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Silvia nodded, clasping her hands behind her back and glancing over her shoulders for any newcomers... or guests of the more uninvited kind. While, yes, peace was lovely, practically all of her memories were forged in the midst of war - she didn't.... remember what to do during such downtime. There WAS the Reeking Box she had found, but she didn't want to use it.... not yet.

"Weird dancing..." Silvia murmred, absently humming the melody to the Prince's Lament for a few notes. "What do you mean by that?"

Ace: "Weird dancing... Klotho sure is strange, first the nicknames and now 'weird dancing' Wonder what she'll come up with next?"

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"Weird... dancing?" Poly asked, legitimately curious. "What do you mean, by 'weird dancing'?"

Silvia nodded, clasping her hands behind her back and glancing over her shoulders for any newcomers... or guests of the more uninvited kind. While, yes, peace was lovely, practically all of her memories were forged in the midst of war - she didn't.... remember what to do during such downtime. There WAS the Reeking Box she had found, but she didn't want to use it.... not yet.

"Weird dancing..." Silvia murmred, absently humming the melody to the Prince's Lament for a few notes. "What do you mean by that?"

​"Um… it's when Brother and Sister disappear into their room and there are some weird noises?"

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​"Um… it's when Brother and Sister disappear into their room and there are some weird noises?"

Ace suddenly paled at this, "Oh no. I'm too smart for my own good sometimes."

Alicia: "Ace, what's wrong?"

Ace: "Sis, I have a good reason to stay quiet this time."

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(I think we'll post in both until Poly get's used to updating and announcing. Anyway, here are Klotho's thoughts while meeting and talking with everyone.)

[spoiler=Klotho 2] I feel alone. No, worse, I feel like I'm trapped in a glass cage. I can hear them, see them, but I can't reach out and touch them, hug them. Reassure myself that they'll never leave me behind.

They're all happy to see each other. They're friends. Family. They understand each other. So, they joke and tease. All I seem to be able to do, though, is screw up. I make them mad or ruin big surprises. I try to break through the cage, but then they get angry and I have to run and hide again. It hurts worse than broken glass in frostbitten feet, seeing them mad at me.

I have to learn. I have to make myself useful around them. I have to. If I don't… if I don't, they might abandon me, and I can't stand that thought. At least in the glass cage, I can see and hear them. At least in the cage, I can pretend that everything is okay.

If I don't have that? If I can't have that? I might as well disappear forever.

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Ace suddenly paled at this, "Oh no. I'm too smart for my own good sometimes."

Alicia: "Ace, what's wrong?"

Ace: "Sis, I have a good reason to stay quiet this time."

​"Um… what were they…?" *starts trying to hum a song*

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Ace suddenly paled at this, "Oh no. I'm too smart for my own good sometimes."

Alicia: "Ace, what's wrong?"

Ace: "Sis, I have a good reason to stay quiet this time."

I'm honestly surprised no one caught on to that right away

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"... WHAT." Poly flatly yelled out, before his mind started to process the information he now had. "Wait... weird dancing... can't fight for a few months..." Poly stroked his chin, thinking. "Tell me... did Kat look a bit more... plump, perchance?"

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​"Um… what were they…?" *starts trying to hum a song*

Ace: (Oh crap. I am NOT talking! It's really not my place to be talking right now)

Alicia: "I don't think Ace is planning on answering that..."

Ace: "Let me put to you this way, I'm better off not answering that question."

Alicia: "Ace, Poly may as well have figured it out."

Ace: "Grrrrr, blast!"

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Ace: "Weird dancing... Klotho sure is strange, first the nicknames and now 'weird dancing' Wonder what she'll come up with next?"

​"Um… it's when Brother and Sister disappear into their room and there are some weird noises?"

Silvia gently leaned into close to Ace, cupping a hand around her ear before whispering, "At this rate, it could be anything. I suppose we stay back and get a kick out of it all, then?" She pulled away again, quickly tapping her fingers against Ace's shoulder before pulling back and reassuming her earlier position, although any sort of composure vanishe at Klotho's explanation. "T-That's... that's nothing, Klotho..."

"P-Poly!" Silvia felt herself blushing yet again - how many times was this? - and shook her head.

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"... WHAT." Poly flatly yelled out, before his mind started to process the information he now had. "Wait... weird dancing... can't fight for a few months..." Poly stroked his chin, thinking. "Tell me... did Kat look a bit more... plump, perchance?"

*very, very angry* "ARE YOU CALLING SISTER FAT?!"

(Ftr, Poly, women tend to not show until their 4 or 5 month, with first pregnancies being later. …stupid developmental biology… also, no Cassandra lately?)

Ace: (Oh crap. I am NOT talking! It's really not my place to be talking right now)

Alicia: "I don't think Ace is planning on answering that..."

Ace: "Let me put to you this way, I'm better off not answering that question."

Alicia: "Ace, Poly may as well have figured it out."

Ace: "Grrrrr, blast!"

"Oh! I remember where I heard it! It's that wedding song!" *very proud of herself now before singing* "Dance with me, my dear one. Show me your wonder, your splendorous smile…"

(man, you guys have some dirty minds. Dusk and Kat literally do dance in their rooms, and Klotho thinks it's weird that they dance alone. Also, she's never seen dancing like that.)

Edited by Kat
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*very, very angry* "ARE YOU CALLING SISTER FAT?!"

(Ftr, Poly, women tend to not show until their 4 or 5 month, with first pregnancies being later. stupid developmental biology also, no Cassandra lately?)

"Oh! I remember where I heard it! It's that wedding song!" *very proud of herself now before singing* "Dance with me, my dear one. Show me your wonder, you splendorous smile"

(haha, you guys have some dirty minds.)

(I regret nothing.)
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*very, very angry* "ARE YOU CALLING SISTER FAT?!"

(Ftr, Poly, women tend to not show until their 4 or 5 month, with first pregnancies being later. …stupid developmental biology… also, no Cassandra lately?)

"Eh? No, it's just... never mind." Poly decided to cut himself off, fearing that would be a bit too much of a shock to drop on everyone. "I'm just wondering if perhaps our brooding sniper's got himself a little baby sniper on the way."

(eh, I never took bio so I dun remember. And Cassandra's trying not to aneurysm over Klotho.)

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Silvia gently leaned into close to Ace, cupping a hand around her ear before whispering, "At this rate, it could be anything. I suppose we stay back and get a kick out of it all, then?" She pulled away again, quickly tapping her fingers against Ace's shoulder before pulling back and reassuming her earlier position, although any sort of composure vanishe at Klotho's explanation. "T-That's... that's nothing, Klotho..."

Ace: "Yeah, I'm just gonna kick back and say no more. Though sitting here makes me want some coffee or tea to drink about now."

*very, very angry* "ARE YOU CALLING SISTER FAT?!"

(Ftr, Poly, women tend to not show until their 4 or 5 month, with first pregnancies being later. …stupid developmental biology… also, no Cassandra lately?)

"Oh! I remember where I heard it! It's that wedding song!" *very proud of herself now before singing* "Dance with me, my dear one. Show me your wonder, your splendorous smile…"

(man, you guys have some dirty minds. Dusk and Kat literally do dance in their rooms, and Klotho thinks it's weird that they dance alone. Also, she's never seen dancing like that.)

Ace: "Ahahahahahaha!" *stops laughing for a minute* "Yeah, that's it. They were dancing to that song you're singing. Yup, ballroom dancing."

Alicia: (That Klotho, to smile so calmly like that... It's almost eerie how she can do that.)

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*very, very angry* "ARE YOU CALLING SISTER FAT?!"

(Ftr, Poly, women tend to not show until their 4 or 5 month, with first pregnancies being later. …stupid developmental biology… also, no Cassandra lately?)

"Oh! I remember where I heard it! It's that wedding song!" *very proud of herself now before singing* "Dance with me, my dear one. Show me your wonder, your splendorous smile…"

(man, you guys have some dirty minds. Dusk and Kat literally do dance in their rooms, and Klotho thinks it's weird that they dance alone. Also, she's never seen dancing like that.)

... >.>

(Also… I'm surprised none of your commented about how Klotho's a stepford smiler.)

I noticed and I will now comment. Holy fuck. :o

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"Eh? No, it's just... never mind." Poly decided to cut himself off, fearing that would be a bit too much of a shock to drop on everyone. "I'm just wondering if perhaps our brooding sniper's got himself a little baby sniper on the way."

"No, because if he did, Brother would've fainted from the shock and worry." *very, very bluntly* "Or have been sick himself."

Alicia: (That Klotho, to smile so calmly like that... It's almost eerie how she can do that.)

(Yay for Alicia's empathy!)

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I noticed and I will now comment. Holy fuck. :o

(Rule of thumb. I never have really happy characters. I always have to make them scarred. …usually by tragic backstories. Or, you know, me breaking them in story.)

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"Hmm... I'm not buying it." Poly replied, before turning to Ace & Silvia. "Did you two notice anything... odd... about Kat lately?"

*frowns* "Are you calling me a liar?"

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Ace: "Yeah, I'm just gonna kick back and say no more. Though sitting here makes me want some coffee or tea to drink about now."

Ace: "Ahahahahahaha!" *stops laughing for a minute* "Yeah, that's it. They were dancing to that song you're singing. Yup, ballroom dancing."

Alicia: (That Klotho, to smile so calmly like that... It's almost eerie how she can do that.)

Silvia groaned a bit and rubbed her arms, lamenting the lack of her son's coffee-making abilities. "Oh, don't remind me. I would die for a cup of coffee right about now, wouldn't you?"

She shook her head at Poly's statement, tossing her hair back with a simple flick of her head. "I... I haven't, noticed anything. I've been too absorbed in my studies, really..."

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