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Cassandra placed her hand on the door, feeling the cold, hard wood against her fingertips, as it was the only thing keeping her from Dan. "Are... are you sure I'm able to go in here? I would think that the others would be wanting to keep me from him..." She asked, both concerned and confused at the same time.

"So long as you don't try to free him. He's still pending Leader's judgment." *shrug* "He's just isolated and chained in case he tries to run. Again. A lot of us were injured trying to bring him back. So, he's also not allowed weapons. But there's nothing against friends or family seeing him."

I don't mind. Depends if you wouldn't mind being interrupted at some point

whatever works best.

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"So long as you don't try to free him. He's still pending Leader's judgment." *shrug* "He's just isolated and chained in case he tries to run. Again."

whatever works best.

"Klotho. I can watch him. Getting past me is like getting past a brick wall."

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"So long as you don't try to free him. He's still pending Leader's judgment." *shrug* "He's just isolated and chained in case he tries to run. Again. A lot of us were injured trying to bring him back. So, he's also not allowed weapons. But there's nothing against friends or family seeing him."

Cassandra's heart sank. He had tried to run... to abandon her? Just as everyone else did? "I... I see..." Cassandra slowly replied. She turned and gave Klotho a quick hug, tears again running down her face, then pushed open the door to Dan's room.

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Cassandra placed her hand on the door, feeling the cold, hard wood against her fingertips, as it was the only thing keeping her from Dan. "Are... are you sure I'm able to go in here? I would think that the others would be wanting to keep me from him..." She asked, both concerned and confused at the same time. When she heard Klotho's voice, she let out a small yelp and flushed furiously, remembering the kiss she gave Klotho before.

Poly shook his head in disappointment, though not towards Ace. "It was worse than that," he said, spitting on the ground beside him as he did so. "He loved her. Like, as a woman, not as a sisterly figure like Kat loved him."

Alicia turned to Klotho, "Klotho, are you going to guard the entrance to this room? Can Cassandra see him?"

This news kinda surprised Ace, she was made aware last night that Dan loved Kat, but the fact that he had to kill Ishtar, who he also felt deep affections for, all the pieces fit now. "Wow, Dan fell for Kat... And she's Dusk's fiance, that's one crazy love triangle there."

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Cassandra's heart sank. He had tried to run... to abandon her? Just as everyone else did? "I... I see..." Cassandra slowly replied. She turned and gave Klotho a quick hug, tears again running down her face, then pushed open the door to Dan's room.

"I think he tried to run away from pain again." *pats her head and walks in with her* "Huh, do I need to guard the entrance, Empress? I thought Gulusca was plenty?"

His tone went flat. "... Annoyed?"

"...I'm cold."

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Dan heard the door open, and he saw "...Cassandra!"

Cassandra kept silent, still frowning and with tears still running down her face. She handed her Peshkatz and all other weapons - her Killing Edge and Wind Sword - to Alicia, then turned to Klotho. "I... wish to be alone with him." She said firmly, before turning her head back to Dan.

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Cassandra kept silent, still frowning and with tears still running down her face. She handed her Peshkatz and all other weapons - her Killing Edge and Wind Sword - to Alicia, then turned to Klotho. "I... wish to be alone with him." She said firmly, before turning her head back to Dan.

"If you say so. We'll be outside." *gives Dan a look* "If Leader says so, you can have your weapons back later. I've been taking care of them, at Sister's request. But wait until then, please. If you don't, you might make the situation bad again and we're all very, very tired." *leaves*

"Right..." Lighting some of the logs in the fireplace with a match, he turned to face her. "Give it a few minutes. Sorry for not showing up last night"

"...You owe me a hug, a thousand kisses, and ten thousand 'I love you's."

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This news kinda surprised Ace, she was made aware last night that Dan loved Kat, but the fact that he had to kill Ishtar, who he also felt deep affections for, all the pieces fit now. "Wow, Dan fell for Kat... And she's Dusk's fiance, that's one crazy love triangle there."

Poly shrugged, then leaned up against the wall. "Yeah, poor kid... I feel bad for him, y'know? He's ten years old, and fighting in an endless war alongside a woman he knows will never love him... and the man who made sure of that." he said solemnly, his mind drifting to Alicia and what may have happened if she had fallen for someone else in the Dreamers. Would he have been just like Dan was now?

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Poly shrugged, then leaned up against the wall. "Yeah, poor kid... I feel bad for him, y'know? He's ten years old, and fighting in an endless war alongside a woman he knows will never love him... and the man who made sure of that." he said solemnly, his mind drifting to Alicia and what may have happened if she had fallen for someone else in the Dreamers. Would he have been just like Dan was now?

(I love how Dan subverts the common tendency and apparently has no hatred for Dusk.)

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Cassandra kept silent, still frowning and with tears still running down her face. She handed her Peshkatz and all other weapons - her Killing Edge and Wind Sword - to Alicia, then turned to Klotho. "I... wish to be alone with him." She said firmly, before turning her head back to Dan.

Anon: *hiding* Hm...I better listen in. A potential ally? I'd have to do it slow, passive even, but I think I can play this to my advantage.

Poly shrugged, then leaned up against the wall. "Yeah, poor kid... I feel bad for him, y'know? He's ten years old, and fighting in an endless war alongside a woman he knows will never love him... and the man who made sure of that." he said solemnly, his mind drifting to Alicia and what may have happened if she had fallen for someone else in the Dreamers. Would he have been just like Dan was now?

Anon: Make that two...

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"If you say so. We'll be outside." *gives Dan a look* "If Leader says so, you can have your weapons back later. I've been taking care of them, at Sister's request. But wait until then, please. If you don't, you might make the situation bad again and we're all very, very tired." *leaves*

As Klotho left, Cassandra shut the door and walked over to Dan, tears still rolling down her face and her hair still in a tangled mess from all of the flailing she did as she worried about him last night. After getting to Dan, she stopped, unable to move, as she tried to figure out what she was going to do next.

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Anon: *hiding* Hm...I better listen in. A potential ally? I'd have to do it slow, passive even, but I think I can play this to my advantage.

Anon: Make that two...

(...Anon, we are NOT breaking Dan out...)

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"...You owe me a hug, a thousand kisses, and ten thousand 'I love you's."

"T-Ten thousand? Oh my..." Kneeling, he hugged her and kissed the side of her head. "I'm presuming you've heard what's happened?"

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(Damnit I had a flawless plan to send him far away so he can't hurt anyone)

(No, sorry. Based on chars, there'd be some expedition to go find him, and I think we're at a point where we need to try and keep the plot rolling in the right direction.)

"... Lets just say I'm on the fence about my actions last night"

"And I say we leave the final judgment to Sorin. I am tired, miserable, and pregnant, which is way worse than being sick. I just want reassurance from my FIANCE who hasn't been around lately, making me feeling abandoned and lonely on top of everything."

(Shank? I am not familiar with this term. As it sounds like 'shark,' a viscous predator, I am worried as to it's meaning)

(Knife or kill someone, iirc. The term itself I think refers to a knife made from available materials in a prison, but I think it's later been used as a verb to describe someone to be killed by a knife. Also... vicious is the word you want. Sharks... aren't viscous.)

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