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"Are the ships ready and is everyone stable enough for travel?"

"…" *just closes her eyes and continues sipping her tea*

"But I don't do anything?"

"Okay? But why can't I wear my own clothes?"

"That works too."

"Well, I know I'm hungry for a good fight. So I'd prefer if we left today... I think we should try and finish this quickly."

"We have three prepared ships. Even if fatigue is setting in the longer we stand here, the more time we waste. Let's rest when we are sailing. It will take a few days to reach Valm either way. Do you really want those villains running rampant for too long? Trust my judgement on this one."

"Today's topic of conversation is...?"

"Yo Breezy. Valm: To leave or not to leave. Thoughts?"

(Perfect. Are you the same with Magvel also?)

(I was expecting more feedback. Was it too long for you guys?)

Hells no. It was amazing.

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"We have three prepared ships. Even if fatigue is setting in the longer we stand here, the more time we waste. Let's rest when we are sailing. It will take a few days to reach Valm either way. Do you really want those villains running rampant for too long? Trust my judgement on this one."

"Yo Breezy. Valm: To leave or not to leave. Thoughts?"

Hells no. It was amazing.

"To Valm we go"
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"We have three prepared ships. Even if fatigue is setting in the longer we stand here, the more time we waste. Let's rest when we are sailing. It will take a few days to reach Valm either way. Do you really want those villains running rampant for too long? Trust my judgement on this one."

"Yo Breezy. Valm: To leave or not to leave. Thoughts?"

Hells no. It was amazing.

"But sorin... who's going to steer the ships? I could do one, but..."


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"So we're moving..." Dusk thought about the possibility of making a speech, and for some reason, he wanted to. He never made a speech, and yet the possibility of battling with the villains of all sagas known to man clearly frightened some of the other members. Truth be told, he was a bit worried himself, but he had to make sure everyone was able to battle. "... Meet me in ten minutes near the docks" Drinking the last of his tea, he quickly left the building. [What the hell am I going to say?..]

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"We have three prepared ships. Even if fatigue is setting in the longer we stand here, the more time we waste. Let's rest when we are sailing. It will take a few days to reach Valm either way. Do you really want those villains running rampant for too long? Trust my judgement on this one."

"And if some of these villains are here?"

"So we're moving..." Dusk thought about the possibility of making a speech, and for some reason, he wanted to. He never made a speech, and yet the possibility of battling with the villains of all sagas known to man clearly frightened some of the other members. Truth be told, he was a bit worried himself, but he had to make sure everyone was able to battle. "... Meet me in ten minutes near the docks" Drinking the last of his tea, he quickly left the building. [What the hell am I going to say?..]


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Ishtar and Dan conversation

It was Ishtar. But weren't the villains supposed to be in Valm? What's going on?

"Hm? Whose there?" She said, grabbing for her tome.

"W-wait!" Dan said as he roze out of the bushes.

"...Daniel? What are you doing here?" She said putting her tome away.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing. I had heard that Ferox had been liberated from the Anna's, so I thought I could buy myself some new weapons, maybe even train up with some of the soldiers here." He didn't like lying to her, but he had to.

"I...see." She said with a skeptical look.

Time to change the subject. "Uh, so what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just...wandering. I had also heard about the liberation of Ferox from those merchants. I didn't hear about who did it? Do you know perhaps?"

"No, sorry."

"I see. That's a shame. So, where are you heading off to, now?"

"Well...I was actually going to go over to Valm."

"Valm? Why, that place is crawling with Annas?"

"I know, but...there's been this person who has been causing trouble for me. However, he hasn't been here physically, but merely sending some sort of...vision of himself to me. I called him out, and he said to meet him in the wellspring of truth all the way in Valm."

"I see...Actually, I have comrades up in Valm. Maybe I could get them to help you with your encounter?"

"N-no, that won't be necessary."

"But this person sounds like a very powerful magic user. Are you sure? Perhaps I could come and join you?"

"No, it's fine. Besides, I promised I would come alone."

"And how do you know to trust this person?"

Dan bit his lip. How did he know? For all he knew, he would be walking into a large ambush. "I...I really don't know. To be honest, if the circumstances were different, I would gladly welcome you...but, I'm sorry."

"...If you insist. However, I do not wish for you to go unprepared against someone with such magical prowess." She took a ring off her finger. "Here. Take this."

"What is-"

"It's a barrier ring. I enhances the magical defenses of anyone who wears it."

"I-I can't accept this, I-"

"Please. Take it." She said with a warm smile on her face. "A child such as you should not go without some form of protection. I know you have the demon's curse upon you, but if you would allow me to give this to you, then I can let you go with a good conscience."

"...T-thank you." Dan put on the ring onto his right hand.

Ishtar giggled a little. "I see you still have the backpack I gave you."

Dan blushed a little. "Y-yeah. It's been very useful."

"I should hope so. By the way, did you find the secret compartment?"

"Secret...no, no I haven't." Dan took the backpack off, and looked around it.

"Here." Ishtar opened up the pack, then rummaged around until she found something. "There's a little flap here." She opened it up...and inside was a spare set of clothes. more specifically, a robe similar to the one Ishtar wears with the thunderbolt storm all over it.

"Uh...That was...there this whole time?"

Ishtar giggled again. "Yes. I thought you may need a spare set when you set off in the desert. Keep them."

Dan's face was blushing tremendously. "I...You've given me so much. I don't know how to repay you."

"It's fine. Don't worry yourself over it. Oh, but I must be leaving. I wish you luck, Daniel." Ishtar then walked off. Dan waited until she was out of sight before he closed up the pack and slung it around his back, then proceeded back into Ferox.

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(Welp, Dan's in for some angst, because Ishtar's gonna die. (Dan, you should also post that in the char development thread, I think.))

its what im planning, i know what im doing

also, i posted in the development thread earlier but okay

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"If you say so."

"Dusk... ugh. I'm not sure if I want to hear your speeches."

"Thanks for the encouragement. I've never done of these before, you know"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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