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Ana's Fan Sequel to Radiant Dawn: Formatting it like it would be a Game


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So, people have been posting game ideas lately, and seeing as I've had this one for years, I thought why not add it? This is how my main FE fanfic, Fire Emblem: Dawn of Darkness, would go down if it became an official game. It's a fan sequel to Radiant Dawn that I started ages ago (and because of this, the earlier chapters could use improvements compared to the more recent ones...lol). However, the story also takes place largely on a new continent with mostly a new cast of characters. It picks up on Ike having left Tellius behind to explore other lands, and this new continent ends up being his first destination. There is a new lord character, and this time around, Ike serves as a Jagen that guides the lord throughout the story, especially in the beginning and towards the end. In addition, out of the PoR/RD cast, only Elincia, Ranulf (both for personal reasons), Soren, and Boyd return. Geoffrey also appears in the first chapter and then never shows up again.

The story itself uses Ike's ending with Ranulf and Elincia's ending with Geoffrey (but not in a romantic sense), as well as Stefan's invitation to Soren to live with him in his Branded village. I would have had both Soren and Ranulf travel with Ike, but for some reason, the idea just never crossed my mind. Don't ask why, cause I really don't know. Plus, I think Soren would be better off with Stefan because he'd be around more people that appreciate him. It would be good for him to finally experience more friendship besides Ike's (I don't really think he considered any of the other Greil Mercenaries actual friends except maybe Greil himself, who's obviously dead at this point. xP). As for the Ike and Elincia thing, I originally went with it simply because of how much I love the pairing, but I have more reasons for it now. And at first, I wasn't aware that the pairing didn't "exist" as much in the Japanese version of PoR. But now, I also decided I really liked the idea of IS pulling a surprise out of their hats and actually de-canonizing a previously "canon" pairing (that pairing being GeoffreyxElincia). They have yet to do a plot twist like this as far as I know, and it would be interesting. Not to mention it would put all of those silly debates about Ike's sexuality to rest. And explain Priam.

Anyway, Soren and Boyd show up around mid-story. Their appearance would be a surprise, really. I chose Soren because I don't see him passing up a chance to see Ike again and Boyd because he's the only other GM that I can see making the trip to the new continent. Most of them are busy with other stuff, Shinon hates Ike, Gatrie chases women and becomes a famous mercenary doing other stuff, Boyd would definitely protest to Rolf going, and he thinks it's too dangerous for Mist. Speaking of which, the story also uses BoydxMist even though I greatly prefer RolfxMist. I just felt that de-canonizing more than one "canon" pairing would be a bit overkill. However, it wouldn't be too hard to omit Elincia and a romance between her and Ike completely in a game version of this fic.

Oh, and before anyone brings this up, I'm fully aware that Ike's ending says he was never seen again. But I always interpreted it as he was only never seen in Tellius again because if he went to other lands, which we know he did, he had to have been seen by people again there, especially given Awakening's references to him. This is also the reason that so little of the Tellius cast returns. It would be kind of redundant if a lot of them came back, as if this were the case, Ike might as well have never left at all. xP

You can find a lot of information on this wiki page as well as other pages on the site, but I'll list the basic stuff here.

Continent: A landmass that's slightly larger than Tellius known as Altarais. it has four beorc nations and six laguz nations. The beorc nations are Talgria, Cilae, Astryn, and Melora while Eraghoa, Perais, Larame, Recathe, Orenias,and Secaini are the laguz nations. Melora is the villainous nation and is known for being aggressive and military driven. They seek to reignite a war that had occurred over two decades before. Cilae is a knowledge, technology, and wisdom driven country, and has many priests and researchers. Astryn is the largest nation and used to be the most powerful country, until a previous devastating war left its economy in ruins and its people in poverty. They are about to lose their heir-less ruler as well. Talgria is kind of like Crimea and is known for its agriculture. It has many farms and different landforms. Mountains, peninsulas, plains, forests, etc. Eraghoa is home to the wolf laguz. Perais is the island nation of the raven laguz. Recathe houses the hawk laguz. Larame has the continent's cat, tiger, and lion laguz. Orenias is the land of the dragon laguz and Secaini is the forested islands of the heron laguz. Talgria and Astryn don't get along to well, but the former is good friends and allies with Cilae. Cilae doesn't get along with Eraghoa, but Eraghoa is friendly with just about everyone else. Larame pretty much hates Orenias, but the feeling isn't quite mutual. Secaini and Melora used to be close (kind of a surprise, huh?), but Melora went under a lot of changes over the past several centuries and the herons grew afraid of them.

All three bird laguz nations also generally get along with the others and the bird laguz most often serve as messengers for the other nations. It's convenient because mail gets around faster, especially since there's a bird laguz nation at each corner of the continent. Perais is in the northeast, Secaini in the northwest, and Recathe to the south. In addition, the hawks also sometimes do mercenary work. Oh, and as a bit of trivia of sorts, many location and character names in Astryn are all space-related. Was kind of a random decision considering the name Astryn itself comes from a word that means "star" lol.

Lord: A twenty year old mercenary named Azura. She lives in a town named Galden in the country of Talgria, located on the newly re-discovered continent of Altarais, and wears a mysterious golden pendant, which she seeks to learn more about. Bandits have been after it for a long time and they continue to pursue her. She later promotes to a Lord like Ike does in PoR and her starting class is Scout, a female version of Ike's Ranger class. She starts only being able to use swords, but gains lances upon promotion to Lord. Statwise, Azura is fairly similar to Ike, having high speed, HP, an skill, and pretty good strength. But she has lower defense, slightly higher speed, and slightly lower HP. She also has much higher magic and resistance. in fact, these are her best stats, and they gain more and more use as the story progresses. Azura's ultimate weapon is a magic lance known as Anacybele (where my username comes from).

Male Leads: Azura is the main character, but she's not coming without her two male leads, Bryan and Leyon. Bryan is an early prepromoted Halberdier that serves as a Jagen like Ike does, but to a lesser extent. He meets Azura by chance and decides to accompany her when they discover that his mission relates to hers. Bryan later becomes a very important character, gaining his own little arc in the story, and is one of the strongest units available. Leyon is the general and commander of Talgria's knights and gets some chapters of his own, where his group is separate from Azura and Bryan's. They all eventually join to form one large army that Azura leads in the developing war.

Jagen: Ike mostly serves as the Jagen/Oifey, but it can be argued that Bryan does as well. Ike and Elincia both become unavailable for awhile starting with chapter 14, and Bryan also does some guiding beforehand. He guides Azura much later in the story as well.

Cavalier Knights: I've changed up the tradition of the cavalier knights a bit. The archtypes still exist, but the aesthetics are a little different. Marc is the green knight, but his archtype moreso matches the typical red knight. He's tanky and strong, and actually has the highest defense of all the playable cavalier knights. He also starts as the Axe Knight class rather than a Lance Knight. Leona is the equivalent of the red knight, but she wears purple armor instead and her archtype is closer to the typical green knight. She's faster and more skillful than Marc and is of the Lance Knight class. Their personalities are more true to their archtypes as well. Marc is the cool-headed and more modest one while Leona has a bit of an attitude and is quicker tempered. Also, the cavalier knight that actually does wear red armor is Leyon. He's an Axe Paladin. We also have a Blade Paladin named Natalie (I had forgotten FE7's Natalie existed when I named her), a Lance Paladin named Eliot, and later a Bow Paladin named Fin (I named him before I knew FE4's Finn existed. xP). They are all recruited later. Marc and Leona are the early-joining knights, obviously. Natalie has unrequited feelings for Leyon, while Leyon himself falls in love with Azura. Whether or not Leyon gets Azura, however, would be up to the player.

Early Archer: Bryan's best friend, Skye. A hot-head that's very defensive. He's actually the only archer available for a long time... Kind of an unintentional error on my part, but there's nothing I can do about it now. However, to make up for it, several other bow-users join eventually. A prepromoted Sniper, a new class that uses bows, and a character with a unique class that uses bows. Plus, Silver Knights can still use bows as well, which Leona and Eliot can become (Lance Paladins no longer use them for my story. I figure it was pointless since they're called LANCE Paladins. xP Same with Blade Paladins using axes, Axe Paladins using swords, and Bow Paladins using lances).

Early Mage: A fire mage girl named Lily. She's cheerful, optimistic, and quite outgoing. But she uses this to hide her sadness of losing her parents and irritation of needing to rely on her older sister. A prepromoted Sage later joins and a Dark Sage later joins as well. Soren obviously does too.

Early Healer: A Cleric named Raela, Lily's older sister. It's later hinted that she might have developed a crush on Skye. Three more healers later join, a priest, a prepomoted Bishop, and a prepromoted Valkyrie.

Early Heavy Knight: Morris, an Armor Sword that serves with Bryan. Two other heavy knights join later, one a prepromoted Lance General and the other a prepromoted Axe General.

Early Fighter: Technically, there isn't one, but an umpromoted Fighter named Jett does join Leyon's group and he's the first one that's recruited. I just couldn't find a reason to have one join earlier. xP Another unpromoted Fighter later joins, not long after Boyd shows up.

Early Myrmidon: Techincally, Elincia is the early "Myrm" because I've reclassed her due to her having left her Pegasus behind, but she's a prepromoted Swordmaster, and the actual Myrmidons don't come until later. Zane is the first and also a prepromoted Swordmaster and then his cousin, Jade, shows up later. She's an umpromoted Myrmidon, but has the potential to surpass her cousin. And even later, a Trueblade named Dante appears.

Elincia's Myrmidon Substitute: Should Elincia not appear in the game, a Myrmidon girl named Kelana will take her place and be Ike's love interest. With her in, the Elincia thing would all be absent, and Ike wouldn't be feeling like crap in the beginning. Instead, he'd be staring at the sea because he feels he's finally gotten away from all the fame and stuff he'd accumulated, yet he does miss all his friends and family. Ranulf would still be around to cheer him up and stuff. Ranulf going into town would stay, and Ike getting his sword stolen by bandits would stay and all that stuff. But instead of finding Elincia, Ranulf bumps into Kelana in town by accident and notices that he's new around there and stuff. She offers to help him bring his goods back to the camp and the scene where Ike is discovered missing occurs as usual, but changed slightly so Kelana fits in it. Kelana then accompanies Ranulf to help find him and all that stuff. Kelana has heard of Ike as well, btw and is kind of a fan of him... XD

The Ike and Elincia reunion scene is omitted completely. Later, when Ike falls ill in chapter 14, Kelana takes care of Ike in place of Elincia, because by this point, she's grown quite fond of him and they've become good friends despite Kelana's little fangirlism for him. ;D

Kelana and Azura would be Ike's marriage options should he get more than one, otherwise, Kelana would be his only possible spouse and Azura would only be able to marry Leyon.

Pegasus Knights: There are three recruitable Peg knights, one with a unique class. Two are from Cilae. Faline is the first and is basically the Florina/Sumia of the story (being that she's the fastest, but weakest). She has a major crush on Bryan and met him a year prior to the story's events. Marina is second and is Faline's good friend. Louise (named before I knew FE7's Louise existed. I dunno why this happened so much! xP) is the third and the one with the unique class. She is Talgria's crown princess and sister to the king. Her class is Princess Talgria and she can use anima magic as well as lances and swords.

As a bit of trivia of sorts, Faline is also the oldest of three Pegasus knight sisters, which is meant to be a shout out to the previous sets of Peg knight sisters. Of course, her sisters are not recruitable and this is because they still need a lot of training.

Dracoknights: There are three recruitable Dracoknights. Lartz is the first. He's actually an enemy when he first appears, but he chooses to defect soon after, as it was his plan from the beginning. He is from Melora, but detests the nation with a passion. He carries with him some dark secrets as well. Second and third are Eric and Olivia (she was named before Awakening even got announced). Eric commands Astryn's dracoknights and Olivia is his deputy commander. Eric is even more hot-headed and hot tempered than Skye, but is a solid leader. Olivia is the older sister of Fin and she's often irritated with him. They share a vaguely similar relationship to Marcia and Makalov.

Thieves: There's actually only one true playable thief and that's Skye's younger brother, Kye. He starts as a Rogue. But there is one more recruitable unit that turns out to be able to wield knives and daggers...

In addition to all these units, there are other playable Soldiers/Halberdiers and several playable laguz. There are three playable wolves, four playable cats (including Ranulf), two playable tigers, one playable lion, two playable ravens, two playable hawks, and three playable dragons. And as you can see, third tier classes are back as well.

Supports: Not everyone can support with everyone else, but everyone can support with several different characters. The support system is a combination of PoR's and Awakening's. No S supports, but support points are built up through pair up and such and the conversations are viewed at the base.

Special Paired Endings: I wanted to make it possible for every character that can get married to have more than one option for a spouse, but I couldn't find a way to make this work. However, there are still many more possible alternate endings than in RD. IkexElincia is a given, of course. xP

Marriage Endings:

Leyon x Azura

Bryan x Faline

Marc x Leona

Ranulf x Kiara (yes, our favorite blue kitty cat man is getting hitched, and to a cute cat girl! :D)

Eric x Armelle (she's the Bishop I mentioned earlier. Yes, females can be Bishops, because Laura in RD is one)

??? x Louise (Louise's spouse is a spoiler character. A kind of big one)

Dante x Erys (I actually have yet to even introduce these two in the story... lol)

Special Endings without mention of Marriage:

Skye x Raela

Zarek x Lily (Zarek is one of those other Fighters)

Lartz x Marina

Eliot x Natalie

Jett x Magali (Magali is one of the playable Soldiers)

Kevin x Jade (Kevin is that Lance General I mentioned)

Derien x Sara (two of the wolf laguz)

Vesuve x Nyarla (dragon lovey dovey stuff, how cute! Would actually hint at Kenth x Nyarla instead, but I have other plans for Kenth...hehe)

Francois x Olivia (considering this one, still haven't fully decided yet. Francois is that Sage I mentioned)

Basic Plot: I've started an overview of the plot on that wiki page, but here it is again boiled down to a little summary. Azura and her party must fight against evil forces threatening all of Altarais, and solve the mystery behind her golden pendant. Melora is the main antagonistic country and they've also hired a large bandit group called the Red Claw to do some of their work. Melora had previously tried to threaten Altarais over two decades before, but Talgria had managed to stop them by killing their king. Now their queen and prince seek revenge and to finish what the late king had started. Why Melora had grown so aggressive and war-hungry is a mystery to many people until its princess steps up and reveals the secrets she discovered.

New Classes:

  • Scout - Azura's starting class.
  • Noblelord - Azura's final class. It uses the word noble to describe someone being of noble character, rather than noble birth. Though Azura does become a noble.
  • Wagon - A wagon used in battle to carry items and also attack. It only has a range of 1, but has the horse charge into the enemy. Its weapon is known as Charge and has a horsehoe icon. Wagons are quite tanky and powerful, but very slow. They're basically heavy knights that can resist magic as well as physical attacks. However, they come with a great weakness to fire magic due to being made mostly of wood. There are two recruitable Wagons.
  • War Wagon - The promotion for Wagon. Can use bows as well as Charge. Gains 1-2 attack range thanks to the bows.
  • Blue Dragon - A new color of dragon laguz that's only seen in Altarais. So far, they have only been female and born into the royal family of Orenias. Nyarla is the only existing Blue Dragon currently.

In addition, there are unique classes used by the royals, most of which are not actually playable, but seen in battle for a short time.

Other Game Mechanics and Features: I listed many on that wiki page, but there are some things that I left off.

  • There is no prologue chapter to hint that the game would be challenging.
  • Ike starts as a Hero again and will again promote to Vanguard later. (this is mentioned on his wiki page, however) He also no longer has to wait for his promotion to be able to use axes. He can use them right away as a Hero.
  • Casual mode would return as well as Classic. Difficulty modes would include Normal, Hard, Lunatic, and Insane (that last one being the equivalent of Lunatic+ in Awakening, I suppose)
  • Pair up would return, and enemies would be able to use it as well, but only on Lunatic and Insane difficulty.
  • It would have an engine similar to RD's, but also some features from other games.
  • The point of view switches on occasion until Azura and Bryan's party permanently merges with Leyon's. Sometimes you'd be playing with Azura's group while other chapters have you use Leyon's.
  • It would have the longest main story to date, but a cast not quite as big as RD's. Every character would have plenty availability and room to grow into a strong unit.
  • Trial maps would return (why did these even go away in the first place? D:)
  • When a sequel comes (sequel to the sequel yay), you'd be able to choose which Dawn of Darkness endings the new story would use (especially should a way to insert multiple options for each character be found) or transfer your data from DoD before starting. Transferring data, however, would unlock special scenes and result in better base stats for the children.
  • This would probably be the hardest game in the series to date, at least internationally. xP

And that's basically all I can think of to put here at the moment. Here's that wiki page again so you don't have to scroll back up. Yeah. :P

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"The story starts off with Elincia gazing upon a tattered green headband and desperately missing the man she loves, Ike. Geoffrey, who is still her husband at the time, soon enters and sees her, and immediately figures out why the young queen of Crimea is so unhappy. Elincia ultimately decides that she cannot rule Crimea without Ike, nor has she done a very good job ruling thus far, and that her uncle, Renning, should govern the nation in her place. Geoffrey objects at first, but Elincia believes that this would be in her best interest as well as Crimea's, and eventually convinces the general to let her leave. Elincia writes a farewell letter and an annulment to hers and Geoffrey's marriage, then packs a bag. She removes the royal pieces of her garb, throws an old, tattered cloak on, and leaves."

wasn't part 2 all about elincia's development as a ruler, i don't think after all that she would just say "fuck it, i want my ike" and give away the crown

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wasn't part 2 all about elincia's development as a ruler, i don't think after all that she would just say "fuck it, i want my ike" and give away the crown

Putting it like that makes it look like I made Elincia just completely abandon Crimea. xP Which wasn't my intention at all. She cares too much for her country to just say screw it. Yes, she developed more as a ruler in RD, but she doesn't believe she improved enough regardless of what the player or other characters think. And the man she loves being gone due to some shit that went down is tearing her up and messing with her focus. She just can't function and figures Crimea is better off with her uncle on the throne. And as BigBadMarshmallow said, love has no bounds and it can make people do crazy stuff. That is all.

And to close up that topic, I realize some people don't like what I did with Elincia and that's fine. You can't make everyone happy. I basically said you can ignore the Elincia part if you wish and pretend it's just Ike and Ranulf in the beginning. I'm looking for comments on the mechanics and features and actual plot and stuff that I've come up with.


except for the part about Azura; she sounds OP as fuck

Sorry if this sounds noobish, but what's "tl;dr" mean? xP

As for Azura, I didn't know that having bad defense when most units use physical weapons and having fairly low attack power for a bunch of chapters until magic weapons become available was OP. xP

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tl;dr means too long;didn't read

Low defence doesn't really mean much if you have enough SPD to dodge consistently, along with only slightly worse HP than Ike (who has pretty good HP), as well as high MAG and RES, which are like Ike's only flaws? Plus when she promotes she can just magic stuff anyways so lol.

OP is maybe somewhat of an exaggeration since it's really all relative to how you make other characters and enemies, as well as how important movement ends up being, but she'll definitely be a quite strong lord.

Also if it wasn't evident I was being sarcastic about the "true love knows no bounds" thing. I agree with SB. This isn't just an Ike/Elincia thing, it's about a complete destruction of her character. I don't actually care one way or the other whom Elincia pairs herself with, as long as it doesn't result in her doing something that's against her character development. Part 2 was about Elincia making herself into a better ruler even if she wasn't one to begin with. Would Ludveck really have been a terrible ruler? He's too cold-hearted, but being a ruler is about more than being loved by the people (on that point, at least, Ludveck is correct). But no, she chooses to overcome her shortcomings rather than abdicate the crown. I don't think Elincia loves Ike more than her country.

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If I were Elincia, I wouldn't want to let Ludveck have the crown either. He's a dastard. xP But whatever, this thread isn't about what I've done with Elincia and I don't believe I've "destroyed her character" at all.

Back on topic, I forgot to mention that this time, Ike doesn't have to wait for his promotion to be able to use axes. He can now use them as a Hero. ^^

And yes, I realize Azura would be quite powerful, which is my intention. I've yet to see a female lord that's as good as people like Ike and Hector.

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If I were Elincia, I wouldn't want to let Ludveck have the crown either. He's a dastard. xP But whatever, this thread isn't about what I've done with Elincia and I don't believe I've "destroyed her character" at all.

Back on topic, I forgot to mention that this time, Ike doesn't have to wait for his promotion to be able to use axes. He can now use them as a Hero. ^^

And yes, I realize Azura would be quite powerful, which is my intention. I've yet to see a female lord that's as good as people like Ike and Hector.

... Lucina?

I'm aware you don't care for her, but she's a difficult unit to screw over and can become absolutely devastating if done correctly.

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I have to agree with SO and BBM. I feel this destroys Elincia's character so much it wouldn't be a pleasure to read/play this.

To be honest, while I can read and even enjoy a short AU story about a non-canon pairing, I hate fics that go out of their way to de-canonize what happened. The reason is almost always shipping, and the de-canonized pairing is nearly always painted as something "wrong".

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I have to agree with SO and BBM. I feel this destroys Elincia's character so much it wouldn't be a pleasure to read/play this.

To be honest, while I can read and even enjoy a short AU story about a non-canon pairing, I hate fics that go out of their way to de-canonize what happened. The reason is almost always shipping, and the de-canonized pairing is nearly always painted as something "wrong".

Then ignore it and pretend Elincia doesn't exist in this game, like I said. If she weren't to exist, I'd be replacing her with a true early Myrmidon. As for Ike's marriage options, I'd say he'd be able to marry Azura or that new Myrmidon.

And where did I "paint" that something was wrong with GeoffreyxElincia? Nowhere does the story imply that Geoffrey would've been a bad husband or treated Elincia poorly. In fact, I've stated more than once in my writing that he would have taken great care of her, only Elincia loved Ike instead. And I intend for Geoffrey and Ike to become good friends later. Usually, people that like one ship hate on another that gets in the way and treat the other possible spouse badly when they write shipping fics, but I'm not being so low despite my dislike for Geoffrey.

... Lucina?

I'm aware you don't care for her, but she's a difficult unit to screw over and can become absolutely devastating if done correctly.

I've never trained up Lucina, so I don't know. Plus, I started this fic long before Awakening was even announced. xP

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I don't support the Elincia and Ike pairing 100%, but I like it a whole lot better than the stupid Soren and Ike pairing. It would be interesting to see a sequel to Ike's story and see who he married, especially after the introduction of Priam.

Putting the whole pairing argument aside now, I like some of the features you came up (the idea of enemies being able to pair up sounds really cool and would make the game play more interesting).

If this was an actual game I'd be willing to play it. :)

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Then ignore it and pretend Elincia doesn't exist in this game, like I said. If she weren't to exist, I'd be replacing her with a true early Myrmidon. As for Ike's marriage options, I'd say he'd be able to marry Azura or that new Myrmidon.

And where did I "paint" that something was wrong with GeoffreyxElincia? Nowhere does the story imply that Geoffrey would've been a bad husband or treated Elincia poorly. In fact, I've stated more than once in my writing that he would have taken great care of her, only Elincia loved Ike instead. And I intend for Geoffrey and Ike to become good friends later. Usually, people that like one ship hate on another that gets in the way and treat the other possible spouse badly when they write shipping fics, but I'm not being so low despite my dislike for Geoffrey.

I've never trained up Lucina, so I don't know. Plus, I started this fic long before Awakening was even announced. xP

You should. And since you married Chrom to Olivia, congratulations, enjoy your Aether-spamming, killer of the enemy phase, lightning speeder Lucina.

Everybody knows Ike's true love is Makalov anyway.

Pfft. XD

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Silver Pegasus: Yeah, I would think that despite not every fan liking IkexElincia, I think more fans would prefer that to IkexSoren at least. And I'm sure that it wouldn't be too much trouble to replace Elincia with an original female Myrmidon anyway that could be a love interest for Ike. In fact, I'll give her a name too as soon as I come up with one.

Vash: Well, I would, but I don't intend to use Lucina in my final team or Streetpass team, so...

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Silver Pegasus: Yeah, I would think that despite not every fan liking IkexElincia, I think more fans would prefer that to IkexSoren at least. And I'm sure that it wouldn't be too much trouble to replace Elincia with an original female Myrmidon anyway that could be a love interest for Ike. In fact, I'll give her a name too as soon as I come up with one.

Vash: Well, I would, but I don't intend to use Lucina in my final team or Streetpass team, so...

There's so many things I could say here. XD

[/shrugs] Each to her own.

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Yup, yup. :3

So, due to a family incident, I can't go into work today, so I have time to work more at this and come up with a name for Elincia's Myrmidon substitute. I think I'll call her Kelana (kudos to anyone who can figure out where I got the name). With her in, the Elincia thing would all be absent, and Ike wouldn't be feeling like crap in the beginning. Instead, he'd be staring at the sea because he feels he's finally gotten away from all the fame and stuff he'd accumulated, yet he does miss all his friends and family. Ranulf would still be around to cheer him up and stuff. Ranulf going into town would stay, and Ike getting his sword stolen by bandits would stay and all that stuff. But instead of finding Elincia, Ranulf bumps into Kelana in town by accident and notices that he's new around there and stuff. She offers to help him bring his goods back to the camp and the scene where Ike is discovered missing occurs as usual, but changed slightly so Kelana fits in it. Kelana then accompanies Ranulf to help find him and all that stuff. Kelana has heard of Ike as well, btw and is kind of a fan of him... XD

The Ike and Elincia reunion scene is omitted completely. Later, when Ike falls ill in chapter 14, Kelana takes care of Ike in place of Elincia, because by this point, she's grown quite fond of him and they've become good friends despite Kelana's little fangirlism for him. ;D

Kelana and Azura would be Ike's marriage options should he get more than one, otherwise, Kelana would be his only possible spouse and Azura would only be able to marry Leyon. I'd still ship Ike x Kelana and Leyon x Azura myself though, because I've gotten so into Leyon x Azura at this point that I can't imagine either of them marrying someone else. lol

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Silver Pegasus: Yeah, I would think that despite not every fan liking IkexElincia, I think more fans would prefer that to IkexSoren at least.

I believe we discussed this months ago in another thread, but IkexSoren is definitely more popular than IkexElincia, judging by fanfiction and art sites.

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I believe we discussed this months ago in another thread, but IkexSoren is definitely more popular than IkexElincia, judging by fanfiction and art sites.

I don't remember discussing it, but while that isn't exactly what I meant and I disagree anyway, this isn't part of the thread topic.

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Okay, I've been thinking more on this, and I've decided that there would just be two different versions of the game, one with Elincia and one with Kelana. This way, we'll all be happy. When you create a game file, you choose which of these is Ike's love interest and the story differs somewhat depending on which girl is picked. However, the main plot remains the same. Some scenes in Elincia's version would be omitted in the Kelana version (such as her conversation with Geoffrey in chapter 1) and some scenes in Kelana's version would not be available in Elincia's to keep both balanced.

Next up, I'll discuss more about the sequel. The sequel will be titled Fire Emblem: Dark Soul. It takes place eighteen years after the events of Dawn of Darkness and stars the children of many of the characters we know from both Altarais and Tellius. The game is divided into actual parts this time like RD is and you play with a few different armies, each commanded by different main children characters. At first, separate issues arise and are continuously dealt with by the children and their allies, but eventually, it turns out that a much bigger problem relating to DoD's events was at hand and it becomes a conflict that envelopes both Altarais and Tellius.

Main Children:

Kael - Ike's son and eventual leader of his own mercenary group. He starts as a Ranger and promotes to Hero, then Vanguard.

Lalita - Ike's daughter and Kael's younger sister. Begins as a Myrmidon.

Nancy - Azura's daughter (as well as Leyon's daughter if Azura marries him). She begins as an Lance Knight and is a good friend to Kael and Lalita.

Alex - Bryan's son (as well as Faline's if Bryan marries her). He dreams of being as great a lancer as his father. I can't reveal anymore than this, as there are big spoilers involved.

Calina - Bryan's daughter and Alex's twin sister. She is a Peg knight.

Louise's son and Geoffrey's daughter will be main characters as well, but I've yet to name them. xP Louise's son is an archer that can also wield swords. Geoffrey's daughter is a Bow Knight (I would've picked Lance Knight, but Nancy already has that one and I want to be at least a little diverse).

There will be many supporting child characters as well, including children of the Greil Mercenaries and children of other characters from DoD. Amy from RD also returns (she's Callil and Largo's adopted daughter if you guys remember) and her class is Fire Sage. She joins Kael and Lalita's group. Another character, Kathryn, the daughter of an OC from one of my other stories, also appears with Geoffrey's daughter.

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Oh snap, I forgot to talk more about the Dawn of Darkness villains.

The main antagonist is Isis, the queen of Melora. Her class is Queen Melora, but she's the equivalent of a Seraph Knight. Except in addition to lances and swords, she can also wield axes. And she wields a lance that has dark magic called the Shadow Lance, which is like a counterpart to Azura's light lance Anacybele. She's a pretty rotten person that would easily send someone to their death for committing a crime or disrespecting her or her family. She also is disgusted with some of the actions of her late husband and now wants to complete his goal her own way.

Another major antagonist is Royce, the prince of Melora. His class is Prince Melora and is the equivalent of a Dragonlord. But he can wield dark magic in addition to axes and lances. If you thought Isis was bad, Royce is downright evil to the core. Nobody believes there's any good left in him at all...except his sister. But Royce will slaughter people for the fun of it, especially his enemies. He enjoys others' misery and wants his and his mother's plot to succeed, but he rather wishes that she'd take it up a notch.

Then we have Bernard, the commander of the Red Claw. He's a Reaver and a powerful one at that. It was originally Royce's idea to hire him and his group of bandits, but later Royce began to dislike him quite a bit. He's rather egotistical and self-centered and the two often compete for Isis's favor. It's also revealed that there's a connection between him and the disappearance of Leyon's older brother, Russell.

Lastly, there's Shigo, a general of Melora and the man that was responsible for Astryn being laid to waste two decades before. His class is Gold Knight. He desired to take the country for his own because the late Meloran king had chosen him for the job. Shigo is loyal to the king, but detests Isis, Royce, and Bernard with a passion. He finally once again attempts to take Astryn and for some reason, he's after Bryan and his father as well. But later on, he begins to change and becomes more of an anti-hero. He actually ends up giving valuable advice to the protagonists.

Edited by Anacybele
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"The story starts off with Elincia gazing upon a tattered green headband and desperately missing the man she loves, Ike. Geoffrey, who is still her husband at the time, soon enters and sees her, and immediately figures out why the young queen of Crimea is so unhappy. Elincia ultimately decides that she cannot rule Crimea without Ike, nor has she done a very good job ruling thus far, and that her uncle, Renning, should govern the nation in her place. Geoffrey objects at first, but Elincia believes that this would be in her best interest as well as Crimea's, and eventually convinces the general to let her leave. Elincia writes a farewell letter and an annulment to hers and Geoffrey's marriage, then packs a bag. She removes the royal pieces of her garb, throws an old, tattered cloak on, and leaves."

wasn't part 2 all about elincia's development as a ruler, i don't think after all that she would just say "fuck it, i want my ike" and give away the crown

Female rulers abandoning their responsiblities is nothing new in Fire Emblem. Look at FE3/FE12 for instance. Nyna? Check. Minvera? Check. Sheema? Check.

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Sheema wasn't even the ruler by birth. IIRC she was a peasant girl brought in as a puppet or something. The other two were nobility but neither had as much development surrounding becoming a better ruler.

Ana, what is the point of this thread? It's not going to get picked up by IS and become a game, and it doesn't look like you have any intentions of learning hacking or getting the help of hackers to make this into a game yourself, or you would it have posted it in ROM Hacking. Nor are you introducing any supercool ultranew mechanics that aren't in FE already, other than the Wagon class (the Blue Dragon class doesn't have any details differentiating it from the already existing Red/White Dragons). As far as I can see it's mostly just a story dump, in which case there's honestly no reason for it to be here, because it's far too detailed to really engender any discussion of the sort General FE is supposed to be for.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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Sheema wasn't even the ruler by birth. IIRC she was a peasant girl brought in as a puppet or something.

No, it's actually stated quite clearly that Sheema is Jiol's daughter and the princess of Gra.
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