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i honestly felt like i rushed that and it doesn't carry the impact i planned it to have

(I'm tearing up over here. I think it worked quite well.)

Dan had finally made it back with Dusk and Yuffie. He walked inside and saw Kat. Kat...someone he loved...no...used to love. Only now did he realize how cruel she was. How right Phoibus was...and how much he had wanted to harm her...how much he wanted to take the scarf around her neck and use it to strangle her. How much he wanted to not only take his eye back, but take her other eye as well. How much he wanted to take the knife he made for and stab her with. How much he wanted to stab her with his own sword. How much he wanted to knock her onto the ground and start punching her across the face repeatedly until he felt her blood cover his hands and her head seen splattered across the ground...How much he now wanted to do something so horrid, so menacing, so absolutely unforgivable that no one would ever accept him as a kind human being ever again...and he knew what that act was...and how easily it could be done...he knew all too well...as he stared at her lower torso...with a face full of hatred...

i am fucking going there Dan is THAT mad and downright insane

(The sad thing is? She'd let him. ESPECIALLY if she found out what she accidentally did.)

Dan noticed Cassandra and turned to her. ''Ah...Cassandra. Didn't notice you there...How are you..?'' Dan was speaking slower than usual. ''I was just...looking at the baby...and thinking how...precious life can be...especially if that life is some you love...love with all your heart...and all your soul...and how...painful it must feel to lose that love...''

take note shadow this is how you yandere

Cassandra stepped back a few paces, completely terrified. What she saw coming towards her wasn't the man she thought Dan was... rather, all she saw was a spoiled child who hadn't gotten his way and was about to throw a fit. A child who'd hurt her the way Kat had hurt him, albeit in a different way than the latter. "D-Don't..." she stuttered out, eyes slowly filling with tears. She'd felt like everything was gone now... she felt as if Dan had ripped her heart out of her chest and cut it to ribbons before her very eyes.

(Well, this is serious. I'm assuming you two want Kat to stay asleep? I'm assuming she's asleep, at least.)

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Cassandra stepped back a few paces, completely terrified. What she saw coming towards her wasn't the man she thought Dan was... rather, all she saw was a spoiled child who hadn't gotten his way and was about to throw a fit. A child who'd hurt her the way Kat had hurt him, albeit in a different way than the latter. "D-Don't..." she stuttered out, eyes slowly filling with tears. She'd felt like everything was gone now... she felt as if Dan had ripped her heart out of her chest and cut it to ribbons before her very eyes.

''Cassandra...why are you walking away?...Do you...hate me? Do you not like me? Have I hurt you?! Do you feel the pain that I feel now?! Eating away at my very soul?! Do you feel the hatred that consumes my very being?! Hatred for that whore of a servant of some 'divine goddess' who can only sit there as she orders me to murder the only person who has ever given me counsel?! DO YOU?!'' Dan's eye was wide wiith insanity. He felt his hands trembling at speeds that he had never felt before. And yet he was speaking. Speaking hatred that he had boiled up inside, now being released. He could the weight in his chest that had been with him since the beginning of this entire war fading away. And it felt like he was on cloud nine. ''No. You don't understand NO ONE understands! Only SHE did! Only SHE ever cared for the tears that welled up inside. And only SHE cared for their release! And now...*laughs*...now she's DEAD! DEAD! Dead because that BITCH had me kill her! Oh, but it had to be me. No one else would've given her any sort of kindness! But I could've saved her, oh yes I could have saved her! If it weren't for that kiss up! I just needed a little more time, and I could've SAVED HER!!! *laughs* Oh, but that bitch wouldn't have it. She wouldn't! So she sent her HUSBAND to do the job instead! And now, she's caused me pain yet again! And after I did so much for her! I made her weapons! I gave her clothes! I gave her a scarf! I made thier wedding ring! I even gave up my fucking eye for her! AND THIS IS HOW SHE REPAYS ME!!! Oh...oh, but now...Now, I know how to give her the same pain...the pain that I wished upon her for SO LONG! Ever since I first met her, I've always wished pain upon her...*laughs* It was even in my old contract!'' His smile was wide across his face. ''So don't you see, Cassandra?! Now...I won't have to be alone! I can share the pain! Ehehehe...hehehehe...ahahahahahahaHAHAHA...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

so how'd i do

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''Cassandra...why are you walking away?...Do you...hate me? Do you not like me? Have I hurt you?! Do you feel the pain that I feel now?! Eating away at my very soul?! Do you feel the hatred that consumes my very being?! Hatred for that whore of a servant of some 'divine goddess' who can only sit there as she orders me to murder the only person who has ever given me counsel?! DO YOU?!'' Dan's eye was wide wiith insanity. He felt his hands trembling at speeds that he had never felt before. And yet he was speaking. Speaking hatred that he had boiled up inside, now being released. He could the weight in his chest that had been with him since the beginning of this entire war fading away. And it felt like he was on cloud nine. ''No. You don't understand NO ONE understands! Only SHE did! Only SHE ever cared for the tears that welled up inside. And only SHE cared for their release! And now...*laughs*...now she's DEAD! DEAD! Dead because that BITCH had me kill her! Oh, but it had to be me. No one else would've given her any sort of kindness! But I could've saved her, oh yes I could have saved her! If it weren't for that kiss up! I just needed a little more time, and I could've SAVED HER!!! *laughs* Oh, but that bitch wouldn't have it. She wouldn't! So she sent her HUSBAND to do the job instead! And now, she's caused me pain yet again! And after I did so much for her! I made her weapons! I gave her clothes! I gave her a scarf! I made thier wedding ring! I even gave up my fucking eye for her! AND THIS IS HOW SHE REPAYS ME!!! Oh...oh, but now...Now, I know how to give her the same pain...the pain that I wished upon her for SO LONG! Ever since I first met her, I've always wished pain upon her...*laughs* It was even in my old contract!'' His smile was wide across his face. ''So don't you see, Cassandra?! Now...I won't have to be alone! I can share the pain! Ehehehe...hehehehe...ahahahahahahaHAHAHA...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

so how'd i do

(You did awesome, but I'm not killing off Kat or losing the baby. FTR. Again, I'm assuming you want Kat to still be out. If not, I can have her wake up now.)

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(You did awesome, but I'm not killing off Kat or losing the baby. FTR. Again, I'm assuming you want Kat to still be out. If not, I can have her wake up now.)

do what you want at this point

and i dont want kat or the baby to die, this is just what s happening to Dan's sanity

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thats not fucking insanity

Edit: cursed by the double post

(I would create some but I'm not in a Sephiroth mood. More Kefka than anything. Or Majora's Mask..? I can't tell what I'm feeling right now.) Edited by shadowfrost zenbiniar
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Cassandra screamed in terror as she continued to back away. She wasn't sure what else to do; after all, Dan was completely out of his mind right now... talking about going unspeakable harm to Kat... even though Kat had hurt him, did Dan really need to act this way? Tripping over her own feet as she backed away, Cassandra covered her face and began to sob uncontrollably, weeping for the man she thought Dan was.

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Cassandra screamed in terror as she continued to back away. She wasn't sure what else to do; after all, Dan was completely out of his mind right now... talking about going unspeakable harm to Kat... even though Kat had hurt him, did Dan really need to act this way? Tripping over her own feet as she backed away, Cassandra covered her face and began to sob uncontrollably, weeping for the man she thought Dan was.


but seriously what did you think?

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do what you want at this point

and i dont want kat or the baby to die, this is just what s happening to Dan's sanity

(Very well then.)

*stirs awake at some noise and, possibly because of her sleepy state, she doesn't notice the tense atmosphere* "Ah, welcome back, Dan. I'm glad you're okay. You looked so pale when you left that I just had to send Yuffie and Dusk after you to make sure you didn't fret yourself sick. I should've known you'd been just fine." *smiles warmly* "That was a fast job. Good. She can be judged again, fairly this time. The last one had been horribly biased against her for some reason. But this time, I'm certain Ishtar will be granted access to paradise, which is where she should be, to prepare for rebirth. Thank you, Dan, for freeing her. I knew I was right to trust you with that job. I know it probably took a lot out of you, but I had faith you could do it."

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(Very well then.)

*stirs awake at some noise and, possibly because of her sleepy state, she doesn't notice the tense atmosphere* "Ah, welcome back, Dan. I'm glad you're okay. You looked so pale when you left that I just had to send Yuffie and Dusk after you to make sure you didn't fret yourself sick." *smiles warmly* "That was a fast job. Good. She can be judged again, fairly this time. The last one had been horribly biased against her for some reason. But this time, Alicia's here, and she's fair. I'm certain Ishtar will be granted access to paradise this time. Thank you, Dan, for freeing her."

Dan turned to face Kat, the crazed look still upon his face. ''Kat! I'm so glad you're awake! I have a surprise for you!'' He began to step towards Kat, menacingly. ''You've been...a very...very...VERY NAUGHTY GIRL! But I'm here to fix that! Don't you worry!'' He said as he drew a knife from his coat pocket.

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Dan turned to face Kat, the crazed look still upon his face. ''Kat! I'm so glad you're awake! I have a surprise for you!'' He began to step towards Kat, menacingly. ''You've been...a very...very...VERY NAUGHTY GIRL! But I'm here to fix that! Don't you worry!'' He said as he drew a knife from his coat pocket.

"I have?" *looks confused* "What are you doing, Dan?"

(I'm not going to have to resort to pulling a Deus Ex Machina, right?)

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(I'm not going to have to resort to pulling a Deus Ex Machina, right?)


Cassandra saw Dan's every move, and as soon as the knife came out of his coat pocket, she ran towards him, tackling him to the ground and trying to pin his arms down. "Please stop! If you do anything to her, you'll be doing to me what she did to you!" She cried out, tears continuing to stream down her face and now onto Dan's clothing. "This isn't you! I can't watch you act so... so unnaturally! So... unlike you!"

Edited by Polydeuces
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Cassandra saw Dan's every move, and as soon as the knife came out of his coat pocket, she ran towards him, tackling him to the ground and trying to pin his arms down. "Please stop! If you do anything to her, you'll be doing to me what she did to you!" She cried out, tears continuing to stream down her face and now onto Dan's clothing. "This isn't you! I can't watch you act so... so unnaturally! So... unlike you!"

"What's going on?" *frowning* "Cassandra, hold on, you could hurt him."

"Cassandra, move." *very, very coldly while aiming an arrow right at Dan* "Now."

"Where did you come from, Klotho?"

(Drama. And yes, Kat's THAT oblivious to Dan's intents. Sleepiness and trust ftw?)

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Cassandra froze up when she heard Klotho's voice from behind her. The tone she had was icy... so unlike the girl she'd begun to know... to laugh with, to share beauty tips with... even gaining a one-sided affection for her. "I... I can't... I don't want this..." She said, clutching her head as the tears flowed even stronger down her face. "I don't want any of this!"

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''Agh!'' Dan felt himself get pinned to the ground. He felt the knife slide away. ''No!'' He attempted to shove Cassandra off of him. ''No! She needs to feel the pain! SHE NEEDS TO FEEL IT!'' He struggled as much as he could. ''I MUST REPAY WHAT SHE HAS DONE! I MUST DO THIS, OR ELSE ISHTAR'S DEATH SHALL BE FOR NOTHING!!!'' Dan felt tears fall from his eye again.

(i am having so much fun right now)

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Cassandra froze up when she heard Klotho's voice from behind her. The tone she had was icy... so unlike the girl she'd begun to know... to laugh with, to share beauty tips with... even gaining a one-sided affection for her. "I... I can't... I don't want this..." She said, clutching her head as the tears flowed even stronger down her face. "I don't want any of this!"

"Klotho, put the bow down. Someone explain to me what's going on. Dan, did something happen? Is... is it the village? I know I should've asked more about that, but I... never thought you'd ever open up to me on it. Did... was the situation in Southtown like then? Wait, no, it's Ishtar. She's honorable... was it that? Because I sent you against a nicer one? I wish I could let them stay, but to bring back the dead without a price would spell ruin for both the afterlife AND life, and it's much better here, where we know they'll receive a fair judgement."

''Agh!'' Dan felt himself get pinned to the ground. He felt the knife slide away. ''No!'' He attempted to shove Cassandra off of him. ''No! She needs to feel the pain! SHE NEEDS TO FEEL IT!'' He struggled as much as he could. ''I MUST REPAY WHAT SHE HAS DONE! I MUST DO THIS, OR ELSE ISHTAR'S DEATH SHALL BE FOR NOTHING!!!'' Dan felt tears fall from his eye again.

"I... it was that, huh?" *smiles bitterly* "I'm sorry, Dan. But if you're talking pain... how about knowingly sending your little brother off to battle and relying on belief that he'll come back alive? Battle against a powerful sorceress once known for being an army killer? I've been worried SICK about you, you jerk!" *tearing up* "I've been so... so worried!"

"I'm shooting him."

"You are not. Put that down."

"It's not Dan. It's someone that looks like him."

"Grief does strange things to people. Put. It. Down."

Edited by Kat
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Cassandra was broken completely. It wasn't hard to see why; her two best friends were both clearly out of their minds right now, what with one pulling a knife on a pregnant woman and the other aiming an arrow directly at the first friend's head, while she herself was pinning Dan down to the ground to prevent him from doing something he would regret. She wasn't sure what to do, considering all that was going on... so she kept on crying. Weeping for the man she'd lost, the woman she'd never had, and the sanity she'd never had the need for.

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"Klotho, put the bow down. Someone explain to me what's going on. Dan, did something happen? Is... is it the village? I know I should've asked more about that, but I... never thought you'd ever open up to me on it. Did... was the situation in Southtown like then? Wait, no, it's Ishtar. She's honorable... was it that? Because I sent you against a nicer one? I wish I could let them stay, but to bring back the dead without a price would spell ruin for both the afterlife AND life, and it's much better here, where we know they'll receive a fair judgement."

"I... it was that, huh?" *smiles bitterly* "I'm sorry, Dan. But if you're talking pain... how about knowingly sending your little brother off to battle and relying on belief that he'll come back alive? Battle against a powerful sorceress once known for being an army killer? I've been worried SICK about you, you jerk!" *tearing up* "I've been so... so worried!"

"I'm shooting him."

"You are not. Put that down."

"It's not Dan. It's someone that looks like him."

"Grief does strange things to people. Put. It. Down."

Anon *walks up from behind* : You know I can remote deactivate his hand, right?

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Cassandra was broken completely. It wasn't hard to see why; her two best friends were both clearly out of their minds right now, what with one pulling a knife on a pregnant woman and the other aiming an arrow directly at the first friend's head, while she herself was pinning Dan down to the ground to prevent him from doing something he would regret. She wasn't sure what to do, considering all that was going on... so she kept on crying. Weeping for the man she'd lost, the woman she'd never had, and the sanity she'd never had the need for.

"See, Sister? Dan would NEVER make Cass cry! It has to be someone in disguise!"

"Would you put that down?"

"Make me."

"I'm bedridden. I can't move without weakness or outright pain. Put it down."

(Anon, a) he has his other hand and b) missing the point of this. xD)

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"Klotho, put the bow down. Someone explain to me what's going on. Dan, did something happen? Is... is it the village? I know I should've asked more about that, but I... never thought you'd ever open up to me on it. Did... was the situation in Southtown like then? Wait, no, it's Ishtar. She's honorable... was it that? Because I sent you against a nicer one? I wish I could let them stay, but to bring back the dead without a price would spell ruin for both the afterlife AND life, and it's much better here, where we know they'll receive a fair judgement."

"I... it was that, huh?" *smiles bitterly* "I'm sorry, Dan. But if you're talking pain... how about knowingly sending your little brother off to battle and relying on belief that he'll come back alive? Battle against a powerful sorceress once known for being an army killer? I've been worried SICK about you, you jerk!" *tearing up* "I've been so... so worried!"

"I'm shooting him."

"You are not. Put that down."

"It's not Dan. It's someone that looks like him."

"Grief does strange things to people. Put. It. Down."

''YOU CALL THAT PAIN?!'' He was finally able to shove off Cassandra, and tackled Kat to the ground. ''You...do not understand...the pain...that I feel...you don't know what Ishtar did for me...and you do not understand the PAIN that you have caused me! *laughs* ''But now...now, I can make you feel it...'' Dan put one arm over Kat's neck, and used his other arm to pull out a second knife from his coat pocket. ''Tell me...what were you planning...to name your child?''

(klotho might wanna do something)

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Cassandra's head snapped back towards Klotho, tears continuing to stream down her face. Standing up and releasing Dan, Cassandra strode towards Klotho and took her face in her hands. "It's not just him that's making me cry right now, love." She said simply, burying her face in Klotho's shoulder and continuing to cry, hoping that Klotho would do the right thing and resolve the matter without killing Dan.

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