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​"Because if I have another freak-out like back when we were attacked… Cassandra and Dan could've DIED because I was too weak. S-so, I thought that… well, m-maybe if I watched someone I trust SO MUCH use it… m-maybe I can w-work through it. At least… not freak out in a fight." *looks pleading* "I'll stay out of the way, I promise! And… and I'll have someone with me in case I freak out and need to be helped away. Um…" *pauses* "Wait, Sister said you could only practice with Sorin, Nathaniel, Ace, or Alicia nearby. D-do you w-want me to ask them first?"

(No, the lack of nicknames isn't a mistake. It's on purpose. Also, yay for Klotho prodding at Silvia's conscience?)

She was so tempted to tell it was going to be fine, to just... grab it and test it anyway but she'd never hear the end of it if she did. Sure, she had actually gotten plenty of sleep and had barely glanced over her notes today but... She sighed, giving her a reluctant nod. "That'll probably be the best thing to do, yes. Apparently I'm not completely out of danger yet, so they say."

So they said.

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She was so tempted to tell it was going to be fine, to just... grab it and test it anyway but she'd never hear the end of it if she did. Sure, she had actually gotten plenty of sleep and had barely glanced over her notes today but... She sighed, giving her a reluctant nod. "That'll probably be the best thing to do, yes. Apparently I'm not completely out of danger yet, so they say."

So they said.

"Well, that makes sense. I mean… isn't magic kinda like any other weapon? Until you've learned how to use it, you're a pretty big danger to everyone, right? I almost shot Brother when I first picked up a bow and he refused to let me practice alone for a long time. Sister said she received similar instructions when she learned swords and that weird black magic thing she talks about sometimes. So, I'm sure a lot of people would be mad at you practicing something you're just learning on your own. You can learn some very, very bad habits and hurt yourself again. Or other people." *smiles* "So, I'll… I'll ask them too. And later, when you've learned how to master it, I'm sure you'll be just fine because you're already really skilled!" *thinking a bit* "Um… hey, isn't there a long range magic spell thingy? I wonder if you could combine that with archery? I'm sure magic can travel farther, so as a distraction? Oh, or maybe let the arrows lure them into a trap! Or… oh, I'm babbling. I'm sorry!"

(I have determined that Klotho has minor hero-worship over Silvia, for reasons I'm not quite sure on, or has somehow noticed the mental problems and is unconsciously trying to help. Unfortunately, getting the answers out of her is more infuriating that Phoibus.)

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"Well, that makes sense. I mean… isn't magic kinda like any other weapon? Until you've learned how to use it, you're a pretty big danger to everyone, right? I almost shot Brother when I first picked up a bow and he refused to let me practice alone for a long time. Sister said she received similar instructions when she learned swords and that weird black magic thing she talks about sometimes. So, I'm sure a lot of people would be mad at you practicing something you're just learning on your own. You can learn some very, very bad habits and hurt yourself again. Or other people." *smiles* "So, I'll… I'll ask them too. And later, when you've learned how to master it, I'm sure you'll be just fine because you're already really skilled!" *thinking a bit* "Um… hey, isn't there a long range magic spell thingy? I wonder if you could combine that with archery? I'm sure magic can travel farther, so as a distraction? Oh, or maybe let the arrows lure them into a trap! Or… oh, I'm babbling. I'm sorry!"

(I have determined that Klotho has minor hero-worship over Silvia, for reasons I'm not quite sure on, or has somehow noticed the mental problems and is unconsciously trying to help. Unfortunately, getting the answers out of her is more infuriating that Phoibus.)

For a girl who could barely recall anything except her name, she was incredibly wise. Silvia found herself in awe about it, really.

And even more so at her random babbling - that was... ingenious. "Klotho, you don't think... we could, we could... there's a way for that, I - I've got to examine exactly HOW a-and go over my notes some... figure out exactly how a Mire tome works, I think I only managed to go over Waste and Ruin in that time frame but there's definitely a possibility... I've... I've got to think on that one!" She knew she sounded giddy and the words just rushed out of her mouth, but the possibilities looked so endless how could she not be giddy? The implications... the uses for this... it could be revolutionary...!

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For a girl who could barely recall anything except her name, she was incredibly wise. Silvia found herself in awe about it, really.

And even more so at her random babbling - that was... ingenious. "Klotho, you don't think... we could, we could... there's a way for that, I - I've got to examine exactly HOW a-and go over my notes some... figure out exactly how a Mire tome works, I think I only managed to go over Waste and Ruin in that time frame but there's definitely a possibility... I've... I've got to think on that one!" She knew she sounded giddy and the words just rushed out of her mouth, but the possibilities looked so endless how could she not be giddy? The implications... the uses for this... it could be revolutionary...!

"Oh, they made sense? Yay! I helped!" *giggles before yawning* "Oh, oops… it's late, Harem… can we go to bed now?" *pauses* "And make sure you sleep. Sister said you do crazy things when you don't get sleep and if you do crazy things, you get hurt and that makes Sister and me sad." *unintentionally gives Silvia puppy-dog eyes* "So, please get a good night's rest?"

(Why is it nearly 3? Stupid hours just flying by.)

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"Oh, they made sense? Yay! I helped!" *giggles before yawning* "Oh, oops… it's late, Harem… can we go to bed now?" *pauses* "And make sure you sleep. Sister said you do crazy things when you don't get sleep and if you do crazy things, you get hurt and that makes Sister and me sad." *unintentionally gives Silvia puppy-dog eyes* "So, please get a good night's rest?"

(Why is it nearly 3? Stupid hours just flying by.)

"It IS late... time flies!" She said, reaching over to swipe the Ruin tome from its perch and clutch it to her chest. She spun around, facing Klotho again and sighing. "Well, damn. How am I supposed to resist THAT face? Yeah, I'll make sure I do," she replied, turning back and heading into town, mulling over something deeply inside her mind.

... ... Four hours of sleep should be good enough.

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"It IS late... time flies!" She said, reaching over to swipe the Ruin tome from its perch and clutch it to her chest. She spun around, facing Klotho again and sighing. "Well, damn. How am I supposed to resist THAT face? Yeah, I'll make sure I do," she replied, turning back and heading into town, mulling over something deeply inside her mind.

... ... Four hours of sleep should be good enough.

​"…Why do I have a bad feeling her definition of a 'good night's rest' and mine differ?" *thinks* "Oh well. I'll keep trusting her." *giggles before pausing* "Oh, wait, I need to learn how to fight while tired, in case we're ambushed. Better get started on that, then."

(On that note, I'm heading to bed. >< I think when I'm more coherent, I'll write a little skit where Klotho and Phoibus actually meet, but it's not a support.)

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"Morning all." *notices no one is around* "...Did they leave without me?..."

"Muh?" *stumbles down, rubbing sleep from her eyes* "Oh, hiya, Dan. I saw something weird last night."

(This is connected to a char dev thingy I haven't posted yet.)

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Anon: *appears* I'm here...no one else seems to be.

"Nice to see you still know how to pop out of nowhere?"

"Muh?" *stumbles down, rubbing sleep from her eyes* "Oh, hiya, Dan. I saw something weird last night."

(This is connected to a char dev thingy I haven't posted yet.)

(no Handsome Eyepatch? okeeeey..)

Ace: *Walking in* "Morning Dan, I don't think we've left yet."

"Well, it's nice to see in one of the early birds for once."

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"Hello~!" Nathaniel walked in as well, holding his Einherjar card. "I just had an epiphaaaaaany~! What if I summon phantoms that can row ships or steer them or whatever?"

Samson was walking around, however, something was off. He was fast asleep.

(Shenanigan time!)

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"Well, it's nice to see in one of the early birds for once."

Angie: Why haven't we left yet?

Ace: "I do happen to wake up early. Though I'm pretty sure we're not leaving until we know there's no threat of this continent being reconquered in our absence. Otherwise, all that work we put in to freeing this continent will have been for naught if we have to do again upon returning."

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Ace: "I do happen to wake up early. Though I'm pretty sure we're not leaving until we know there's no threat of this continent being reconquered in our absence. Otherwise, all that work we put in to freeing this continent will have been for naught if we have to do again upon returning."

Gulasca: I see. Also Dan I need to talk to you..
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"Nice to see you still know how to pop out of nowhere?"

(no Handsome Eyepatch? okeeeey..)

"Well, it's nice to see in one of the early birds for once."

(She's sleepy.)

"Hello~!" Nathaniel walked in as well, holding his Einherjar card. "I just had an epiphaaaaaany~! What if I summon phantoms that can row ships or steer them or whatever?"


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