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"...Heh..." Nathaniel laughed softly as he returned to his room, thinking about the night before when he had kissed Glaedyr.

It had been a pretty stupid thing to do on his part...




Poly bolted out of his room with a start, sniffing the air with a sense of bloodlust about him... except minus the wanting blood. "I smell shipping potential!" He cried as he dashed down the hall, crashing into Nathaniel along the way.

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"Too right. I want Dan to break. Cry. Bleed. Anything to satisfy myself right now..." He sighs, and loosens his fist. "... But I can't. As much as I want to... I can't"

Ace:"I can honestly say if I hadn't vowed to kick my old habit of beating the crap out of people for stuff like that, I would have beat Dan half to death last night. It was really hard to fight back that feeling. In fact, all I did was punch him in the face just to get him to stop running."

Cassandra looked up at Alicia, tears still clouding her vision. "Where... where is he?" She asked, still sobbing uncontrollably and clutching Alicia's arms.

Alicia:"Chained up in a room, still alive, wishing to see you again, fearing that he scared you off."
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"...Right now, the only sword I care about right now is Ragnell...Think you could get it for me?"

EDIT:time for me to go to thanksgiving dinner

Anon: Hm...I don't think...wait...just wait *grins* plot plot plot plot plot plot plot plot! I'll see what idiotic genius I can come up with! Now excuse me, I have to right a letter!

(Enjoy Daniel-san)

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Alicia:"Chained up in a room, still alive, wishing to see you again, fearing that he scared you off."

All the things that Cassandra feared would happen to Dan had been realized... all except one. He was, thankfully, still alive. "Oh... oh gods, take me to him. Please." She said manically, almost begging for Alicia to take her to Dan.

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Ace:"I can honestly say if I hadn't vowed to kick my old habit of beating the crap out of people for stuff like that, I would have beat Dan half to death last night. It was really hard to fight back that feeling. In fact, all I did was punch him in the face just to get him to stop running."

"I see" After a brief pause, he scratches the side of his head. "... Should I endure Kat's wrath now?"

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*stirs awake, still absolutely miserable from last night*

"Hey, Sister. Everything is calm again. Dan's room is being watched, so anyone who tries to give him a weapon will end up unconscious."

"I want to speak with him."

"Can you pretend you still don't know?"


"And you can't just forgive him. He has to be scolded, and punished. Anyone who violates that is going to end up sharing his punishment." *finishes arranging the flowers in the vase* "I'll be going now."


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(Did Keisuke Wiz leave? mother...)

Poly snarled, angry at Nathaniel for being in his way. As he continued barrelling around, he saw Dusk & Ace together, and while he didn't sense that they were the source of the stupendous shipping he'd felt occurring, he still walked up to them. "'Ello, 'ello."

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All the things that Cassandra feared would happen to Dan had been realized... all except one. He was, thankfully, still alive. "Oh... oh gods, take me to him. Please." She said manically, almost begging for Alicia to take her to Dan.

Alicia could feel just how Cassandra felt inside, the emotional mixture bombarding her mind making it clear last night badly shook Cassandra up. "I'll take you to see him, the room he is being kept in is right this way."
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Anon: *walks by* I would get it over with. Also, Dusk, I'm sending a letter, so refrain from bird hunting tonight, will you?

"Bird hunt... Goddammit Anon, shut up"

Poly snarled, angry at Nathaniel for being in his way. As he continued barrelling around, he saw Dusk & Ace together, and while he didn't sense that they were the source of the stupendous shipping he'd felt occurring, he still walked up to them. "'Ello, 'ello."

"... Hey"

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Alicia could feel just how Cassandra felt inside, the emotional mixture bombarding her mind making it clear last night badly shook Cassandra up. "I'll take you to see him, the room he is being kept in is right this way."

Cassandra simply continued shaking and nodded, continuing to sob as she followed Alicia to the room where Dan was chained up.

"... Hey"

"What, that's it?" Poly asked, without really taking a look at Dusk's face. "Geez, last night must've been a pain in the ass for you..."

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"I see" After a brief pause, he scratches the side of his head. "... Should I endure Kat's wrath now?"

Ace:"I have a feeling Kat still feels miserable about last night soooo, it's really up to you." Ace then saw Poly come in, "Hey Poly."

Alicia lead the still sobbing Cassandra to Dan's room. Noting when they reached the door to that room. "Dan is in here, last I checked he felt like all his friends were after him."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*stirs awake, still absolutely miserable from last night*

"Hey, Sister. Everything is calm again. Dan's room is being watched, so anyone who tries to give him a weapon will end up unconscious."

"I want to speak with him."

"Can you pretend you still don't know?"


"And you can't just forgive him. He has to be scolded, and punished. Anyone who violates that is going to end up sharing his punishment." *finishes arranging the flowers in the vase* "I'll be going now."


And Klotho needs a spanking

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"Bird hunt... Goddammit Anon, shut up"

Anon: I don't want you to kill my carrier pigeon.

"And you can't just forgive him. He has to be scolded, and punished. Anyone who violates that is going to end up sharing his punishment." *finishes arranging the flowers in the vase* "I'll be going now."

(Well, Anon may or may not be screwed)

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Yuffie awoke to find him on the floor in someone's room with a pounding headache. "This isn't where Dusk knocked me out. Someone must have moved me. I owe them my thanks." He started to stand up, and experienced a stabbing pain in his head. Groaning in pain, he began to trudge back to his room, hoping to avail of some of the incenses. And lie in bed for a bit.

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"What, that's it?" Poly asked, without really taking a look at Dusk's face. "Geez, last night must've been a pain in the ass for you..."

Ace:"I have a feeling Kat still feels miserable about last night soooo, it's really up to you." Ace then saw Poly come in, "Hey Poly."

"I only now got back, lets just leave it as that..." Standing up, he exhaled through his nose heavily. "... Yeah. Best get this cleared up as soon as" Dashing off, he made his way to Kat's room. After a looooooooong pause, he knocked quickly a few times. "Hello?"

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"I'm not sure if she's upset in that way, Ace..." Poly said, scratching the back of his head. "... Rather, it was more the fact that she figured out why Dan freaked out initially anyway. With... a bit of help on my end." He added, leaving the last part ambiguous since he knew that if told Dusk that Dan loved Kat, he'd probably kill him.

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And Klotho needs a spanking

(She's quoting regulations.)

Anon: I don't want you to kill my carrier pigeon.

(Well, Anon may or may not be screwed)

(You're trying to give a prisoner weapons.)

"I only now got back, lets just leave it as that..." Standing up, he exhaled through his nose heavily. "... Yeah. Best get this cleared up as soon as" Dashing off, he made his way to Kat's room. After a looooooooong pause, he knocked quickly a few times. "Hello?"

*opens the door* "Oh, hello. I'm going to make sure no one's done something stupid regarding Dan." *walks out and shoves him inside* "Go on, she's awake!" *walks to Dan's room*

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"I'm not sure if she's upset in that way, Ace..." Poly said, scratching the back of his head. "... Rather, it was more the fact that she figured out why Dan freaked out initially anyway. With... a bit of help on my end." He added, leaving the last part ambiguous since he knew that if told Dusk that Dan loved Kat, he'd probably kill him.

Ace nodded, "When I passed by Kat's room today, I peered inside and noticed she looked as though last night was still on her mind. Poor Dan, sent to kill the person who helped him out in his time of need."

Meanwhile: Alicia had led Cassandra to the roon Dan was being kept in.

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*opens the door* "Oh, hello. I'm going to make sure no one's done something stupid regarding Dan." *walks out and shoves him inside* "Go on, she's awake!" *walks to Dan's room*

"Seems like I don't see her that much any more..." Closing the door behind him, he turned to face Kat, who was currently in bed. "..."

Should this be taken to the PMs?

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Ace nodded, "When I passed by Kat's room today, I peered inside and noticed she looked as though last night was still on her mind. Poor Dan, sent to kill the person who helped him out in his time of need."

Meanwhile: Alicia had led Cassandra to the roon Dan was being kept in.

"Oh, hello, Empress, Crimson."

"Seems like I don't see her that much any more..." Closing the door behind him, he turned to face Kat, who was currently in bed. "..."

Should this be taken to the PMs?

It can?

Edited by Kat
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Alicia had led Cassandra to the roon Dan was being kept in.

Cassandra placed her hand on the door, feeling the cold, hard wood against her fingertips, as it was the only thing keeping her from Dan. "Are... are you sure I'm able to go in here? I would think that the others would be wanting to keep me from him..." She asked, both concerned and confused at the same time. When she heard Klotho's voice, she let out a small yelp and flushed furiously, remembering the kiss she gave Klotho before.

Ace nodded, "When I passed by Kat's room today, I peered inside and noticed she looked as though last night was still on her mind. Poor Dan, sent to kill the person who helped him out in his time of need."

Poly shook his head in disappointment, though not towards Ace. "It was worse than that," he said, spitting on the ground beside him as he did so. "He loved her. Like, as a woman, not as a sisterly figure like Kat loved him."

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