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I've found screenshots of the canceled FE64 that was planned to be released for the N64. And I think these screenshots might serve a good purpose for this site, credit goes to Shadowknight for the image.

A Fire Emblem game was in development for the Nintendo 64DD add-on; A CD drive add on for the cartridge based system. Nintendo, however decided that the 64DD would not sell and gave it a limited release in Japan before both the 64DD and it's games were canceled, or moved to the Nintendo 64 for a cartridge release.

The Fire Emblem 64 game however possibly then went on to become Path of Radiance later in life, finding a new home on the Gamecube.

Below are a few screenshots of a very early build of Path of Radiance, which seems to have a N64 quality to them.

Quote from FEOnline.
















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Whoa, this stuff looks the real deal... If this was initially meant to be on the N64, it definitely would not have been the 9th in the series, most probably the 6th or 7th... Scary thought. This also means that the concept for FE9 is older than I originally thought.

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Sorry, I went and took the screens down, because they were redundant. If you want the links back, just give me a shout.

Anyway, it's nothing amazing. The screens are just from an early build of PoR, as the article states. The actual information can be summed up as "There was a FE64 planned for 64DD, but it was cancelled", which most people already know (bar the 64DD detail, which I've yet to find confirmation for).


Nevermind, I was just being lazy. I re-added the images, but in link form, for those interested.

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I remember seeing those scans in a nintendo power mag years ago before PoR came out. I had no idea about the N64DD, or that this game was originally going to be for it.

Same here. I remember hearing something about Thunder Dragons attacking from the sky.

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I've seen most of these before. I think it was cancelled for the N64 because the Gamecube was coming out very soon.

I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, but:


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Anything related to the content on the site should be in this forum. Help out if you can! (Guests can post in topics here)

It said so on the main board. <.<

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It said so on the main board. <.<


I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, but:


I think you know who I am. I just forgot to log on.

EDIT: Does anyone know what Souen No Kiseki means? I don't think that translates to "Path of Radiance."

Look at the third last image to see what I'm talking about.

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Souen no Kiseki means "Trail of the Blue Flames".

Also, I think the "??? attacking from the skies" was referring to the bird tribe laguz :S

Oh thanks I really wanted to know:) Also can you speak Japanese or you have a transalation book or something?

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Wow it seems Soren was happier before PoR. Anyways i find it interisting to know how PoR developed.

Thats how he looks in Radiant Dawn. Which is when I first saw him I was happy because I thought he was done being a total prick and jack ass. Well soren flipped me the bird on that thought. <_<

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Why does it look like Leo and Sigrun are with Ike Soren and Lethe?

Well, first thing is, even though that may look like Leonardo and Sigrun, their names read as "Yofa" and "Maasha" respectively, which are the Japanese names for Rolf and Marcia. Lethe is probably with them because (in one of the other shots), it seems like she would have joined up on whatever map that was.

Also, as an interesting note, the soldiers are marked as "Daein", not as "Deros" as in one of the screen shots, meaning (obviously) this was from a build closer to what we got. FE:PoR was just another one of those 64DD games (up there with Mother 3) that never made it to the light of day. Well, kinda.

EDIT: Could be wrong on the Rolf thing, since I went back and looked at the image again. Rolf is being healed by Rhys in one of those shots, and it looks like he has light blue shoes. The Archer who looks like Leo has dark blue shoes. Who knows?

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