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noun: the Rapture
  1. 1. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
    "Leonora listened with rapture"
    • expressions of intense pleasure or enthusiasm about something.
      plural noun: raptures
      "the tabloids went into raptures about her"
      synonyms: enthuse, rhapsodize, rave, gush, wax lyrical
  2. 2. (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.

... Huh

Well, now I feel silly

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? There wasn't any shipping for once, so where did this come from?

noun: the Rapture
  1. 1. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
    "Leonora listened with rapture"
    • expressions of intense pleasure or enthusiasm about something.
      plural noun: raptures
      "the tabloids went into raptures about her"
      synonyms: enthuse, rhapsodize, rave, gush, wax lyrical
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…Anon, that was a definition of 'rapture'. I'm just the first one who got fed up with neither of you taking the two seconds it took to look it up.

I don't think you got what Anon was pointing at when he mentioned the shipping within it. Look at the first definition and its synonyms. I think I got it..... right?

noun: the Rapture
  1. 1. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
    "Leonora listened with rapture"
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You're a bunch of weirdos

I saw it on the youtubes. And it was funny.

I don't think you got what Anon was pointing at when he mentioned the shipping within it. Look at the first definition and its synonyms. I think I got it..... right?

Thank you blue blood.

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I don't think you got what Anon was pointing at when he mentioned the shipping within it. Look at the first definition and its synonyms. I think I got it..... right?

No, I saw it. I'm confused as to why he claimed shipping, though, since it was LITERALLY a definition of rapture, which he asked for. Unless he's just being annoying.

But, really, if he was going to claim shipping, I think KatxAnon would've made more sense, as it was in response to his original question.

Edited by Kat
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No, I saw it. I'm confused as to why he claimed shipping, though, since it was LITERALLY a definition of rapture, which he asked for. Unless he's just being annoying.

But, really, if he was going to claim shipping, I think KatxAnon would've made more sense, as it was in response to his original question.

It was a joke. Besides, I despise adultery.

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