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"I'm home. Did you miss me or would you like my illusion? Where are my siblings if possible?"

"Ignoring that first part entirely and no."

Not exactly sure how to reply to Cassandra's previous post

Perhaps Sorin is finally gonna judge Dan?

Can't. Leaving soon

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"Talking to spirits. Try it sometime. Now for food.." Interaction with siblings will be in the Character Development.

Ace:"There's this Turducken Sorin set out here, apparently for us to dig into according to this note."

Alicia:*entering*"Food? And Jxemas?!"

Ace:"Yup, he's back."

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"My ears never lie when it comes to shipping." Poly replied, smirking. "Speaking of which, what's with that brace that Klotho has? It's giving me weird vibes."

"..." *sighs* "It belonged to Phoibus's wife."

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Ace:"Yeah, he's going by Shadowfrost now."

Alicia:"Returning after seven months..."

Ace:"Who knew?"

(Think of it as Sephrain coming back as "Lehran" In RD.)

"I don't think I stuttered. Inform me whats happened during seven months."

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Anon: Pfff...alright, time to get to letter making *dips pen in ink*...*sigh* Sometimes, I tell you, just some times...

Dear Block,

I have an urgent task for you. On the back of this letter are coordinates, encrypted by yours truly. Unless you've been an incredibly stupid hormonal idiot given this red haired plague, no one else should be able to break it, which is very good. These coordinates lead to an abandoned safe house deep in Ferox, located under flat ground. I want you to take our family there. Pack what you will, but make it snappy. It's one of the few safe places existent anymore, maybe the only were fighting isn't a general requirement or constant threat. You have by now likely noticed a second set of differently encrypted coordinates, again that only you should know how to break, and I desire you to report to these coordinates after bringing our family, all of them, to the safe spot. And I want you to report alone. Leave everyone else at the first location, they'll be safe there. And I do mean everyone. Make haste and oblige, I will need your talents quite soon, and though I have great trust in you, I also wish to take every measure to protect as many people as possible, and your presence is necessary for that.

-Anonymous Z. Speed, eldest sibling.

Anon flipped over the letter after the ink had dried. One set of coordinates led to the Shepherd's base, in a mountainous pass near the border of Plegia. In the even his note was intercepted of misplaced, he could not afford to reveal the bases true location directly. The second set, the location of the Dreamer base. was indeed encrypted differently. He and Block had always been fond of spy tricks, and had made five separate methods of encoding numbers, messages, directions and more as children that even then still received quite a bit of use between them. Not a single other person knew how to break it, and they were made to be nigh unbreakable with years of refinement, leading the would be reader to many false ends that would take them to completely incorrect places. Anon had always had trust in Block, and then was no exception. It would likely take him no more than twenty minutes to figure out the coordinates, and hopefully no more than a few days for him to arrive. However, that did depend, as Block likely kept the family moving to avoid detection. He had always been very enthusiastic about situations like these, and would surely be very helpful once he arrived. Anon rolled up the note, tied to the foot of the carrier pigeon he used to communicate, trained to go to the other brother, wherever they were, and set them out into the dusk.

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"... What."

"What's that in response to? Phoibus giving Klotho something of great importance to him... or my boy-toy of a brother having had a wife?"

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"What's that in response to? Phoibus giving Klotho something of great importance to him... or my boy-toy of a brother having had a wife?"

"The first... one... OH GOD DAMMIT, HE'S FLIRTING WITH HER!"

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"The first... one... OH GOD DAMMIT, HE'S FLIRTING WITH HER!"

"It's confusing me horribly. That's... not something to give just for flirting..." *squirms uncomfortably* "It's... very important of him. It's all that's left."

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