phila and was hoping to recruit her before she died. She barely gets any lines, so I don't see how she's inferior. She was basically fodder for chapter 9 in the end. But I would have preferred her to be the no supports option for Chrom rather than a village maiden.

That's a good point. Although if she was super traditional in Japanese, that wouldn't be a gimmick. She comes from a Japan based nation, so being very traditional in Japanese is hardly a gimmick.

I liked her at first too... and then I realized how badly she sucked at her job.

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If Henry didn't have his gimmick I most likely wouldn't him as much. His gimmick was good foil to other characters and was just funny to me in general.

Some characters would benefit from less of their gimmick while others I think would suffer from less of their gimmick.

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I liked her at first too... and then I realized how badly she sucked at her job.

It's the destiny of fodder. You have to be terrible at your job so the plot can progress, until your death.

I want my crazy ass Gangrel.

Gimmicks must remain; haters be damned.


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so being very traditional in Japanese is hardly a gimmick.

Her archaic samurai speech pattern (which women would never use even in the a traditional Japanese based nation) would like a word with you.

Edit: But I guess just like Reggie said, that would be "stereotype" based... not a "gimmick" per say.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It's the destiny of fodder. You have to be terrible at your job so the plot can progress, until your death.



Kellam's gimmick kind of SUCKS. I mean, I feel really bad for him sometimes, which is why I always pair him with Miriel or Nowi if given the chance to, so that way she'd keep a detailed record of him and Nowi and Nah would live long enough to remember him for ages.

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It's the destiny of fodder. You have to be terrible at your job so the plot can progress, until your death.

> Fodder

> Validar's Japanese name is "Fauder".


Emmeryn: loses a lot of its impact when you fight and kill Gangrel only 2 chapters later (see: Ninian's death for a much better execution [no pun intended])

...Why did I still laugh?

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Kellam's gimmick kind of SUCKS. I mean, I feel really bad for him sometimes, which is why I always pair him with Miriel or Nowi if given the chance to, so that way she'd keep a detailed record of him and Nowi and Nah would live long enough to remember him for ages.

Kellam's gimmick is awesome because of it's consistency and hilarity. It's present in every appearance he makes. It's in his first appearance. It's in his supports. He reclasses into a thief. It's in his ending, every single one. It's even on the cover of the game.

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Kellam's gimmick is awesome because of it's consistency and hilarity. It's present in every appearance he makes. It's in his first appearance. It's in his supports. He reclasses into a thief. It's in his ending, every single one. It's even on the cover of the game.

Kellam didn't get a break from his gimmick, just like how Sumia couldn't catch a break from hers. Those two are the best examples of being hit hard with a gimmick that doesn't do them any favors. Look where it got both of them: hardly anyone gives a damn about Kellam and Sumia gets hate piled on top of her.

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