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"Ugh... that was a pain. Although at least you guys left me some prey to feed on..."

"Oh yeah, the name's Polydeuces, for those of you who don't know. Commit it to memory."

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Finally, the battle was over. Crizix took a moment to check her Staffs. They were all in good condition still. She sighed, lowering her guard. Getting separated from everyone else in the middle of the battle was just terrible...She couldn't believe her carelessness!

Oh, I have no supports.

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"Ugh... that was a pain. Although at least you guys left me some prey to feed on..."

"Oh yeah, the name's Polydeuces, for those of you who don't know. Commit it to memory."

"Well, hello there. I am called 'Kat'. The wounded on my back is Sorin, our leader. Unfortunately, he's been rendered incapacitated for a while, at least a week, so Silvia is serving as the leader."

@Carter - give Crizix a C support with everyone who participated today and work out any others later?

Edited by Kat
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"Ugh... that was a pain. Although at least you guys left me some prey to feed on..."

"Oh yeah, the name's Polydeuces, for those of you who don't know. Commit it to memory."

Axel, you're in the wrong series. XD

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Axel, you're in the wrong series. XD

at least I used the original translation doe

"Well, hello there. I am called 'Kat'. The wounded on my back is Sorin, our leader. Unfortunately, he's been rendered incapacitated for a while, at least a week, so Silvia is serving as the leader."

"Heh, is that right? Well, your true leader definitely looks like someone who can handle themselves in a fight... just make sure that wounds are all we get..."

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Silvia staggered over to the glowing tiles and flopped down on top of them, staring blankly at the rose-colored stains all over her dress. So much red... and yet she was too tired to care. "F-Finally... for now..." she mumbled, curling herself into a fetal position on the tiles and fluttering her eyes closed. "... S-Sleep is... nice..."

Hey cool I didn't know I had a B with Duck already


now I just need my S with Vash so Amelia will stop pestering me for child support

O-Oh my.


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"Silvia? Would you like to continue forward or retreat?" *notes her curled up* "...Shall I assume retreating to a bed?"

Edited by Kat
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I feel like I should have a support with Kat (current primary interaction) and ZM (original senpaaaaaaaaaaaaai~).

EVERYONE has a support with me.

Now that the battle was over. I can finally get down to just what this new world is.

"Now that that's over, can anyone tell me what has happened in the past millenia?"

"That... might take a while, actually. Do you want a short version?"

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Finally the battle was over, I had finally used my power to avenge my dear friend. I deactivated my ability, the fight had left me so torn up and exhausted and yet I was happy for the first time since that day. I gazed at the locket around my neck, for it had a picture of him in it. "What can I do? Pictures of you still make me cry!" I softly sang out. Silvia was pretty beaten, I hope she's okay. I decided to stay be her side. The memories I had forced down beginning to resurface.

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EVERYONE has a support with me.

Mine never had you listed doe.

"Now that that's over, can anyone tell me what has happened in the past millenia?"

"Ain't it obvious? Redheads have taken over, and we gotta cut them down until we've secured our homes again. Pretty basic stuff."

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"Silvia? Would you like to continue forward or retreat?" *notes her curled up* "...Shall I assume retreating to a bed?"

"W-We shouldn't stay here... but... I can't think of where to relocate everyone... T-The Bathrealm, maybe?" Silvia rubbed at her eyes with a free hand, trying to stay awake. Sorin was out of commission, she couldn't fall as well.

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Dang.. it..

Everytime a new person comes, I forget to add them. Sorry Crizix.

I can add you right now, is there anyone in particular you feel you should have a support with?

Whomever, you want. I suppose I could support with you for a start

It's all right, Carter. ^^

Hmm...Yeah, Hero-King would be a good support option even though our characters haven't said a word to each other yet. There's also ZM, Shelie, Breezy, and Vashiane, I think.

And you automatically have a support with me, due to how they set this up. XD

Okay. XD

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