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"H-huh?" Cassandra quickly asked, before peering down at her stomach... "Eep!" She gasped out and ran around the corner, face burning as bright red as her hair.

"No! Come back!" *chases after her* "I want you to teach me your trick!"

"I should be asking you that...Out of all the people here, you are acting like what I did was no big deal. And that surprises me."

"I have faith in you, silly."

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"I should be asking you that...Out of all the people here, you are acting like what I did was no big deal. And that surprises me."

"Well, she's not the only one." Poly interjected, coming into the room since the door was open. "I don't think I have much room to yell at you for running off anyways when I've done the same at least once."

"No! Come back!" *chases after her* "I want you to teach me your trick!"

Cassandra froze. Klotho was seriously chasing after her...?! Without warning, she threw open the door to the nearest bedroom and slammed it, moving a chair in front of the knob to block it from opening then sitting down on the chair so that Klotho wouldn't be able to open it anyways. "O-o-o-oh g-gods..." She said to herself, nervously rubbing her hands together while her face glowed brightly.

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"No! Come back!" *chases after her* "I want you to teach me your trick!"

"I have faith in you, silly."

(wait...are you saying Cassandra is flat chested?...)

"...You have faith...you know...I find it odd...the person that I hated the most at the start of this entire adventure...is the one that has been kindest to me through the toughest times...and the one who turned out to be my first love...I heard Poly told you about that so, I guess I don't have any reason to hide that anymore..."

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Cassandra froze. Klotho was seriously chasing after her...?! Without warning, she threw open the door to the nearest bedroom and slammed it, moving a chair in front of the knob to block it from opening then sitting down on the chair so that Klotho wouldn't be able to open it anyways. "O-o-o-oh g-gods..." She said to herself, nervously rubbing her hands together while her face glowed brightly.

​"…Why are you locking me out of my own room?" *looks around and steps into the next room to open the connecting door* "Also, a lot of the rooms here having connecting doors."

(wait...are you saying Cassandra is flat chested?...)

"...You have faith...you know...I find it odd...the person that I hated the most at the start of this entire adventure...is the one that has been kindest to me through the toughest times...and the one who turned out to be my first love...I heard Poly told you about that so, I guess I don't have any reason to hide that anymore..."

(What? No, tummy. That's the stomach, Dan. Basically, she's saying Cass has a rockin' bod.)

​"…I'm sorry, Dan. I honestly never realized it." *pokes the sleeping Dusk's cheek* "HE kinda had to jump through some hoops to get me to realize his own feelings. I guess I'm just… oblivious. I'm sorry for the pain that caused you, Dan."

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(No, just that her belly's all flat and shit.)

she needs to eat some FOOD

​"…Why are you locking me out of my own room?" *looks around and steps into the next room to open the connecting door* "Also, a lot of the rooms here having connecting doors."

(What? No, tummy. That's the stomach, Dan. Basically, she's saying Cass has a rockin' bod.)

​"…I'm sorry, Dan. I honestly never realized it." *pokes the sleeping Dusk's cheek* "HE kinda had to jump through some hoops to get me to realize his own feelings. I guess I'm just… oblivious. I'm sorry for the pain that caused you, Dan."

"...Have they told you about Ishtar?..."

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​"…Why are you locking me out of my own room?" *looks around and steps into the next room to open the connecting door* "Also, a lot of the rooms here having connecting doors."

Cassandra froze up when she saw Klotho come in through the connecting door, not realizing that there even WERE connecting doors here. "Eep!" She squeaked out, before hiding under the bed.

(What? No, tummy. That's the stomach, Dan. Basically, she's saying Cass has a rockin' bod.)

(Kinky. [face_Breezy])

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she needs to eat some FOOD

"...Have they told you about Ishtar?..."

"No, not at all."

Cassandra froze up when she saw Klotho come in through the connecting door, not realizing that there even WERE connecting doors here. "Eep!" She squeaked out, before hiding under the bed.

"You know, I store arrows down there. Are you okay?"

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"You know, I store arrows down there. Are you okay?"

Cassandra didn't want to answer. The arrows weren't an issue, but the archer who used them was. She felt meek and helpless around Klotho, but she wasn't sure why. It wasn't like Dan, where she felt even stronger by his side, but all the same... it felt like love. "N-no, I'm fine..." Cassandra squeaked out, before muttering to herself, "At least, concerning the arrows..."

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Cassandra didn't want to answer. The arrows weren't an issue, but the archer who used them was. She felt meek and helpless around Klotho, but she wasn't sure why. It wasn't like Dan, where she felt even stronger by his side, but all the same... it felt like love. "N-no, I'm fine..." Cassandra squeaked out, before muttering to herself, "At least, concerning the arrows..."

​"If you say so." *ducks down under the bed with Cass… where Cass is pinned between her and the wall, thanks to the headboards* "Hey, this is kinda comfy."

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​"If you say so." *ducks down under the bed with Cass… where Cass is pinned between her and the wall, thanks to the headboards* "Hey, this is kinda comfy."

Cassandra felt behind her, and all there was behind was a wall. She silently cursed under her breath for doing this to herself, then closed her eyes. "I-is th-that right?" She asked, trying to make small talk to distract herself from Klotho's beauty.

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"No, not at all."

"You know, I store arrows down there. Are you okay?"

*deep breath* "...You remember when I was gone for a long time? I had gotten teleported near Dragon's Table. While walking the way back, I found a house. It was empty at the time, and was furnished very nicely. I decided to rest in there. Little did I know that the house was owned by Ishtar, herself. However, instead of screaming, instead of kicking me out, she let me sleep. For about a day. She even healed my stab wound from when I tried to kill myself. She gave me food. She gave me water. ...And...she gave me counsel... The conversation we had had come to my past...and I started crying. The next thing I knew, she was hugging me, letting my tears flow, rather then telling me to stop crying. She gave me the type of love that only my mother had given, and I had not felt it for so long...If not for her giving me a backpack full of food and water, I would not be here. I would be buried in the sand somewhere...So...when you told me to go kill her...I went alone...I thought maybe I could save her, like she did me...then Dusk and Yuffie showed up, and I had no choice..." He fell to his knees. "I blamed you...for so much...and that drove me to do what I did...and yet, you told me that...that your child...would be my nephew or niece...and I couldn't do it...I couldn't bring myself...to kill more of what little family I had left in this world...I had seen Ishtar as a mother to me...and I killed her...and I blamed you...I'm so sorry." Dan was in tears. He had been crying a lot lately, but he felt as though he was crying in Ishtar's embrace once again, and it made him cry more. He just wanted to empty his tears.

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Cassandra felt behind her, and all there was behind was a wall. She silently cursed under her breath for doing this to herself, then closed her eyes. "I-is th-that right?" She asked, trying to make small talk to distract herself from Klotho's beauty.

(That's… not the serious stop, right? Just checking.)

"Yeah. I thought it would just be dusty. But it's comfy and cozy. And warm. You're REALLY warm."

*deep breath* "...You remember when I was gone for a long time? I had gotten teleported near Dragon's Table. While walking the way back, I found a house. It was empty at the time, and was furnished very nicely. I decided to rest in there. Little did I know that the house was owned by Ishtar, herself. However, instead of screaming, instead of kicking me out, she let me sleep. For about a day. She even healed my stab wound from when I tried to kill myself. She gave me food. She gave me water. ...And...she gave me counsel... The conversation we had had come to my past...and I started crying. The next thing I knew, she was hugging me, letting my tears flow, rather then telling me to stop crying. She gave me the type of love that only my mother had given, and I had not felt it for so long...If not for her giving me a backpack full of food and water, I would not be here. I would be buried in the sand somewhere...So...when you told me to go kill her...I went alone...I thought maybe I could save her, like she did me...then Dusk and Yuffie showed up, and I had no choice..." He fell to his knees. "I blamed you...for so much...and that drove me to do what I did...and yet, you told me that...the your child...would be my nephew or niece...and I couldn't do it...I couldn't bring myself...to kill more of what little family I had left in this world...I had seen Ishtar as a mother to me...and I killed her...and I blamed you...I'm so sorry." Dan was in tears. He had been crying a lot lately, but he felt as though he was crying in Ishtar's embrace once again, and it made him cry more. He just wanted to empty his tears.

​*wide eyed* "…Oh…" *tries to get up, but then remembers she can't* "I see."

(Could've sworn that they'd been in quotation marks, Anon. Sorry.)

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"He retains his grip, at least." *dryly* "Do you mind helping me take a few notes?"

"Oh, I see." *cocks head to side in confusion* "Are you sick?"

Ace: "Sure, I can help write down some notes for you, Kat. *Sees Dan and Poly* Guess I need more sleep myself, I barely realized you both were there."
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Ace: "Sure, I can help write down some notes for you, Kat. *Sees Dan and Poly* Guess I need more sleep myself, I barely realized you both were there."

"Thanks!" *smiles and hands her the notes* "I haven't written down yet that Angie, Anon, and Alicia were heading to Dragon's temple. Samson and Nathaniel are heading to Plegia Castle as well. I don't know if they've a third member."

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(That's… not the serious stop, right? Just checking.)

"Yeah. I thought it would just be dusty. But it's comfy and cozy. And warm. You're REALLY warm."

​*wide eyed* "…Oh…" *tries to get up, but then remembers she can't* "I see."

(Could've sworn that they'd been in quotation marks, Anon. Sorry.)

Dan sat on his knees, unable to move. "I just don't know what to do...I...All I've done is bring harm...harm to those that trusted me..." He slowly crawled to Kat. "I feel like a monster...and yet I feel like I'm the one that suffers the most...what the hell is wrong with me?!"

"Thanks!" *smiles and hands her the notes* "I haven't written down yet that Angie, Anon, and Alicia were heading to Dragon's temple. Samson and Nathaniel are heading to Plegia Castle as well. I don't know if they've a third member."

dan's crawling on his hands and knees for Kat and she just turned to talk to someone else like it was nothing ;_;

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"Thanks!" *smiles and hands her the notes* "I haven't written down yet that Angie, Anon, and Alicia were heading to Dragon's temple. Samson and Nathaniel are heading to Plegia Castle as well. I don't know if they've a third member."

Anon: My Anon senses detect alliteration...

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"Yeah. I thought it would just be dusty. But it's comfy and cozy. And warm. You're REALLY warm."

Cassandra giggled, resigning herself to her irresistible torture. "Thank you... so are you."

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Dan sat on his knees, unable to move. "I just don't know what to do...I...All I've done is bring harm...harm to those that trusted me..." He slowly crawled to Kat. "I feel like a monster...and yet I feel like I'm the one that suffers the most...what the hell is wrong with me?!"

dan's crawling on his hands and knees for Kat and she just turned to talk to someone else like it was nothing ;_;


*gentle runs her hand through his hair* "You are a child dropped into adulthood with no first-hand experience to rely on, and then further dropped into a bad situation where everyone is scrambling for survival. That's what I see, at least. What you do, Dan, is continue flailing forward. To simply stop would do dishonor to those you believe you've harmed, especially yourself. Remember your mistakes, all of them, and use them to become stronger and wiser. At least, that's what I do. …When I can move, that is."

Cassandra giggled, resigning herself to her irresistible torture. "Thank you... so are you."

"Really? I don't feel much, so it's hard to tell."

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"Really? I don't feel much, so it's hard to tell."

Cassandra seemed confused. "So, you can feel my warmth, but not your own?" She asked, legitimately wondering why that was.

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*gentle runs her hand through his hair* "You are a child dropped into adulthood with no first-hand experience to rely on, and then further dropped into a bad situation where everyone is scrambling for survival. That's what I see, at least. What you do, Dan, is continue flailing forward. To simply stop would do dishonor to those you believe you've harmed, especially yourself. Remember your mistakes, all of them, and use them to become stronger and wiser. At least, that's what I do. …When I can move, that is."

"Really? I don't feel much, so it's hard to tell."

"...Yes...that's what I'll do..." Dan got up and hugged Kat. "Thank you...thank you for having faith...and thank you for understanding...understanding like she did."

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Cassandra seemed confused. "So, you can feel my warmth, but not your own?" She asked, legitimately wondering why that was.

"Sorta. I can FEEL yours, so I think you're really warm because of it. I don't feel mine, so I don't think I'm all that warm." *shrugs and starts poking at the underside of her bed* "Not that it matters much." *accidentally cuts her finger, but doesn't even twitch* "…Whoops, bleeding."

"...Yes...that's what I'll do..." Dan got up and hugged Kat. "Thank you...thank you for having faith...and thank you for understanding...understanding like she did."

"Oh, I can't count the number of times I slip and fell over the years." *hugs him back* "I'm sorry for sending you after her, Dan. I honestly did just think you had the best chance of getting out alive." *pats him on the head* "You should learn how to smile more, though. You've caught Cassandra already with the brooding thing, but smiles are the key to keeping girls most of the time. Just a bit of advice."

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