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Alicia:"I see..."

Ace:"Geez, how awful. Now I really do need to have a word with him once he wakes up. He isn't ready for a girl if this is how he handles his problems. I do have to agree with you there, Sorin. ....Sis, you okay?"

Alicia:"Y-yes....(Sorin's angry, I can feel it.)"

"I can see the rage inside of you. A good thing that was discarded. Or rather he has my emotions now..."
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Anon: What is his 'magic trick'? I refuse to believe there's something on this Earth that cannot be killed! I don't care if I was the weakest being in the world, I cannot stqand the idea that out there, somewhere, is something I can't kill if I just dig a blade in deep enough...heheh...oh, there's a trick no doubt! And when I find it out, I'll make sure I can crush it with the flick of my wrist! Nothing on the Earth is immortal, that I will make sure! HAHAHA! WHOHOHO! HEEHEEHEE!

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Alicia:"I see..."

Ace:"Geez, how awful. Now I really do need to have a word with him once he wakes up. He isn't ready for a girl if this is how he handles his problems. I do have to agree with you there, Sorin. ....Sis, you okay?"

Alicia:"Y-yes....(Sorin's angry, I can feel it.)"

"I can see the rage inside of you. A good thing that was discarded. Or rather he has my emotions now..."

Ace:"Me? Angry? I would like to beat the crap out of Dan. But, I'm trying to kick that habit."

"I wasn't talking to you."

"I'm fine." *Walks faster also dragging Dan faster*

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"Are you? Your pace seems faster to me."

"....Does it matter? Maybe I'm just tired of dragging this sack of emotions and want to get him back to base already."

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Jealous? Jealous. Jealous... *Grabs Dan's chains a literally starts dragging Dan back* "I need to hit something...." I haven't been this pissed since the Midmire...

Ok. That struck a nerve on Sorin.

(oops. I'd fix it, but it's been a bit, so...)

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Ace:*also walking faster to keep up with Sorin, or at least try*"I can see the base just ahead."

Alicia:"Oh good, do you think Kat's okay, Ace?"

Ace:"Well, let's find out then!"

*Both siblings speed ahead of Sorin*

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*stirs awake in her room, looking absolutely miserable* "Have... the others come back?"

Anon: Tch tch tch tch...what weaknesses could there be in the trick itself? Blow up the curtain and the stage is wide open...

(Sometimes it is best to be alone)

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"I can't walk, remember? That's why I couldn't..."

"A situation easily remedied." *scoops Kat out of bed* "Now then... you figure they'd just come through the front door like normal people?"

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"A situation easily remedied." *scoops Kat out of bed* "Now then... you figure they'd just come through the front door like normal people?"

"Maybe." *still miserable* "I can't believe how much I messed up here."

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Ace:"Kat? I'm back."

Alicia:"And I've also returned."

Ace:"Sorin has Dan, chained up and out cold. Courtesy of Phoibus for the chains."

"What is Phoibus doing here?"

"He's gone now." *stumbles in, face still red* "Said he wanted to see the source of the ruckus. Do you know where Leader is?"

"Why? Are you going to apologize for-?"

"Informing everyone of the potential threat? Nope. ...I do feel bad at how dramatic it got, but I don't regret telling them, and you can't make me. But I made sure Dan was kept alive, because I knew that's what you wanted."


"I'm off to find Leader. I'll get you some more tea later." *limps off*

"That girl... she needs to rest, not run. And why was her face so red?"

Edited by Kat
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Sorin put Dan into an interrogation chair and strapped him in. He then went to find something to ease his surfacing migraine. 'Jealous...Jealous....'

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Ace:"Honestly, I was about punch Dan if Phoibus hadn't shown up."

Alicia:"Kat? Are you okay? You look like you've been crying..."

Ace:"...It got that bad, didn't it?"

"Yes... Poly told me, basically, it was my fault..."

(Sorry, Poly.)

Sorin put Dan into an interrogation chair and strapped him in. He then went to find something to ease his surfacing migraine. 'Jealous...Jealous....'

"Leader! There you are!" *stumbles and falls on her face* "Ow..."

"Hey, Kat... did you notice how she got even redder after you mentioned Phoibus?"

"Did she? Well that's interes... OH, HE IS NOT SEDUCING HER!"

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Poly shrugged. "Well, it didn't help that her kid brother who loved her as a woman went crazy and tried to kill her. At least once." he said, looking back at Kat and frowning. "I just hope all this stress doesn't hurt her baby's health." Snapping his head back at Kat, he snarled. "I said nothing of the sort."

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Poly shrugged. "Well, it didn't help that her kid brother who loved her as a woman went crazy and tried to kill her. At least once." he said, looking back at Kat and frowning. "I just hope all this stress doesn't hurt her baby's health." Snapping his head back at Kat, he snarled. "I said nothing of the sort."

"But you said it was because Dan... Dan's IN LOVE with me... and..." *worried all of a sudden* "M-my baby is okay, r-right?!"

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