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"Did he really tell you what happened that day? Because your story is mixed up. Your ancestor was branded a traitor and got the death he deserved. Am I right?"

"So... because you can't talk to Sister, you're telling him a different version of the same story? That's silly. Everyone has their own stories, and each one is biased. You can't say another's is 'wrong' or 'mixed up' necessarily. That's just rude."

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"Considering said secret plan is apparently involving my brother and ropes... I think I need a little more information."

"I... attempted to make some? I'm not sure how good it is. I'm sure others could be better. But... I thought it might help morale a bit?"

"Ha!" Silvia laughed, doubling over for a moment to catch her breath. "Your brother is safe from my so-called 'sexy tactics', don't worry. Besides, I'd rather not have Klotho drill an arrow into my skull, thank you."

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"Ha!" Silvia laughed, doubling over for a moment to catch her breath. "Your brother is safe from my so-called 'sexy tactics', don't worry. Besides, I'd rather not have Klotho drill an arrow into my skull, thank you."

*pales and winces at that last statement, involuntarily glancing at the spot that had been bloodstained. Even though it was long since cleaned, she still swore she saw it.* "R-right..."

(Vash, can you at least let ME know so that I know what to play along with? XD)

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"So... because you can't talk to Sister, you're telling him a different version of the same story? That's silly. Everyone has their own stories, and each one is biased. You can't say another's is 'wrong' or 'mixed up' necessarily. That's just rude."

"Wrong. What I'm telling him happened a long time ago. But I see it like clear water."
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*pales and winces at that last statement, involuntarily glancing at the spot that had been bloodstained. Even though it was long since cleaned, she still swore she saw it.* "R-right..."

(Vash, can you at least let ME know so that I know what to play along with? XD)

Wait, what's wrong with Kat?

And she just wanted to learn that for Henry.

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"Wrong. What I'm telling him happened a long time ago. But I see it like clear water."

"And I think you're being very rude about it. Learn some manners."

Wait, what's wrong with Kat?

And she just wanted to learn that for Henry.

(Klotho shot Dan in the head to subdue him when he was attacking her? And ah, I see. XD)

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"And I think you're being very rude about it. Learn some manners."

(Klotho shot Dan in the head to subdue him when he was attacking her? And ah, I see. XD)

Oh-oh-oh, I forgot about that. [/mistaken emote]

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"And I think you're being very rude about it. Learn some manners."

(Klotho shot Dan in the head to subdue him when he was attacking her? And ah, I see. XD)

"Then I will make a mental note about it....In an eternity. All people have ways of going about things. Right now, you are a hypocrite."
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Oh-oh-oh, I forgot about that. [/mistaken emote]

(No worries~)

"Then I will make a mental note about it....In an eternity. All people have ways of going about things. Right now, you are a hypocrite."

"I only show the amount of respect I receive, the affection that I am given. You are supposedly old, so that means you have even less excuse at being a hypocrite and rude. I'm young and stupid, and admit it easily. But you're even worse than me. Which is saying something."

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(No worries~)

"I only show the amount of respect I receive, the affection that I am given. You are supposedly old, so that means you have even less excuse at being a hypocrite and rude. I'm young and stupid, and admit it easily. But you're even worse than me. Which is saying something."

"I'm not going to fight a war I can't win. To argue right now to me is pointless. Comrades make bonds. Not destroy them."
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*pales and winces at that last statement, involuntarily glancing at the spot that had been bloodstained. Even though it was long since cleaned, she still swore she saw it.* "R-right..."

(Vash, can you at least let ME know so that I know what to play along with? XD)

Silvia cringed at Kat's own wince - knee-jerk reaction to everything, honestly - and glanced behind her, wondering exactly what Kat was looking at. Maybe her eyes were still kind of un-focused from last night, but she could have sworn she didn't see anything odd. "Did I ... what is it?" she said, turning back to Kat with a worried glance.

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"I'm not going to fight a war I can't win. To argue right now to me is pointless. Comrades make bonds. Not destroy them."

"If you're going to lecture, then follow your own advice first." *takes a mug of hot (okay, more like luke-warm at this point, since she'd waited to make sure it wasn't accidentally poisoned) chocolate and dumps it on his head, waiting until she sees the chocolate slip down his ridiculous hair* "You aren't a comrade in my eyes. You're a threat." *walks off, leaving Jxemas and Sorin behind*

Silvia cringed at Kat's own wince - knee-jerk reaction to everything, honestly - and glanced behind her, wondering exactly what Kat was looking at. Maybe her eyes were still kind of un-focused from last night, but she could have sworn she didn't see anything odd. "Did I ... what is it?" she said, turning back to Kat with a worried glance.

"Nothing just..." *squirms* "Klotho shot Dan in the head when she saw him attacking me."

Edited by Kat
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"If you're going to lecture, then follow your own advice first." *takes a mug of hot chocolate and dumps it on his head, waiting until she sees the chocolate go down his face* "You aren't a comrade in my eyes. You're a threat." *walks off, leaving Jxemas and Sorin behind*

"Nothing just..." *squirms* "Klotho shot Dan in the head when she saw him attacking me."

(Tis but a flesh wound.)

"And people have issues. More to pile on my head.."

Edited by shadowfrost zenbiniar
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"If you're going to lecture, then follow your own advice first." *takes a mug of hot (okay, more like luke-warm at this point, since she'd waited to make sure it wasn't accidentally poisoned) chocolate and dumps it on his head, waiting until she sees the chocolate slip down his ridiculous hair* "You aren't a comrade in my eyes. You're a threat." *walks off, leaving Jxemas and Sorin behind*

(If this had been the other way around, the STM would be higher than it is right now. That's just how people think)

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(If this had been the other way around, the STM would be higher than it is right now. That's just how people think)

(The what? And, really, I'm expecting someone to scold Klotho about it.)

(Alas, not his strong suit.)


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(I would change it and bring the immortal back... But that's against logics rules.)


STM: Sexual Tension Meter.




Excuse me, I must go laugh my ass off now.

(And... again, not sure I find it all that amusing. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.)

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