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just fuck already you two

Alicia couldn't believe her eyes, an actual balcony and she could walk on it. Alicia raised out her arms to feel the gentle night breeze blowing in her direction, blowing her long hair out behind her as she smiled upon facing the wind. 'It's...." Alicia said shedding a small tear of joy, "Better than I dreamed it would be. My fondest dream...It's finally come true."

Poly simply smiled to himself, before letting out a small cough. 'Oh no... no, nonononono...' He checked the inside of his mouth to see if any blood had come out, but luckily nothing came of it. Stepping towards Alicia, he wrapped his arms around her like a cape. "I swear, Alicia... I'll make all of your dreams come true." he declared, staring out at the night sky.

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just fuck already you two

Poly simply smiled to himself, before letting out a small cough. 'Oh no... no, nonononono...' He checked the inside of his mouth to see if any blood had come out, but luckily nothing came of it. Stepping towards Alicia, he wrapped his arms around her like a cape. "I swear, Alicia... I'll make all of your dreams come true." he declared, staring out at the night sky.

I wonder how Cynthia will react to this

Genuine thought

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*after kissing him half a dozen times, stretches* "Ah, I feel much better now."

He smiled after hearing this, although he was still a bit flustered. "That's... good to hear. Are you alright now?"

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just fuck already you two

Poly simply smiled to himself, before letting out a small cough. 'Oh no... no, nonononono...' He checked the inside of his mouth to see if any blood had come out, but luckily nothing came of it. Stepping towards Alicia, he wrapped his arms around her like a cape. "I swear, Alicia... I'll make all of your dreams come true." he declared, staring out at the night sky.

(Not before the S support?)

Nothing could be more perfect than it was now, Alicia was standing on a balcony experiencing the elements with someone she loved. What more could she ask more? Alicia hoped Ace didn't ruin the moment, for everything felt right. Turning to Poly, Alicia smiled. "I wanted nothing more than for someone to share my life with. It's not easy when you have an ability sought after by many. I..." Alicia said turning around to face Poly, "Want nothing more than to live a better life than the one I've known before you came into my life." Alicia said staring deep into Poly's eyes, her face close to his.

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He smiled after hearing this, although he was still a bit flustered. "That's... good to hear. Are you alright now?"

"Mmm, better." *smiles* "I know a way you can make it better."

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Penultimate part:

Onorare: Well Anonymous, it's easy to tell your not here for small talk, especially with this fiasco.

Anon: Right. In fact, that's why I'm here. I need-

Onorare: information I presume.

Anon: Right, that's often what I ask of you. There's no better place to pick up knowledge than in your line of work

Onorare: Heheh, your right. I'm honestly surprised you didn't come by sooner.

Anon: *smiles* Well, I intended to, but as you know, a good mercenary is rarely idle, and I've had a rather...personal job lately.

Onorare: Ah, I see. So, what do you need to know?

Anon: Oh, the obvious. Anything you can tell me about the Annas that I'd be interested to hear.

Onorare: Well, I'd say that cuts back quite a bit on what I can tell you. Haha!

Anon: *smirks* Well then, I guess I should go now. *gets up* A pleasure as-

Onorare: Not quite Anon, I jest-

Anon: As always. For someone who likes to get down to business, you don't take it very seriously

Onorare: Well, I could say the exact same to you. But that's not we're here to focus on, is?

Anon: *breathes* No, it's not. What can you tell me?

Onorare: Heh. Anon, I like to stay informed, and you and I, one might call our relationship friendly. So, knowing you and knowing myself, I got an early start.

Anon: On what, might I ask?

Onorare: This. *slides a red book across the table. the binding is gold and the cover is blank* I immediately had my boys snoop around about these red-haired merchants. I got some pretty weird stuff, so you might want to skip a few pages. However, everything I found out I double checked and had compiled into here. Almost everything you'll ever need to know about Annas.

Anon: Ah, an Anna encyclopedia. *laughs* It's got a certain...alliterary ring to it.

Onorare: Indeed it does. I figured this would be something you'd enjoy.

Anon: And you were right *gets up and picks up book* It was nice to see you again sir. I must go though, I have a long walk to return to my current allies. One might call them, 'desert people,'

Onorare: Actually, one more thing Anonymous.

Anon: *startled* What, sir?

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It's possible....."

"Wait, wait, wait... what's possible?" Silvia tipped her head in confusion.

*snaps fingers*

Dance for me, slaves. Wahahahahaha!

And the rest was edited. NSFW!


Dance for me, slaves? Oh, I need to use that line...!

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Nothing could be more perfect than it was now, Alicia was standing on a balcony experiencing the elements with someone she loved. What more could she ask more? Alicia hoped Ace didn't ruin the moment, for everything felt right. Turning to Poly, Alicia smiled. "I wanted nothing more than for someone to share my life with. It's not easy when you have an ability sought after by many. I..." Alicia said turning around to face Poly, "Want nothing more than to live a better life than the one I've known before you came into my life." Alicia said staring deep into Poly's eyes, her face close to his.

"I don't think anything can ruin this moment, Alicia..." Poly softly whispered as he kissed Alicia, wanting the moment he was in right now to never end.

(and then Ace shows up and kills him)

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