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"Well then, go for it. Be my guest. If you feel someone needs a REALLY good lecture... send them to Yuffie. If not, bash some sense into them." *sighs* "Marth is going to have a heart attack when he gets back and hears of everything that's happened."

(Okay Vash!)

Ace: "Yeah, Marth has been gone for a long time. Though I'd like to say I'm not quite so disillusioned with my comrades just yet. As much as I'd like to go after the rest of the villains with Alicia and Poly by my side, I haven't given up on the rest of my friends just yet. Soooo, I'll start by piecing together just what went on at Southtown." (AKA Ace/Dan B support)

Alicia: "Where is Yuffie anyways?"

Ace: "Guess I ought to look for him first."

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Ace: "Yeah, Marth has been gone for a long time. Though I'd like to say I'm not quite so disillusioned with my comrades just yet. As much as I'd like to go after the rest of the villains with Alicia and Poly by my side, I haven't given up on the rest of my friends just yet. Soooo, I'll start by piecing together just what went on at Southtown." (AKA Ace/Dan B support)

Alicia: "Where is Yuffie anyways?"

Ace: "Guess I ought to look for him first."

"All right. Thank you." *smiles softly* "I... think I'm going to try and get some sleep..."

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"I don't think being a man or woman has anything to do with guilt. If you discriminate that way, then women will get away with a lot more than men do, and that's not fair." *smiles* "But if you say that you don't think I deserve it, then okay. But of course you aren't you're father. You're YOU, and no one has the right to say otherwise, and is an idiot for trying."

(Isn't it fun how she goes from cold sniper to chipper 'I think everyone is awesome' girl?)

"Haha, thank you. It scares me how that last sentence reminded me of my daughter though."

S-so its not that she thinks Sorin is personally awesome? *cries*

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"Haha, thank you. It scares me how that last sentence reminded me of my daughter though."

S-so its not that she thinks Sorin is personally awesome? *cries*

"Daughter? Then maybe I should call you 'Father'? Or maybe not. You winced there. Anyway, I need to go to sleep, so I'll see you later, Awesome Leader!" *waves at him as she trips and stumbles to her room*

(Does the nickname make it better or should it be Leader Awesome?)

*as she enters her room, she notices something that hadn't been there this morning when she left. An archer's gauntlet, with a wolf inscribed on the leather and metal. There's a note beside it that she reads* "Someone gave this to me a long time ago, and I kept it because I couldn't bear to see something this beautiful tarnish. I'm sure you'll be able to treat it properly, little predator. -Phoibus." *she looks at the glove and carefully fashions it on her arm. It's only a little big* "...Thank you, Phoibus..." *takes off the gauntlet, sets it to the side, and goes to sleep.*

(Which is where I'm going too. I probably won't be on until mid/late afternoon at the earliest. Yay, thanksgiving. Night everyone!)

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"All right. Thank you." *smiles softly* "I... think I'm going to try and get some sleep..."

Ace: *carrying an unconscious Yuffie, sees Kat is asleep. Leaves Yuffie on the floor of Kat's room and decides to make some tea with the herbs Yuffie gave her before going to bed herself.* "Yeah, I still believe in everyone here. Even if sometimes they do drive me nuts, but without them I'd be dead by now."

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*Isabelle practices outside constantly swinging her staff as it makes pinches of green healing dusts on the ground as she says*

Isabelle: Practice. Makes. Perfect.

(Staff rank has now increased to B after some longtime practice.)

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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"Oh, hiya, Leader! Whoa!" *wobbles a bit* "Sorry, my legs are bothering me again, I just wanted to apologize for sparking this whole mess, and that I think you're awesome, because anyone else here would've had an apoplexy or worse by this point! You were really cool too until Dan cheated and did the whole purple thingy and caught us all off guard. But, I think you try to rely just on yourself too much sometimes and then get angry when someone more specialized in something comes in, because you think you have to do everything, or it won't work right. I think your best gift is your ability to keep a cool head when others can't, and be fair even when you want to be biased, and not die when we're all being insane-crazy. You know, being a leader. Yeah, sure, Phoibus managed to more efficiently finishes things with Dan today, but he's got access to tricks we don't have, which I think is cheating, but Dan cheated first so it was all okay, and I'm sure you almost figured out something to do too, which is probably why you're so miffed at him. Anyway, that's it really. Just wanted to remind you that you're really cool and awesome, and that you need to rely on others more and be okay with it, and that I'm sorry for causing trouble. I was trying to help, and really didn't think it would get this bad. So, if you need to yell at someone, or punch something, feel free to make me the target."

"I don't... know. I honestly don't know what's all going on. I... I never felt I had the right to ask Dan. Just be there to support him, just like any big sister, but never ASK. Since it was Phoibus who killed his family, I... I never felt it was my right to ask. And now look at this." *slumps* "And if Dusk wanted to be found, he'd've come back by now."

yeah Klotho REAAALLY wants Dan dead

*Isabelle practices outside constantly swinging her staff as it makes pinches of green healing dusts on the ground as she says*

Isabelle: Practice. Makes. Perfect.

(Staff rank has now increased to B after some longtime practice.)

oh hi i haven't seen you in a while

what did ya think of Yandere! Dan if you bothered to read that far back

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Nathaniel carefully scratched the last runes onto the box, then was immediately forced to drop it by an unseen power.

"Ohoho. The joys of untouchable boxes..." Nathaniel elbowed it into a cloth sack to give to Anon later.

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The cold night had passed and Dusk still segregated himself from the others. Thankfully, nobody knew of the secret room in the boat, so he wasn't disturbed throughout the night... Not that it mattered though; he still got next to no sleep and his mind was still jumbled up with the events that happened last night and everything that has played out from his first memory up until now. When does he show himself? He didn't know. Obviously, he couldn't stay isolated forever, but right now, he wanted to be alone

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Anon: Awake. Awake. Awake. Hm, what is there that I can do this morning? Nothing of much pertinence has happened latey. Oh the bore-manity! When will go to conquer our enemies upon blazing fields for the glories promised yet that go unfulfilled!? And more importantly, why am I talking with such epicness!

"Still need to go to dragons table.."

Anon: YES!

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Anon: Awake. Awake. Awake. Hm, what is there that I can do this morning? Nothing of much pertinence has happened latey. Oh the bore-manity! When will go to conquer our enemies upon blazing fields for the glories promised yet that go unfulfilled!? And more importantly, why am I talking with such epicness!

Anon: YES!

"Buuuuut we need one more persssssson."

(I'm having a mental breakdown from the insanity me and Sorin are doing. I think I've now gone insane.)

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(Dusk, should I have Natty go and see Dusko?)

If you want. He's the only other person who knows where this secret room right now

He would've been driven insane if it wasn't for the ocean clashing against each other throughout the night. Utter silence does crazy things to a man apparently. Since he didn't close the door fully when he walked in, some of the sun's rays creped through the tiny gap. [Do I go out now? The others might be worried sick...]

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"Hm? Pretty sure I closed this door... Unless...?" Nathaniel opened the hidden door on the ship and came face to face with Dusk. "Um... Hello, Dusk. W-would... Would you like some coffee?"

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"Hm? Pretty sure I closed this door... Unless...?" Nathaniel opened the hidden door on the ship and came face to face with Dusk. "Um... Hello, Dusk. W-would... Would you like some coffee?"

Dusk, initially, didn't reply. He was in the corner, blinded by the light that just swarmed into the the room. Slowly opening his eyes and blinking a few times, he saw Nathaniel. "..."

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Dan awoke in chains, strapped to a chair in an empty room. His 2 killing edges were gone, as was Ragnell. He saw his backpack sitting on a wall to the right of him, closed, and still packed with the items he meant to take. There was a single window on the right wall, and a door on the left. All Dan could do was either struggle, or sit there, looking down. He chose the latter, and waited for whoever would come to see him, if anyone.

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Dusk, initially, didn't reply. He was in the corner, blinded by the light that just swarmed into the the room. Slowly opening his eyes and blinking a few times, he saw Nathaniel. "..."

"...Did you sleep here? Jeez..." Nathaniel gave Dusk a puzzled expression. "I guess it has something to do with the ruckus last night? Anyhow... Will you be wanting breakfast? We could go fishing..." Nathaniel smiled faintly.

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"...Did you sleep here? Jeez..." Nathaniel gave Dusk a puzzled expression. "I guess it has something to do with the ruckus last night? Anyhow... Will you be wanting breakfast? We could go fishing..." Nathaniel smiled faintly.

Rubbing his arms, he slowly got up and stared hard into Nathaniel's eyes. "I did... And no"

And the thread died

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