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So do the characters in this game remind you of anyone...?


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Colonel Basilio Fury, Agent of F.E.R.O.X.

Severa reminds me a bit of Asuka Langley.

just these 2 for me, mainly.

also on my first playthrough, sully married virion and the resultant kjelle looked kind of like rei.

Edited by Anathema
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Lucina kinda reminds me of Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 :D (The formal demeanor, the deep voice, the blue hair, disguising herself as a boy for a while)

Brady reminds me a lot of Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4 too. From his personality to even his appearance somewhat. Mah boy! :D

Virion looks like what would happen if you had Miles Edgeworth and Franziska von Karma have a kid together! XD

Cordelia reminds me of Tsubaki Yayoi from BlazBlue and Hilde from Soul Calibur with her personality and her English voice actor (In both cases ironically)

Gangrel reminds me of a human version of Scar from The Lion King to me O_O

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Only person who reminds me of anyone in this game is Lucina being basically a female Trunks, all she needs now is a Super Saiyan form and we'd be golden [literally]

I find this funny because I was comparing Trunk's story to Lucina's on another thread. But when you think about it...

Maribelle's hair reminds me of Amy from Soul Calibur.

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Cordelia IS Tsubaki Yayoi

Long red hair-check
Voiced by Julie-Ann Taylor-check
Wings in hair/hat-check
No nonsense attitude with occasional social awkwardness-check
Obviously crushing on a guy-check

And Brady reminds me too much of Kanji Tatsumi...and I was sure he was voiced by Troy Baker for quite some time.

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Miriel reminds me of Lorelei from pokemon....

You know, the one that had minimal appearences in Red and Blue!

They have a similar calm, serious, and brainy demeanor about them.

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