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"I don't want you back. Sister does. And I love her, so I put her happiness over mine. That's what it means to be a family, and THAT'S what it means to love someone." *not scared of him in the slightest* "You have a family in the Dreamers. You have a love in Cassandra. And you're going to throw it all away because you're a spoiled brat who thinks he's not the cause of everything that's happened to him." *glares* "But, tell me this, did you EVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT ISHTAR? What about your love for Sister? Did anyone know? I'm betting the answer is 'no', and you just thought it was."

(Was just about to ask myself.)

i will not be satisfied until boss fight has finished

Dan needed no words. He needed no thoughts. He was going to be killed. He attacked.

Battle! Dan attacks twice for 50 damage total.

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i will not be satisfied until boss fight has finished

Dan needed no words. He needed no thoughts. He was going to be killed. He attacked.

Battle! Dan attacks twice for 50 damage total.

"Go ahead. Try it." *not phased* "I won't die to a weakling like you. I won't die to a child like you. I'm not attacking. So, why are you?"

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"Aurum, fly," Silvia commanded, as they took off, flying low to the ground at Aurumn's top speed, making everything seem like a blur. She wasn't following them through sight, but sound, and the moment she heard Dan's voice to her left, she tugged lightly on Aurum's reigns, pulling her to a stop and dismounting. "Alright. I'll see you later. Meet me by the ports, okay?" She said, lightly tapping her horse's neck and watching the pegasus take off into the sky and zoom off.

She turned back to the group with a sigh, only to see Dan... DAN... attacking Klotho. "Dan... what the HELL is wrong with you?"

she yelled, moving herself in front of Klotho and throwing her arms out to protect her.

Edited by Vashiane
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"Aurum, fly," Silvia commanded, as they took off, flying low to the ground at Aurumn's top speed, making everything seem like a blur. She wasn't following them through sight, but sound, and the moment she heard Dan's voice to her left, she tugged lightly on Aurum's reigns, pulling her to a stop and dismounting. "Alright. I'll see you later. Meet me by the ports, okay?" She said, lightly tapping her horse's neck and watching the pegasus take off into the sky and zoom off.

She turned back to the group with a sigh, only to see Dan... DAN... attacking Klotho. "Dan... what the HELL is wrong with you?"

she yelled, moving herself in front of Klotho and throwing her arms out to protect her.

"He's a child and has a child's thinking."

(Everyone, boss battle! Limitation - cannot actually KILL Dan)

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"Go ahead. Try it." *not phased* "I won't die to a weakling like you. I won't die to a child like you. I'm not attacking. So, why are you?"

Dan had seen his attacks weren't effective. Yet he tried again.

Battle! Dan attacks for 50 damage total. The damage, however, ends up on Silvia.

Edited by Dandragon
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Err Dan? You said there was darkness surrounding you correct?

As Sorin caught up to the group, only three words came to mind. "What the hell?"

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Err Dan? You said there was darkness surrounding you correct?

As Sorin caught up to the group, only three words came to mind. "What the hell?"

Jxemas: Guess its time to fight...I want to see how Nirvana is improved....

"We can't kill him. Sister would be upset."

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Silvia shrieked and fell to her knees, doubled over in pain for a moment before she pressed her hand into the grass, using it to push herself up again into a staggering, swaying stance. "D-Dan, please. Dan... Dan, what are you doing?"

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"We can't kill him. Sister would be upset."

"Yes Klotho, but your sister isn't in charge. If he wants to waste time when there are bigger threats out there, then so be it." *Looks over Klotho's wounds* "But when he voluntarily wounds a comrade..." *A silver aura surrounds Sorin and Storm* "He is dead to me." Sorin then casually deflected one of Dan's strike before counterattacking with the other side of Storm.

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Dan felt arrows pierce his shoulders, but he didn't feel any pain.

HP: 66/80

The strike from Storm did not make him feel pain, however, he felt more tired.

HP: 40/80

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"Yes Klotho, but your sister isn't in charge. If he wants to waste time when there are bigger threats out there, then so be it." *Looks over Klotho's wounds* "But when he voluntarily wounds a comrade..." *A silver aura surrounds Sorin and Storm* "He is dead to me." Sorin then casually deflected one of Dan's strike before counterattacking with the other side of Storm.

"...She's in charge of me." *appears from behind Dan, casually pushing him into a wind trap to damage his legs* "A proper leader would get all the facts before making a judgment. You don't have it. And you won't until you talk to the boy."

*is immediately flustered by Phoibus's appearance*

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Dan felt arrows pierce his shoulders, but he didn't feel any pain.

HP: 66/80

The strike from Storm did not make him feel pain, however, he felt more tired.

HP: 40/80

"NO!" Silvia stumbled over to Dan's side and stood in front of HIM now, shaking her head. "What the hell is wrong with you all, STOP!"

"Phoibus... thank Naga. Please drop-kick some sense into their skulls."

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"Vengeance.....Has begun. Feel the wrath of my VENGEANCE!"*hits Dan in the ribs and stomach with Nirvana*

Dan got hit by both attacks. However, he felt more powerful at such a low stamina.

HP: 20/80

He felt faster. He felt stronger.

He felt himself get pushed into a trap. He turned and his eyes widened. ''yOU! ...fINALLY, i gET tO hAVE vENGEANCE fOR mY vILLAGE!'' Dan rushed towards Phoibus.

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(Dan, you forgot the damage from the wind trap.)

"NO!" Silvia stumbled over to Dan's side and stood in front of HIM now, shaking her head. "What the hell is wrong with you all, STOP!"

"Phoibus... thank Naga. Please drop-kick some sense into their skulls."

"Attempting to do so. Honestly, I was supposed to be back in Valm now to do MY job." *glances at Dan* "...If you can disorient him, I can get a trap to chain him up until he calms down."

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Dan got hit by both attacks. However, he felt more powerful at such a low stamina.

HP: 20/80

He felt faster. He felt stronger.

He felt himself get pushed into a trap. He turned and his eyes widened. ''yOU! ...fINALLY, i gET tO hAVE vENGEANCE fOR mY vILLAGE!'' Dan rushed towards Phoibus.

(Should I Final Fantasy Crisis Core you and stab you through the shoulder?)
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