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Have a skit between Glaedyr and Nathaniel!

[spoiler=Glaedyr's Nightmare]

Glaedyr: She thrashes about in her sleep as she is having another one of her nightmares. It is her usual one, where she watches on in horror as he brother is killed right before her eyes as he defends her from an Anna as she simply runs in terror. Though after she witnesses this, the scene occurs again, but with an alteration. This time it is Nathaniel who she sees die in front of her. "No... NO! NOOOO!!!"

Nathaniel: *wakes up suddenly, after falling asleep at his desk* Huh?! Oh... Wait... *listens* Is that... Glaedyr? I heard that she had nightmares and all, but I thought she had medicine for that... May as well check up on her... *leaves his room and taps on Glaedyr's door* ...Hello? She must be asleep still... I guess I'll wake her up? *opens door*G-Glaedyr? *shakes her* Wake up! You're only dreaming...

Glaedyr: She opens her eyes wearily as Nathaniel shakes her awake, her mind felt all foggy. "...Huhhh...What...Where...Nathaniel?...Dreaming...?"

Nathaniel: I'm guessing you had a nightmare... You were thrashing around and screaming. It woke me up.

Glaedyr: At the mention of the word nightmare, her eyes widen in fear. "A...nightmare?" [The herbs must have not worked today...] "I-I woke you up? I'm sorry..."

Nathaniel: It's fine... I've had them myself. If you don't mind me asking, what was this nightmare about?

Glaedyr: [so he's had them too...] "Hmm..." She strains to think, but she can't remember anything. "I can't...remember...Whenever somebody wakes me up from one I don't remember a thing... It's weird... Though I can tell you what it probably was about though. It would have been a flashback to my brother's death. I should have died that day... He defended me, but it cost him his life... I relive it most nights. Though the herbs Yuffie gave me do help, they don't stop the nightmares entirely."

Nathaniel: That's... I'm sorry, Glaedyr. I had no idea... Do you want to talk about it?

Glaedyr: She sighs wistfully before suddenly plastering her usual smile onto her face. "Kind of you to offer, but I'll be fine!~ No point living in the past, after all! Besides...He...wouldn't...have...w-wanted me... to be sad..." Her voice falters over the last part, though she determinedly keeps smiling.

Nathaniel: (Crap! What do I-) *smiles back* Of course! You gotta keep smiling... Well, sleep well, Glaedyr. *kisses her on the cheek and walks out* (OH CRAP WHAT DID I DO ASKUFHASJFKASKJFSKHJKL)

Glaedyr: She sits there in shock. [...What was that for?] She blinks. [Perhaps it's just his way of trying to cheer me up!] "I'll try! Hopefully the herbs will work better this time!" She calls after him as he leaves.

[Hmmm...I get the feeling that something else happened after my usual nightmare...Something else...Something else happened after I watched him die... And whatever it was scared me even more than watching the first bit. But... how can that be? What could possibly be worse than watching your own brother die before your eyes?] She sits there in horror, letting the last part sink in. She couldn't even comprehend how something could be worse than that. The thought that there was even the slightest possibility of something being worse chilled her to the bone. [Hmm...I need to clear my head... I might...go train instead of sleeping..Yeah...That'll do...That always works!] With that she skipped off to do some late-night training, pushing her worries to the back of her mind.

EDIT: And then I realised this was the wrong thread xD Tis what I get for having too many windows open xD

Edited by Glaedyr
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"You have no idea..." Pinching the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and sighed. "I've only now just got back... She's going to be so angry at me..."

Ace:"I imagine Kat isn't going to be happy after what happened last night. Your case....yeah, she will probably have A LOT to say to you. Some words...may be harsh."
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Ace:"I imagine Kat isn't going to be happy after what happened last night. Your case....yeah, she will probably have A LOT to say to you. Some words...may be harsh."

"I can see why she would, and yet... My actions last night? I don't take them back. He attacked her. Attacked a bedridden woman who he loved. I don't care if he's a child, you DON'T do that..." Sighing, he lifted his head up. "Where is he now? Last I checked, he ran off stupidly fast into the forest"

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"I can see why she would, and yet... My actions last night? I don't take them back. He attacked her. Attacked a bedridden woman who he loved. I don't care if he's a child, you DON'T do that..." Sighing, he lifted his head up. "Where is he now? Last I checked, he ran off stupidly fast into the forest"

Ace:"In a room, chained up via a trap of Phoibus's." Ace wondered how he'd react upon hearing Phoibus's name.[/i]
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Ace:"In a room, chained up via a trap of Phoibus's." Ace wondered how he'd react upon hearing Phoibus's name.[/i]

"..." He curled his hand into a fist. "... I could end his life right now... Or at the very least, make him suffer... After what Klotho said though... I just can't..."

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Dan had been there for a while. He had felt the chains loosen around his body, but did nothing in order to escape. Even if he managed to get out, it would end up the same way...He had nothing to defend himself. And yet...could he escape? Could he run and be free? He didn't know...So he waited...

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"..." He curled his hand into a fist. "... I could end his life right now... Or at the very least, make him suffer... After what Klotho said though... I just can't..."

Ace:"It's hard to let those angry feelings go. Someone hurts the ones you love, you desire to deal back that pain tenfold. I pretty much did just that when Gaius was killed in front of me. I went on a bloody rampage. I know that feeling all too well."
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Dan had been there for a while. He had felt the chains loosen around his body, but did nothing in order to escape. Even if he managed to get out, it would end up the same way...He had nothing to defend himself. And yet...could he escape? Could he run and be free? He didn't know...So he waited...

Anon: Dan? Are you still there?...hey, if it's any consultation, I feel very indifferent about your actions.

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Cassandra came out of her room for the first time in what felt like forever, peeking out to see if everything from before had settled down. Her fiery red hair was all tangled and messy, and her attire wasn't kept as clean as it usually was. It was as if she had been tossing and turning all night, whether out of fear or worry or both. "Oh... everything about last night feels like a dream..." Cassandra thought, slowly walking out of the room. "I only hope that it's more than just a feeling and that I was in a deep slumber..."

She felt her eyes begin to tear up again at the mere thought of Dan, out there on his own and at the mercy of the outside world, or having been captured by his fellow Dreamers and being either chained up, tortured or outright killed, at which point she began shaking again and crying uncontrollably.

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Anon: Heheh, you're right, I certainly do! But hey, are you going to refuse someone not trying to kill you because he's apathetic?

"...No...I guess not...Although, I would like to find out where they have put my swords..."

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Ace:"It's hard to let those angry feelings go. Someone hurts the ones you love, you desire to deal back that pain tenfold. I pretty much did just that when Gaius was killed in front of me. I went on a bloody rampage. I know that feeling all too well."

"Too right. I want Dan to break. Cry. Bleed. Anything to satisfy myself right now..." He sighs, and loosens his fist. "... But I can't. As much as I want to... I can't"

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"...No...I guess not...Although, I would like to find out where they have put my swords..."

Anon: Probably the convoy. I personally don't see what's so special about it, I carry around half as much stuff with me, and I can fit it all into my room. But hey, maybe that's my ego talking. I'm a very comfort-bubble obsessed person.

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Cassandra looked up at Alicia, tears still clouding her vision. "Where... where is he?" She asked, still sobbing uncontrollably and clutching Alicia's arms.

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Anon: Probably the convoy. I personally don't see what's so special about it, I carry around half as much stuff with me, and I can fit it all into my room. But hey, maybe that's my ego talking. I'm a very comfort-bubble obsessed person.

"...Right now, the only sword I care about right now is Ragnell...Think you could get it for me?"

EDIT:time for me to go to thanksgiving dinner

Edited by Dandragon
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