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Sword Art Online [may contain spoilers]


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Well, I just finished Japanese!EP.25(I believe the finale), and I'm quite surprised at some of the elements covered in the latter half of the series, primarily featuring Suguha and her brother's development both in game and IRL.

Basically, I enjoyed the theme and presentation, I Thought the voice acting was good for the most part, and I enjoyed the music, even if 5 songs were remixes/reduxes of the same thing.

Plot seemed well orchestrated, except for pretty much everything involving Kiriko during [in party] fight scenes. There was never a declared reason as to why he was capable of Dual wielding, among other things, so it just seems like a bit of a stretch to see that he was capable of literally breaking stuff.

In contrasts I Thought that other characters were well presented. I really liked Klein, during his serious moments anyway), and Asuna seemed pretty relatable and normal, and seemed more like what the main character should've been like.

Internal society developed almost exactly like I expected, and I was relieved to see that tbh. In fact, the amount of time it took for society to develop made more sense than almost anything else. 400% shocked at Heathcliff, but still, everything that happened seemed to make sense within the bounds of the series (except kiriko's combat, as i said already).

Anyone else watch SAO? Anyone else have gripes or compliments regarding the series?

[beinf vague because I don't wanna spoil things]

Edited by Elieson
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I watched it. I thought it had a good start but then didn't really have much structure to it, just jumping all over the place

[spoiler=spoilers doop]

(75 floors in under 15 episodes really) and the Alfheim arc was just kind of bad. I liked Asuna and Klein but wasn't really fond of how Alfheim basically made the former into Princess Peach and cut out the latter completely. Wasn't overly fond of Kirito, especially in the second half of the show where it just felt like it was him killing everything.

I think the dual wielding was explained at some point or other about it being given to the player with the fastest reaction time or something like that, but what wasn't explained was WHY Kayaba made SAO in the first place, which is a bigger thing imo.

The soundtrack and animation were both good, just the plot and characters kind of needed some work.

Edited by Serious Oranges
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I watched the first half while it was airing, but then I found it too bad to sit through anymore when it got around the halfway mark, and I dropped it for a while (but I did force myself to finish it eventually).

I think I rated it a 3.

It would have been a 1 if it didn't have a couple somewhat decent episodes/moments to redeem it a little, otherwise I found it to be complete garbage.

It was basically a crappy love story decorated with online game stuff and swords to make it appeal to men.

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Yessssss, this anime brought tears to my eyes numerous times.

The only complaint I have is that Asuna became a damsel in distress for most of part two. She was helpful at some points but she went from this:sword_art_online___asuna_yuuki__vector_p

To this:50ff0970800f6733647fa64e1f40b5bf.jpg

And I mean that fine because they needed to give Suguha development time, but surely there were other ways instead of taking away Asuna's badassery...

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Yessssss, this anime brought tears to my eyes numerous times.

The only complaint I have is that Asuna became a damsel in distress for most of part two. She was helpful at some points but she went from this:sword_art_online___asuna_yuuki__vector_p

To this:50ff0970800f6733647fa64e1f40b5bf.jpg

And I mean that fine because they needed to give Suguha development time, but surely there were other ways instead of taking away Asuna's badassery...

They really didn't have to give Sugu any real development because she only existed from ALfheim onward (except for the first 2 minutes of episode 1).

Hell, Sachi had more impact on the story than Sugu would've had. It didn't really affect her "brother", after all that happened. It was a bunch of pining from the point of view of Sugu, then Leafa, then both.

Edited by Elieson
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I watched this series back in April, and I really liked it, for all the things you mentioned, as well as the psychology behind the characters that was explored, especially in the first episodes. Characters were good, plot pacing was ok (until season 2), music was excellent (it IS Yuki Kajiura composing of course), and the world was interesting (I just wish they explored them more, both Aincrad and Alfheim).

The only things that bothered me was Kirito being almost as perfect as the plot allowed, Asuna being relegated to damsel in distress later (though I do give her points for at least trying to escape on her own), and that half the relatively small main/recurring cast were girls who seemed a little interesting at first but by the end of their episode pushed to the back of the line of girls pining for Kirito's affections (at least Kirito does handle it better than the usual oblivious hero by subtly letting them down, but otherwise its irritating to watch).

And then there's Suguha. I really liked what little development they managed to give her in the second half, but not at the cost of other characters (namely Asuna, especially the manner they chose to remove her from the story). And I'm going on a little rant here, but OMIGOD THIS GIRL IS SO DAMN OBLIVIOUS!!!! I know she isn't supposed to know that Kirito is Kazuto, but from the start he resembled him at the very least in looks and manner. There were hints flying at her everywhere the entire time. And then, as usual she starts falling for him again but doesn't seem to get the hint that Kirito is searching for someone who's probably his lover; even Yui mentions that they are looking for Mommy, when she has already made it clear that Kirito is her Daddy. If that isn't as obvious as a oncoming freight train that he's taken, I don't know what is. So then, I feel really silly watching her shock when she learns that its really her brother she's been travelling with and that of course he's looking for Asuna. Honestly, even if it wasn't her brother/cousin/whatever he really is, it was still as obvious as f*ck that he was taken in general. It just...makes me face palm so much, which is why the second half is such a miss with me.... :facepalm:

Basically though, if this show were a little longer (like, 50 episodes is a good length for a series, before it starts getting ridiculously long like other shounen series) in order to allow enough character development time for more people, better plot pacing, and more world building/exploring, it'd have been excellent. Overall though, I'm not very hard to please; I wasn't looking to see the best show in the world, and with what it gave, I was entertained and would probably watch it again to be entertained again. But that's my view on the subject; forgive the preliminary essay I almost just wrote.... XD

Also, I just realized that a lot of the unexplained things in the story (dual wielding and such), were probably explained in more detail in the original light novels; I have some friends who read them, saying that there were a lot of events and details about Aincrad and Alfheim that never made it into the anime, probably due to time constraints (which, again, makes me wish this series was longer).

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Watched this (when it was still airing). And then read the LN.

Most of the flaws are really a problem with the original source i.e. the LN. The initial Aincrad arc took just 1 volume to finish (I think it pretty much went from Kirito and Klein derping together until the great reveal that they were trapped to the 74th floor, Asuna and the whole KoB thing), and characters like Lizbeth/Silica/Sachi/Diabel/Kibaou didn't exist until volume 2, which was basically a compilation of side stories... that still wasn't enough to fill the gigantic gap between Chapter 3 and 5 of Volume 1.

Alfheim was kind of wonky, tbh. Sugou was a dumbass, but that was really all there to it. ALO is necessary for the future part of SAO (GGO and Alicization) to exist, since well, that's pretty much where all the SAO players went to. Adapting ALO into SAO was a bad choice though (I'd have preferred that they were all separate seasons, what happened to Asuna was left hanging, and the opening to ALO would be something of "she never woke up and now there's this pervert groping her sleeping body :(". Kirito being a game-breaker was kind of a weird excuse, so it was at least satisfying that he wiped his data at the end of it (it's even lampshaded, since Leafa said that she will never be able to match Kirito)

Just waiting for GGO, lol :/

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This is funny because we actually had this discussion at Raising Cain's after Game Club and it was the casual "after club" hangout for dinner.

Light Novel discrepancy with Vol. 1 and Vol. 2.

The whole "item who can revive a person 10 seconds into their death" could have been used instead of the double kill copout with him breaking the game's rules for no unexplained reason.

I'm not a hater, because I do admit it's the anime/light novel story that hooks people with the premise of "Everyone wants to be OP. Everyone wants to be the badass main character."

But there were some HUGE disappointments.

Just like "What was the reason you made this world in the first place? This death game?" "I had a reason... but I forgot." ASDF.

But there is a huge difference between "I'm legitimately strong but have flaws" to "I'm invincible and I break everything."

I mean come on... it's not uncommon for a main character in anime to be OP the first episode... even up to three... But be OP the *ENTIRE* anime?


I mean come on... Having *THAT* much HP to just stand there and take blows from the "criminals" and his HP recovers so fast they can't ever possibly beat him... I laughed, I admit... but I... yeah. xD

Asuna turned into the person described to Kirito as: "Sorry Kirito, but your waifu is in another MMO."

...and my goodness reading the light novel... Chapter 16.5.

It was about as well written as smut fanfiction on FF.net. It was so bad. xD

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I mean come on... Having *THAT* much HP to just stand there and take blows from the "criminals" and his HP recovers so fast they can't ever possibly beat him... I laughed, I admit... but I... yeah. xD

This part actually makes some sort of sense, granted that he had backtracked down some levels of the Tower to the Flower Garden, where people simply may not be at a certain level. He admits this when he embarks on the quest for the Dragon Revival. Odds are moreso that the equipment he had gave him higher defensive values from the X floors above that he had reached, where the "Criminals" (one of which could Dual Wield, `the more you know`) simply couldn't break through.

I only say that because I've played several other MMOs where I've been that properly equipped Melee-based character who could tank well enough against lower end players who simply don't know how to maximize damage output (%reduction against Human says wuuuuuuut)

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Oh no! Dont let Red Fox see this thread...

It's too late, the crime has been committed.

However, I'm done discussing the...finer points of SAO. I'll just drop my opinion in and be on my way: Sword Art Online is the worst anime I've ever seen and Japan should be ashamed they created such an abomination. 1/10 don't show your face to me again.

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The show started out good to me till the end of episode 4 (or whenever the guild kirito joined was killed). By the end of the SAO arc I thought the show was alright. By the end of the Alfheim arc it was just bad.

The pacing is bad (went from help little girl to CSI SAO to camping in the mountains with a blacksmith). Everything goes Kirito's way. Asuna was cool in episode 2 but then just became generic tsundere and then relegated to the role of damsel in distress. Pretty much all the other girls were just there to be a part of Kirito's harem. Klein had potential to be a great character but shoved aside like every other side character.

And there are other things but I don't want to type anymore.

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So the Lite Novels aren't that much better compared to the series itself?

It gives needed background. Makes it better.

But then there's Chapter 16.5.

Which is laughable at best. But that's just one section.

The joke I was referring to was "There is but one ultimate way".

Spoiler warning:


And as SB states: Star Wars Swords on a Gun MMO.

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There are many things to dislike about various anime/manga/lightnovels, but I've always wondered what the problem was with OP-ness. I think it's great that they can skip past all the annoying training moments that he must have gone through in the Beta before he got good. And in some manga it's all about train train train until you lose to some bad guy and then you get back up and train some more blah blah. In a lot of manga the main character isn't the best all the time and SAO basically does "well what if we follow the guy who is the best and he isn't a bad guy?" and I don't see the problem with doing that. Now, I wouldn't want every manga I read or anime I watch or LN I read to follow the same thing, but having an SAO or chrome shelled regios here and there is refreshing.

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I've always wondered what the problem was with OP-ness.

I remember once reading this interesting copy pasta that kinda answered this question in context of SAO and other series with OP protagonists. It has more to do with the direction than the fact that they are OP. IIRC, it explained that the problem with Kirito is that he is OP and as such everything he does is solved instantly and there is no challenge for him in what he does, unlike someone like Black Jack(who was the stu he was compared with) who, despite being this fantastic doctor, still runs into various challenges that test his skills and morals and such. Skipping training arcs like in One Piece or FoTNS (which both arguably have OP protagonists) is nice and all, but if you have an OP protagonist who spends the whole story solving every problem he's faced with without effort, then the story becomes boring. Even Superman has weakness that he can't overcome.

Whether or not this is completely true of Kirito, I can't really say since I didn't finish SAO(from what I saw I would agree), but that would be the problem with an overly OP character. There's just no conflict or challenge, just a predictable ending because the invincible MC will solve the problem effortlessly.

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I remember once reading this interesting copy pasta that kinda answered this question in context of SAO and other series with OP protagonists. It has more to do with the direction than the fact that they are OP. IIRC, it explained that the problem with Kirito is that he is OP and as such everything he does is solved instantly and there is no challenge for him in what he does, unlike someone like Black Jack(who was the stu he was compared with) who, despite being this fantastic doctor, still runs into various challenges that test his skills and morals and such. Skipping training arcs like in One Piece or FoTNS (which both arguably have OP protagonists) is nice and all, but if you have an OP protagonist who spends the whole story solving every problem he's faced with without effort, then the story becomes boring. Even Superman has weakness that he can't overcome.

Whether or not this is completely true of Kirito, I can't really say since I didn't finish SAO(from what I saw I would agree), but that would be the problem with an overly OP character. There's just no conflict or challenge, just a predictable ending because the invincible MC will solve the problem effortlessly.

It's been a long time since I read SAO, and I didn't finish all the arcs because I kept loving the part they were in and when it ended dreaded starting a new game and finally quit after I forget which one, but I never saw it has him walking in, snapping his fingers and the problem was solved. There was enough struggle or whatever to make me excited and it was fine.

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The first episode made SOA appear like it had a unique and interesting storyline.

Every other episode only further proved how dull and cliché it was.

Would suggest skipping.

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I actually spent today considering this. Would the series have been better without time skips? It'd be a hell of a lot longer, what with a "floor of the week" episodic style that it would have to adopt in order to progress through the story (Aincrad arc).

Hell, Alfhiem could've probably been expanded on and presented in a sort of "read the manga" world for the backstory of Kirito and Asuna. That would have probably saved a lot of minds from the initial stressor that is Aincrad. Build 25ish episodes around questing towards the top of uberTree, remove the elements of Gary Stu admin achievement, up the scales of our villian, and throw some flashback episodes around EP 3-5 and you have a salvageable series with a decent plot.

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